The Power of Ideas
Words of Faith and Wisdom

Commemorating the first anniversary of his death, this volume brings together a compelling selection of Jonathan Sacks’ BBC Radio Thought for the Day broadcasts, Credo columns from The Times, and a range of articles published in the world’s most respected newspapers, along with some of his House of Lords speeches and keynote lectures.
- 7/7 terrorist attack 68, 133-35
- 9/11 terrorist attacks 16, 68-69, 145-48, 264
- Abolition of Man, The (Lewis) 334
- Abraham
- arguing with God 46
- calling 122
- faith and journey 29, 215
- God's covenant with 301, 302, 305, 334
- influence 99
- law 270
- love and forgiveness 66, 314
- Sarah's laughter 290
- teaching children about God 125, 187, 336
- Abraham
- Abrahamic monotheisms 26, 66, 72, 171-73, 197, 199; see also Christianity/Christians; Islam/Muslims; Judaism/ Jews
- active citizenship 52, 59, 6o, 71, 97, 118-19, 143, 190, 193, 204; see also altruism; charity/ philanthropy; volunteering
- Adam and Eve 269, 333, 340-41
- Afghanistan 135, 146, 147, 32.6
- Africa 68, 69-70, 137, 163, 170, 197-99, 326
- After Virtue (MacIntyre) 146-47 ageing 49-50, 90
- Akiva, Rabbi 220, 234, 335
- Albania 245-46
- Alone Together (Turkle) 358
- alphabet 113-14
- altruism; see also active citizenship; charity/philanthropy; volunteering
- life well lived 78, 79
- moral code fostering 180-81, 204, 333-34
- religion/faith fostering 12.9, 143, 155, 190, 192-93
- sanctifying God's name 38
- society, creating strong 154, 2.04, 2.26-27, 298-99
- as suffering transformed 69, 71, 90-91
- American Grace (Putnam and Campbell) 143, 155, 161
- amnesia, collective 55, 209
- anger 174, 176, 180, 299
- Anscombe, Elizabeth 250
- anti-Zionism 326, 352-56
- antisemitism; see also Holocaust; Judaism/Jews, persecution
- in academia 138
- in Britain 47-48, 51, 209-10, 249
- cognitive failure 354-55
- defining 351
- denial 209, 353
- in Europe 47, 51-52, 325, 326, 350-56
- fear of difference 47, 325, 351, 355
- mutations 209-10, 352-56
- political extremism 47, 209
- populist politics 47, 209-10
- religious extremism 168-69, 170, 198-99, 201
- in Russia 162
- sign of cultural breakdown 209-10, 350
- threat to all 350, 355, 356
- apologising 5, 33, 34, 119-20, 274
- Arab Spring 14, 36
- Areopagitica (Milton) 171
- Aristotle 181, 291, 317
- Armistice Day 83-85
- artificial intelligence 40, 345
- atheism 107, 128, 153-54, 260
- atonement 5, 6, 34, 274-75, 277-78, 312
- Attenborough, Sir David 49
- Auschwitz, Poland I0, 63, 80-81, 136, 138
- Balfour Declaration 205-6
- beliefs see faith, religious; freedom, religious; religion; rituals Bellah, Robert 147, 280
- ben Mahalalel, Akavia 214-15
- Benedict XVI, Pope 149, 308-9, 318, 328
- Berlin, Lady Aline 279, 280
- Berlin, Sir Isaiah
- admiration for 279
- clash of civilisations 284-85
- convictions 66
- freedom 281, 283, 293-94
- funeral 280
- history of ideas 282-83
- liberalism 285-94
- monotheism vs. monism 293
- pluralism 283-94
- power of ideas 281-82, 283
- values, incompatibility of 284-85
- Bible translations 13-14, 253
- Biblical references
- Torah (Hebrew Bible); see also Abraham; Joseph, Moses
