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Lessons in Leadership
A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible

Publication Date: 1 September 2015

"Don't ever think that leaders are different from the rest of us. They aren't... What distinguishes a leader from a non-leader is not position or office or role but rather a basic attitude to life. Others wait for something to happen; leaders help make something happen. While others curse the darkness, a leader lights a light."

Was Noah a leader of his generation? Why does Abraham's mission begin with an abandonment of all he knows? What made Joseph into the powerful ruler of Egypt? Who were the great female leaders of the Israelite people? And how does Moses turn a tribe of slaves into a kingdom of priests and a holy nation?

In this companion volume to his celebrated series Covenant & Conversation, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks mines the weekly Torah portions for insights into the nature of power, authority, and leadership. Based on the understanding that no man is born a leader, the book explores the principles, and perils, of becoming one. Profound, eloquent, and deeply inspiring, Lessons in Leadership reveals the biblical secrets of influence, as relevant now as they were three thousand years ago.

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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks's extraordinary commentary on the Five Books of Moses provides encyclopedic insight and wisdom into the exercise of leadership... show[ing] us how the struggle we face today, every day, can be guided by the stories of our ancestors.
Professor Ronald Heifetz, Harvard University (from the foreword)
side from the very spe­cif­ic lead­er­ship lessons that are derived from the var­i­ous Parash­iot, a par­tic­u­lar­ly strik­ing aspect of his pre­sen­ta­tions is the rich array of sources and exam­ples from which he draws as he devel­ops his ideas. Rab­bi Sacks does not con­fine him­self to only major Jew­ish fig­ures, but includes per­son­al­i­ties from the world of pol­i­tics, art, acad­e­mia, his­to­ry and busi­ness. In addi­tion, his pre­sen­ta­tions are pep­pered with the wis­dom of var­i­ous lead­er­ship experts, one of whom, Pro­fes­sor Heifetz, con­tributes an engag­ing for­ward to the book.
Jack Biel­er, Jewish Book Council