Orthodoxy Confronts Modernity
(Edited by Jonathan Sacks)
After two centuries of attrition, Orthodoxy has emerged in recent decades as the most rapidly growing and energetic force in Jewish life. But fundamental questions remain about the relationships between Orthodoxy and modern culture, non-Orthodox Jews and the state of Israel. How Orthodoxy responds to these questions will have fateful significance for the future of the Jewish people.
Orthodox Confronts Modernity is a painstaking collection of original reflections by ten leading contemporary Jewish thinkers: J. David Bleich, Reuven Bulka, Emanuel Feldman, David Hartman, Norman Lamm, Charles Liebman, Nachum Rabinovitch, Shlomo Riskin, Michael Rosenak, and Jonathan Sacks. Among the themes address are Judaism in a secular society, the future of Modern Orthodoxy, women and Judaism, religion and politics in Israel, and Orthodoxy's approaches to non-Orthodox Jews. Collectively these essays, edited by Jonathan Sacks, represent a unique statement of Orthodoxy on the threshold of new and formidable spiritual challenges.