- Genesis 156-57, 305-6, 329
- Genesis 92-94, 104, 156, 234, 332-33
- Genesis 2 156,253, 257, 333, 340
- Genesis 3 340, 341
- Genesis 6 134
- Genesis 9 268-69, 301, 302-3, 305-6
- Genesis 11 292
- Genesis 12 215
- Genesis 17 301, 302
- Genesis 18 125, 270, 290, 336
- Genesis 21 124
- Genesis 32 101-3
- Genesis 45 329
- Genesis 50 305-6, 329
- Exodus 96, 157, 302, 330, 334
- Exodus 3 213
- Exodus 4 185, 217
- Exodus 18 291
- Exodus 19 217, 301
- Exodus 19-24 301
- Exodus 20 233, 239
- Exodus 22 334
- Exodus 23 51
- Leviticus 151, 234, 268, 269, 312, 334
- Numbers 232
- Deuteronomy 6, 114, 125, 187, 207, 221, 241, 334, 336
- Deuteronomy 19 267-68
- Deuteronomy 26 301
- Deuteronomy 28 220
- Deuteronomy 30 70, 219
- Deuteronomy 32 84-85
- Deuteronomy 34 50
- Nevi'im (Prophets)
- Judges 216
- Samuel 124
- Kings 213
- Isaiah 1 - 76, 237-38
- Isaiah 2 - 287
- Isaiah 5 - 105
- Isaiah 6 - 17
- Isaiah 11 - 292, 303, 330
- Isaiah 54 - 12, 114, 125
- Isaiah 58 - 311
- Isaiah 59 - 125
- Jeremiah - 17, 88, 135, 166, 289-90, 300, 315-16, 317, 324
- Ezekiel - 268
- Hosea - 12, 54, 62, I02, 217-18, 300, 335
- Jonah - 17, 324
- Micah - 232-33, 2.88
- Zechariah - 220, 283
- Ketuvim (Writings) Psalms 49, 50, 64, 117
- Psalm 23 - II, 301, 314, 361
- Psalm 104 - 81, 105
- Psalm 118 - 282
- Psalm 127 - 126
- Psalm 128 - 233
- Psalm 137 - 315
- Psalm 150 - 32
- Proverbs - 106, 289, 335
- Job - 46, 64, 106
- Song of Songs - 335
- Ruth - 77-79, 124-25
- Ecclesiastes - 88, 106, 237, 287 Esther 218
- Ezra - 216, 317
- Nehemiah - 216, 317
- bin Laden, Osama 145, 146
- biology, evolutionary 326, 333-34
- birdsong 31-32
- Black Swan, The (Taleb) 99-100
- Blair, Tony 3, 136
- blame, accepting see confessing sins; responsibility, accepting blame, denying see scapegoating
- Blewitt, Mary Kayitesi 137
- books 13, 113-15
- Bosnia 68, 136, 163
- boundaries, moral 227, 242, 269
- brain reactions 154-55
- Brief History of Time, A (Hawking) 124, 260
- British Humanist Association 98
- Brooks, David 54, 208
- Brown, Gordon 59
- Buber, Martin 270, 335
- Burke, Edmund 84, 229, 259, 275-76
- business 194-96, 237-38, 265; see also market economy
- Torah (Hebrew Bible); see also Abraham; Joseph, Moses
- Cambridge University 104, 249-50
- Cameron, David 74, 140
- capitalism 146, 149-52, 175, 194, 231, 265, 284, 347; see also market economy
- Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge 11-12, 124, 139
- change, negotiating 43-44, 76, 166-67, 208, 313-14
- Chanukah 153, 162, 164
- charity/philanthropy 59-60, 192.-93, 196, 234, 235, 241-42; see also active citizenship; altruism
- Charles, Prince of Wales 191, 310
- children; see also education; family; young people
- birth 124-25, 332
- commodification 255-56
- information technology impacts 27, 41-42, 178
- love for 126
- mental and social illness 27, 111, 140-41, 178, 251, 338
- Christianity/Christians; see also Abrahamic monotheisms; Judeo-Christian heritage/ ethic
- antisemitism 168-69, 304-5, 354-55
- capitalism 149-50
- as creative minority 318-19
- Hebraic and Hellenistic voices 324-25, 326
- Holy Land, claim to 197
- interfaith relations see interfaith relations
