A Life Worth Living: The Shloshim Tribute
As part of the online service created by The Rabbi Sacks Legacy to mark the completion of Shloshim (thirty days of mourning in the Jewish tradition) for Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l, we shared clips of key moments of his life and teachings.
This important message, on what infuses a life with value, was taken from 2015 when Dr. Volf interviewed Rabbi Sacks on the vision of the good life in the Jewish tradition, as part of Yale College's "Life Worth Living" course. Rabbi Sacks was, at that time, serving as the Ingeborg and Ira Rennert Global Distinguished Professor of Judaic Thought at NYU, the Kressel and Ephrat Family University Professor of Jewish Thought at Yeshiva University, and Professor of Law, Ethics, and the Bible at King’s College London.
This international tribute was live-streamed during the evening of Sunday 6th December 2020.
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A tribute to mark the completion of Shloshim of Rabbi Sacks

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Lord Robert Winston's Opening Message: The Shloshim Tribute

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Lady Sacks: The Shloshim Tribute

On Healing the World: The Shloshim Tribute

The Power of Possibility
More Short Clips

On Healing the World: The Shloshim Tribute

Shabbat: A Digital Detox

What is Humility?

What Makes A Nation Great?

Rabbi Sacks visits Ir David

The Power of Possibility

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Encounter Conference 1996