The Rabbi Sacks Legacy
Perpetuating the work, ideas, and teachings of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l.

“We are each called on to fill a number of leadership roles: as parents, teachers, friends, team members and team leaders. There is no doubt, however, that Judaism favours as an ideal the role of parent, encouraging those we lead to continue the journey we have begun, to go further than we did.”

Rabbi Sacks, of blessed memory, was a unique leader in the Jewish world, and far beyond. His voice was one of moral clarity and intellectual depth, for religious and secular audiences alike. His teachings and books inspired hundreds of thousands of individuals throughout the world.
At the core of his philosophy was a Judaism engaged with the world. Through his writings, countless public engagements and the way he lived his life, he sought to demonstrate how the best of Western thought could enhance Judaism, and how Jewish values could help to repair the many fractures in our society and world.
After Rabbi Sacks' untimely passing on 7th November 2020, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy was established with a mission to perpetuate the timeless and universal wisdom of Rabbi Sacks as a teacher of Torah, a moral voice, and a leader of leaders.

“A nation becomes strong when it cares for the weak. It becomes rich when it cares for the poor. It becomes invulnerable when it cares about the vulnerable. That is how a nation becomes great.”
Rabbi Sacks addressing the TED Conference, April 2017
Boards of Trustees and Professional Staff
The Rabbi Sacks Legacy (previously The Covenant & Conversation Trust) has a robust governance structure in place.
Find out more about the trustees on the UK, USA and Israel boards respectively, here.
Learn about the Global Advisory Board here.
The professional staff, based in the UK, Israel, and the USA, play a critical role in perpetuating Rabbi Sacks’ legacy. Find out about the professional staff here.
A Letter in the Scroll
The closing words of Rabbi Sacks’ book Radical Then, Radical Now (also published as A Letter in the Scroll), are as follows:
“This, then, is our story, our gift to the next generation. I received it from my parents and they from theirs across great expanses of space and time. There is nothing quite like it. It changed and still challenges the moral imagination of humankind. I want to say to Jews around the world: Take it, cherish it, learn to understand and to love it. Carry it and it will carry you. And may you in turn pass it on to future generations. For you are a member of an eternal people, a letter in their scroll. Let their eternity live on in you.”
It was a privilege for our generation to live in Rabbi Sacks’ midst. Now he has physically left this world, it is our responsibility to ensure Rabbi Sacks’ greatest gifts – his teachings, writings, ideas and wisdom, all so relevant to our challenging times - live on in our hearts and minds, and in those of our children and grandchildren, and for generations to come.
Each of us is a letter in the scroll. We now have to write the next chapter. If we do this, we will be inspired and guided to even greater heights, as Jews and as human beings.
We invite you to join us on this mission. You can make a donation to support our work here.
Contact Joanna Benarroch
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7286 6391