- Islam, debt to 171
- Judaism, debt to 169, 328-29
- Nostra Aetate 168-70, 308
- otherworldliness 238-39
- persecution 163, 170, 199, 201, 326
- sectarianism 9, 75
- Civilization (Ferguson) 144
- clash of civilisations 284-85, 304
- climate change 92-94
- Closing of the American Mind, The (Bloom) 140
- co-existence 265-66, 285-93; see also tolerance/intolerance, religious
- co-operation 6o, 181, 265, 297-99
- Coddling of the American Mind, The (Haidt) 179
- commentaries 65, 317
- common good 25-26, 166, 175, 176, 177, 187, 195-96, 208, 348; see also altruism
- Communism 65, 1o8, 12.8, 146, 162, 163, 219, 229, 284
- community; see also society
- building 10, 29, 111-12, 155, 158
- decline III, II2, 141, 143, 160-61, 175, 299, 345
- faith communities 189-91, 309
- importance for human survival 226-27, 298-99
- restorative justice 273-78
- Sabbath's importance to 160, 161
- compassion 12, 44, 71, 78, 173, 204, 265, 268, 300, 328, 335; see also kindness
- competition 6o, 232, 237, 297, 298, 299
- confessing sins 5, 119-20, 272; see also apologising; responsibility, accepting
- conscience 33, 278, 345, 346-48
- conservation 265
- consumerism 117, 142, 150, 176, 230, 235, 252-53, 254
- contracts 95-97, 259, 297
- coronavirus 55-56
- cosmopolitanism 108
- Council of Christians and Jews 15-16, 190-91, 306-7
- courage 68-69, 88, 246, 264
- covenantal goods 296-97
- covenantal virtues 328
- covenants 62, 95-97, 169, 216, 240, 257-58, 297-307, 316-17, 328-29, 334
- Creation 30, 92-94, 105, 233, 234, 255
- creative minorities 316, 317-19, 322-30
- creativity 156,264-65, 309
- Crick, Francis 98, 104
- criminal justice 267-78
- crises 5, 6, 101-3, 134, 150-51, 322
- Darwin, Charles 31, 43, 153, 154, 298
- debate 45-46
- debt, financial 141-42, 151, 345
- Decade of Jewish Renewal 220-25
- democracy 2.5-26, 35-36, 74-76, 143, 162-63, 174, 187, 345
- depression and unhappiness 63, 140-41, 178, 251, 299
- Descartes, René 113, 114, 308
- determinism 255, 272-73
- deterrence 267-68,271, 272, 273
- Devlin, Patrick, Baron 202
- dignity of difference 29, 262, 266, 303
- disagreement and debate 45-46
- diversity, religious 10, 109, 191, 266, 2.93, 303
- Donne, John 114-15, 125, 306
- doubt 66, 127
- dreaming 121
- Durkheim, Èmile 160-61, 180
- Eban, Abba 186
- education; see also learning
- access 240-41
- books 113-15
- faith schools 110-12
- moral code 227, 278
- parental duty 114, 125, 187, 207, 221, 241, 336
- renewal 221, 223
- and strong society 187-88, 207-8, 217
- Egypt, modern 14, 25, 163, 198, 326
- Elizabeth II 189-91
- emotional intelligence 81
- emunah (faithfulness) 62, 280, 334
- equality 14, 36, 39, 96, 156, 240, 284, 333
- ethics 28, 142, 196, 229, 237-39, 251-52, 257-58, 271-73; see also moral code
- Ethics of the Fathers 214-15, 254
- Europe
- antisemitism 47, 51-52, 163, 209, 325, 326, 350-56
- market economy 142, 149-52
- moral collapse 142, 149-52
- religious wars/persecutions 9, 75
- sectarianism 135
- secularism 128, 172, 308, 318-19
- evil speech 28
- exile as punishment 269
- extremism 47-48, 172-73, 174, 176, 198, 313, 319, 346, 357, 360; see also terrorism
- failure 86-88; see also mistakes
