Rabbanit Sarah Sharman Moser
Rabbanit Sarah Sharman Moser combines teaching Tanach and Jewish Thought in educational institutions in Israel with her work in cancer research. She serves as a Yoetzet Halacha on the Nishmat hotline, and volunteers at the Tzohar organization, providing pre-wedding support for non-religious couples. She also assists at a crisis center for individuals affected by abuse or domestic violence. She has taught in various midrashot over the past few years.
Sarah is a member of the second cohort of Sacks Scholars. Originally from London, Sarah made aliyah in 1998 and now resides with her family in the centre of Israel.

Speaker Profile
Sarah is a member of the second cohort of Sacks Scholars. Some of her favourite speaking topics include:
Literary analysis of Tanach, including Parshat Hashavua, Megillot, Tehillim, Heroes of the Bible, and themes such as ‘Sibling Rivalry in Bereishit’, ‘Meeting at the Well’ and ‘Barrenness in the Bible’
The life and thought of Rabbi Sacks
Community issues including educating about taharat hamishpacha, hadrachat kallot (bridal education covering halacha, relationships and domestic violence prevention) and mental health in halacha
The current war, and living in Israel at this time
Nof Ayalon, Israel
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