Communities in Conversation 2022
Welcome to Communities in Conversation, an annual day of learning in memory of Rabbi Sacks, to mark his yahrzeit.
13-14 November 2022

Communities in Conversation is a global day of learning in memory of Rabbi Sacks, marking his yahrzeit. The inaugural programme took place in 2021, with over 150 communities taking part. Please join us again this November to remember Rabbi Sacks’ impact on the Jewish world and beyond, learning and teaching from his Torah.
The 2022 theme is “From Optimism to Hope”, a profound idea often expressed by Rabbi Sacks. Communities, groups and individuals are invited to plan events however they wish – by inviting guest speakers, delving into Rabbi Sacks’ teachings, or utilising the resources we provide. We will support events by listing and promoting them, and providing new resources developed specifically for this day
Download our learning resources for 2022 and you can already begin preparing for the global event!
This year we are also launching the Rabbi Sacks Global Day of Learning for Schools.
View a special message from Gila Sacks (Rabbi Sacks’ youngest daughter) recorded for the first Communities in Conversation in 2021:

The 2022 Learning Resources
From Optimism to Hope
From Optimism to Hope is a theme that Rabbi Sacks often returned to. We have prepared these pages for you to enhance your understanding of this idea, with the use of videos, articles, and biblical extracts, as well as quotes from Rabbi Sacks, and discussion questions.
Download the official Communities in Conversation logo to utilise when promoting your community's event or learning sessions around this year's Yahrzeit.
Five Additional Themed Learning Resources
Learning resources from the 2021 Yahrzeit.

This unit explores the idea of community within Judaism. What strengthens and supports a community? With excerpts, quotes, and discussion questions, it delves into Rabbi Sacks' belief in the fundamental importance of community.

This resource delves into many aspects of the Jewish family, from our biblical forefathers, to marriage, parents, grandparents and siblings, we will learn of the impact of family Jewish history and civilisation, as well as encourage discussions on family values today.

This unit guides us through Israel as a biblical promise from God to the forefathers, as the land of hope, and through its full significance today. With videos, discussion points, and even some ancient prophecies to discuss, through the perspective of Rabbi Sacks.

Jewish Identity
"A Letter in the Scroll..." This unit explores the notion of Jewish identity, both individually and nationally, using texts from Rabbi Sacks to develop an understanding of this important theme.

Religion and Science
"Scientific knowledge doesn't contradict religious belief..." This unit focuses on explaining the coexistence of these two truths, despite their apparent contradictions.
May the soul of Rabbi Sacks be elevated in merit of the learning we will do in his memory.