- failure of imagination 128, 215, 217, 219, 321
- fairness 203, 328, 334
- faith communities 189-91, 309
- faith, religious; see also religion
- building communities 10, 166, 190, 262
- defining 129
- differences of see interfaith relations; tolerance/intolerance, religious and fate 295-307
- fear, removing II, 264, 301, 313-14, 361
- fundamentals 65-67
- and humility 128
- impact on lives 29-30, 91
- life meaningless without 127-28
- and love 30, 117, 127
- possibility, power of 100
- probability 98-100
- faith schools 110-12
- faithfulness 62, 96, 169, 334-35
- family 141, 156-58, 203, 217-18, 240, 328, 336-39
- family time 42, 89, 122
- Fatal Conceit, The (Hayek) 226-31, 239, 242, 243, 244
- fear 47-48, 102, 166, 245-46, 313, 355, 357, 358; see also terrorism
- forgiveness
- divine 87-88, 127, 246-47, 274-75, 306, 314
- human 30, 34, 54, 90, 119-20, 158, 245-48, 305, 306, 309, 329-30, 334
- France 3, 47, 51-52, 195, 352
- Francis, Pope 169, 328-29
- Frankle, Viktor 63, 122, 181
- free speech 27-28, 45, 171-72, 179
- free will 99, 272, 303
- freedom 48, 66-67, 102, 143, 187-88, 199, 232-33, 281-94, 343-44
- Freedom and Its Betrayal (Berlin) 293-94
- freedom, religious 9-10, 163-64, 200-201
- Freud, Sigmund 142, 272, 278
- Fukuyama, Francis 146, 162-63, 229
- fundamentalism 65-67
- genetic engineering 255, 272-73
- globalisation 3-6, 195, 264, 304, 342-43
- Glover, Jonathan 282
- God
- belief in see faith, religious; religion
- changelessness in heaven 37-38
- Creation see Creation
- discovering 261-62
- Divine presence 38, 129, 220-21, 312-, 337
- ever-presence 44, 103, 316
- faithfulness 169, 316-17, 328-29
- found in calm 72, 312
- fundamentals 66
- human actions honoring/ desecrating 38, 73, 119, 164, 172-73, 199, 307
- as Judge 274
- as Lawgiver and subject to law 270
- power 128
- probability 98-100
- property as loan from 94, 241
- sovereignty 316
- as writer 115
- God-humanity relationship
- arguments 46
- covenants 169, 300-301, 302-3, 305-6, 316-17, 328-29, 334-35
- creation, partners in 234, 255, 264-65
- father-child relationship 124, 125, 217-18, 261
- forgiveness 3o, 87-88, 119-20, 274-75, 314
- humanity as God's image 4, 26, 29-30, 36, 39, 52, 104, 156, 158, 164, 262, 332-33
- love 4, 11-12, 30, 117, 120, 125, 127, 261, 314, 334
- personal 13, 312-13
- prayer and communication 64, 80-82, 117, 213, 335
- thankfulness 53, 116
- Gorbachev, Mikhail 162
- Gray, John 283-84, 285-86
- Great Partnership, The (Sacks) 337
- Greece, Ancient 25, 33, 36, 104, 128, 159, 203, 253, 254
- greed 5-6
- grief 81, 134, 136, 137
- Guide for the Perplexed, The (Maimonides) 171
- guilt 33-34, 119, 272
- Ha'am, Achad 161, 2.40, 254
- Ha'amsoni, Rabbi Shimon 105
- 'habits of the heart' 187, 280
- Hamas 198, 205-6
- happiness 18, 78, 118-20. 121-22, 260
- hate 48, 69, 136-38, 173, 199, 209-10; see also antisemitism; racism
- Hawking, Stephen 124, 260
- Hayek, Friedrich 39, 226-31, 239, 242, 243, 244, 339
- Hellenism 104, 216, 324-25, 326, 327
- Herder, Johann 284
- Hertz, Chief Rabbi Joseph 15, 190, 306
- Hezbollah 198, 205-6
- Hirschell, Chief Rabbi Solomon 312
- history 55, 99, 282-83, 343
