Covenant & Conversation:
Family Edition
This series aims to connect young people with Rabbi Sacks’ ideas and thoughts on the weekly parsha ‘Covenant & Conversation’, in a family-friendly way, suitable for all young people, particularly students and teenagers.
The Birth of a New Freedom
Our new Covenant & Conversation: Family Edition series features new interactive sections and ideas to involve all the family in the conversation, at all ages. Discover discussion questions, stories, and activities based on the Parsha and essay, plus a new section focused on the weekly Haftara portion. This week we delve into Ki Tissa.
Shemot (Exodus)

The book of Exodus - Shemot - is the West’s meta-narrative of hope. It tells an astonishing story of how a group of slaves were liberated from the mightiest empire of the ancient world. Theologically, its message is even more revolutionary: the supreme power intervenes in history in defence of the powerless.
Bamidbar (Numbers)

The central theme of Bamidbar, the book of Numbers, is the second stage of the Israelites’ journey: physically from Egypt to the Promised Land, mentally from slavery to freedom. It is among the most searching, self-critical books in all of literature about what Nelson Mandela called “the long walk to freedom.”