- Holocaust 7-8, 15, 47, 80-81, 136-37, 138, 165, 168, 205, 248, 302
- Holocaust Memorial Day 7-8, 136
- Holocaust survivors 29, 63, 122, 137
- homosexuality 339
- honesty 5, 6, 33-34, 119-20, 195
- hope 8, 44, 91, 175-76, 317
- human dignity 28, 156, 195-96, 256, 262, 328
- human life, sanctity of 303, 304, 326, 328
- human rights 26, 156, 163-64, 200-201, 353
- humanity; see also God-humanity relationship
- defining 257
- Midrash of angels' debate 290
- smallness 20, 72, 260-61
- social animal 156, 298-99, 358
- Universe, stewardship of 19-20, 94, 265
- Hume, David 87, 236
- humility 75, 128, 228-29
- IBM 87
- Ibn Khaldun 171, 320
- ideas 281-83
- identity 21, 44, 107-9, 166, 179, 230-31, 282-83, 318, 343, 359-60
- immigration 165-67, 359-60
- imperialism 284, 323-24
- improbabilities 98-100
- individualism 55, 143, 155, 160-61, 203, 275-76
- inequalities 39-40, 332
- In Flanders Fields (McCrae) 85
- influence 17, 247
- information technology
- benefits 14
- dangers 27, 41-42, 138, 139, 158, 166, 176, 178, 198, 200, 304, 358-59
- outsourcing of memory 343
- printing press 13
- screen Sabbath 42
- insecurity 166-67, 313, 342
- instability 138, 178, 180, 195, 342
- Interfaith Network 191, 192
- interfaith relations 9-10, 15-16, 37, 168-70, 190-91, 308-9
- International Academy of Humanism 256-57
- invention and innovation 233, 236
- Isaac, Jules 168, 169
- Isaiah Berlin (Gray) 283-84
- Islam/Muslims; see also Abrahamic monotheisms
- debt to 171
- ethnic cleansing 326
- Holy Land, claim to 197
- inner-directed personality 346
- interfaith relations 16
- Israel, refusal to recognise 198, 205-6
- modern turbulence 319
- monotheism 289
- persecution 51, 201
- religious extremism 170, 198, 199
- Israel, State of 197, 198-99, 205-6, 216-17, 218-19, 220-21, 222, 225, 321, 326, 351, 353
- iterated prisoner's dilemma 265, 298, 333-34
- Jacob 101-3
- Jakobovits, Chief Rabbi Immanuel 213-14
- James I 13-14
- James, Oliver 252
- Jefferson, Thomas 51, 344
- Jesner, Yoni 69
- John Paul II, Pope 169, 328
- John XXIII, Pope 168, 169, 328, 329
- Joseph 194, 232, 305-6, 329-30
- Judaism/Jews; see also Abrahamic monotheisms; Israel, State of; Judeo-Christian heritage/ ethic
- Britain, indebtedness to 165-66, 185-86, 203-4, 249-50
- as creative minority 317, 322-24
- daily renewal of covenant 12, 54, 62, 300, 335
- Decade of Jewish Renewal 220-25
- Elizabeth II's kindness to 190
- endurance 99, 216, 254, 283, 327, 336, 346, 360
- exile 75, 219, 289, 315-17, 336
- faithfulness 169, 328-29, 334-35
- Holy Land, claim to 197, 205, 217
- identity 44, 220, 282-83, 36o
- interfaith relations see interfaith relations
- outcomes of arrivals in Promised Land 216, 218-19
- persecution 162, 168-69, 198-99, 246, 249-50, 304-5, 325, 326, 356; see also antisemitism; Holocaust
- sectarianism 75, 218
- Judeo-Christian heritage/ethic 36, 87-88, 142, 144, 149-50, 155, 158, 233, 325, 326, 330
- Just Six Numbers (Rees) 93
- justice 12, 25, 39, 46, 173, 203, 267-78, 291, 300, 328
- Kahneman, Daniel 154
- Kahnm, Mohammad Sidique 134
- Kant, Immanuel 287
- Keywords (Williams) 271
- kindness 18, 37, 38, 77-79,129, 165-67
- King James Bible 13-14
- knowledge 20, 62, 105-6, 113-15, 264
- Kosovo 245-46
- labour, respect for 123, 195-96, 233-34
- Landes, David 232-33
- law 93-94, 195, 270, 275, 278
- law of comparative advantage 196
- Leach, Penelope 336-37
- leadership 17-18, 23-24, 213, 222-23, 264, 311-14
- learning 50, 86-88, 90, 221; see also education
- Leviathan (Hobbes) 275
- liberalism 66, 67, 284, 285-87, 289, 292-93, 319
- liberty see freedom
- libraries 113, 114
- life, meaning of 89-90, 107, 122
- life, sanctity of 67, 69, 70, 255, 303, 328
- life, worthwhile 121-23
- limits 160
- Lincoln, Abraham 5-6, 25
- listening 46, 63-64, 76, 90, 186
- literacy 113
- Living Dangerously (Graef) 276
- Locke, John 9, 343-44
- Logotherapy 63
- loneliness 62, 158
- love
- and faith 117, 127, 129
- for family 11-12, 53-54, 61-62, 116, 125-26, 334, 337-38, 340-41
- in God-humanity relationship 4, 11-12, 30, 117, 120, 222, 261, 314, 334
- and human purpose 67
- for life 49-50, 116
- for others see altruism; kindness; volunteering
- renewing 221, 222
- loyalty 84, 280
- McCrae, John 85
- MacIntyre, Aladsair 146-47, 249
- Maimonides, Moses 119, 171, 196, 234, 289, 317
- Maimonides, Rabbi Abraham 171
- Man in the Shadows (Halevy) 134
- Man's Search for Meaning (Frankl) 122
- market economy; see also capitalism
- competition 6o, 297
- dangers 149-52, 243-44, 255-56
- Judeo-Christian heritage 149-50
- limitations 326
- and moral code 175, 180, 194-95, 226-27, 237-38, 244, 344
- and society 194-96
- and traditions 230
- trust 347
- wealth 60, 296
- marriage
- Biblical basis 333, 340-41
- decline 175, 203, 218, 326, 338-39, 345
- importance 11-12, 61-62, 240, 337
- mediation 273, 275, 2.77, 291
- memory
- collective 21-22, 44, 84, 136-37
- outsourcing 343
- vs. history 343
- mercy 268
- Middle East 13, 36, 163, 197-99, 201, 326, 330, 354, 355; see also Israel, State of
- Mill, John Stuart 25, 171, 228
- minorities 25, 135, 309, 315-30
- Minority Report (Spielberg) 272
- Mirvis, Chief Rabbi Ephraim 29, 310-14
- mistakes 5, 6, 33-34, 65-66, 87, 119-20
- Mitzvah Day 37
- monism 293
- monogamy 333
- monotheism 270, 293, 303, 316, 333
- Montefiore, Sir Moses 59, 241
- moral agency 272
- moral code
- aspirations 257-58
- and economy 150, 151-52, 194-96, 226-27, 244
- `fatal conceit' 227-28
- and freedom 343-44
- loss 135, 140, 141-42, 146-48, 150, 172., 177-78, 180, 202-3, 318, 320, 348
- love, basis in 334
- outsourcing 180, 342-49
- preserved in religion 228-29, 231
- recovering 348-49
- and society 142-43, 144, 177-81, 202-4, 343-44
- teaching 142-43, zo8, 2.2.7
- moral failure 151
- moral limits of power 25-26
- moral relativism 203
- Moran, Caitlin 113, 114
- Morris, Desmond 49
- Moses
- arguing with God 46
- education 114, 125, 187, 207, 336
- energy in old age 50
- hate, letting go of 48
- leadership 23, 122, 232, 291
- life and death choice 70
- memory, collective 84-85
- self-doubts 17, 88, 213
- speeches 185
- multiculturalism 175-76, 179, 247
- Murdoch, Iris 117
- Muslims see Islam/Muslims
- myths 93, 260
- nationalism 55, 108, 176, 198, 200, 355
- natural disasters 71-73
- natural selection 31-32, 153-54, 298
- nature 19-20, 31-32, 71-73, 81, 92-94, 235, 265
- Nazis 7, 15, 65, 138; see also Holocaust
- Netziv (Naftali Zvi Yehudah Berlin) 291-92
- neuroscience 118-19, 154
- Newman, John Henry Cardinal 308
- Noah 134, 233, 301, 302-3, 305-6, 334
- North Africa 197-99
- Nostra Aetate 168-70, 308
- Not in God's Name (Sacks) 172, 173
- Novak, Michael 149-50, 231, 238-39
- Obama, Barack 95, 96-97
- Old Masters and Young Geniuses (Galenson) 49-50
- On Heaven and Earth (Francis and Skorka) 328
- On Liberty (Mill) 171
- Orwell, George 45, 176, 179
- Othering 108-9, 138, 172-73, 179, 227
- Palestinians 69, 198, 199, 205-6
- parenthood 124-26, 332, 336
- Parris, Matthew 196
- passion, following one's 121-22
- Passover (Pesach) 21-22, 259, 283 patriotism 176
- Paul VI, Pope 168-70
- peace 56, 135, 166, 198, 245, 247, 248, 287-93, 315-16, 327
- Pearl, Judea 69
- philanthropy see charity/ philanthropy
- philosemitism 221
- philosophy 250, 282, 317
- physical fitness 118-19
- Plamenatz, John 66
- Plato 174, 270
- pluralism 283-94
- political correctness 175, 179, 346
- politics
- of anger 174, 176
- competition 6o, 297
- covenantal 97
- defining 296
- extremism 47-48, 176, 346, 360
- of fear 47-48, 138, 179-80, 355
- of hate 209-10, 355
- of hope 97, 175-76
- liberalism 285-86
- of power 25, 247
- pressure groups 135
- and religion 74-76, 128, 200
- tyranny 25, 74, 174
- Politics of Hope, The (Sacks) 280
- polygamy 332, 333
- polytheism 270
- poverty 39-40, 69-70, 140, 149, 194, 235, 304, 338, 345
- power
- dangers 25-26, 270, 323-24
- hierarchies 332
- of ideas 281-82, 283
- politics of 25-26, 247
- of prayer 80
- and religion 128
- secularisation/de-secularisation 197-98
- the State 60, 96, 180, 296
- vs. influence 17-18, 247, 323, 325
- Power of Ideas, The (Berlin) 281-82
- praise for others 53-54, 89, 224
- prayer 80-82, 117
- Prelude, The (Wordsworth) 125
- pressure groups 135
- prevention, punishment as 271, 272
- printing press 13
- probability theory 100
- property 232-33, 241
- prophets 17, 100, 119, 236, 287-88, 317
- Protestant Ethic and the Spirt of Capitalism (Weber) 231
- punishment of criminals 267-69, 271, 272-73
- purpose 89-90, 107, 122
- Putnam, Robert 143, 144, 155, 160, 161, 175, 192-93
- Rabinovitch, Rabbi Nachum 214
- racism 51-52, 108; see also antisemitism
- rain 19, 20
- Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph 318, 325
- Rawls, John 286
- reciprocity 268-71, 274, 299, 334
- reconciliation 245-48, 305, 307, 329-30
- Rees-Mogg, William 242
- rehabilitation 268, 271, 272-73
- Reigning Error, The (Rees-Mogg) 242
- relationships 156, 160, 161, 274, 277, 358-59; see also community; covenants; family; marriage
- religion; see also faith, religious; freedom, religious; interfaith relations; tolerance/ intolerance, religious
- altruism 129, 143, 155, 190, 192-93
- co-operation 265, 299
- commodification 231
- community 154-55, 157, 158
- decline 142, 153, 299
- endurance 154, 262-63
- etymology 265, 299
- explaining why of Universe 128-29, 337
- and identity 107-9
- influence 247
- loss 252, 320
- moral code 142-43, 144, 158, 228-29, 231
- natural world, celebrating 19
- and politics 74-76, 128, 200
- and public life 3
- repentance 65-66
- and science 104-6, 320
- and society 320
- values 176
- violence in name of 38, 73, 163, 170, 172-73, 198, 199, 319; see also terrorism
- vs. beliefs 21
- Remembrance Sunday 83-85
- renewal 122-23, 221-25
- repentance 5, 65-66, 119-20; see also atonement
- Republic (Plato) 270, 292
- resolutions 89-91
- respect for others 28, 45-46, 62, 95, 170, 173, 187, 221, 334; see also tolerance/intolerance, religious
- responsibility
- accepting 5, 6, 33-34, 65-66, 87, 119-20, 273
- collective 96, 166, 176, 177, 204, 208, 360
- denying 134-35, 141
- shifting 5, 355; see also scapegoating
- restorative justice 273-77
- retaliation 133, 270
- retribution 268, 272, 273, 274
- revelation 105-6
- revenge 268, 270, 275
- Ricardo, David 196, 342
- right not be offended 179
- Ringelblum, Emanuel 7-8
- riots 139-42
- risks, willingness to take 87, 88, 102, 347
- rituals 21-22, 90, 111-12, 240
- Roman Empire 75, 159, 203, 254, 284
- Rosh Hashanah 223, 311
- Royal Wedding 11-12
- Russell, Bertrand 279-80
- Rwanda 137, 163
- Sabbath (Shabbat) 42, 122-23, 151, 159-61, 220, 233, 239-40, 253-54, 336-37
- Sacks, Chief Rabbi Jonathan, Baron
- Chief Rabbi, induction as 213
- Chief Rabbi mantle, passing on 29, 310-14
- family background 157, 165, 185, 186
- marriage 53, 61, 358
- Sacks, Lady Elaine 53, 61, 2.15, 358
- Sacks, Louis David 29, 81, 157, 185, 186, 215
- Sacks, Louisa 157, 185, 215
- Samuel 233
- Scalfari, Eugenio 169, 328
- scapegoating 5, 47-48, 119, 135, 138, 166, 179, 198-99, 209, 312, 350, 354-55
- schools 110-12, 187-88, 208
- Schumpeter, Joseph 66
- science
- ethics 251-52
- explaining how of Universe 19-20, 30, 105, 128-29, 337
- improbability of the Universe 98-100
- limitations 326
- reductivism 256-57
- and religion 104-6, 260, 320
- utilitarianism 271-73
- scientific method 104, 105
- sectarianism 135, 163, 179, 218
- secularism 1 10, 149, 172, 200, 308, 318, 319, 346
- self-criticism 6
- self-interest 55, 140, 147, 150, 154, 177, 193, 203, 208, 236, 270, 357-58
- separation of church and state 3, 75, 143
- Serbia 245-46
- service to others see altruism
- sexual reproduction 331
- shame 33-34
- Shavuot (Pentecost) 77-78
- Shechinah (Divine presence) 220-21
- Sherbourne House 276
- shofar horn 311
- Shuweikh, Asma 51, 52
- silence, moments of 73, 90
- single-parent families 140-41, 338
- Smith, Adam 150, 236, 344
- social capital 143, 155, 16o, 161, 265, 299
- social contracts 96, 201, 297
- social engineering 271
- social justice 39, 40
- social media 27-28, 41-42, 158, 178, 358
- socialism 2.30, 243
- society; see also community; responsibility, collective
- and altruism 154, 204, 226-27, 298-99
- defining 84
- and education 187-88, 207-8, 217
- good 39-40, 249-63
- and market economy 194-96, 229
- and moral code 177-81, 202-4, 343-44
- and religion 143, 155, 309, 320
- solidarity 69-70, 72, 226-27, 303
- Soloveitchik, Rabbi Joseph 301-2
- Soviet Union 35, 146, 162, 219, 229-30, 319
- Spengler, Oswald 318
- State, the 60, 96, 180, 259-60, 296, 344-45
- Story of Civilization, The (Durant) 320
- Study of History, A (Toynbee) 321-2.2
- Success Built to Last (Porras, Emery and Thompson) 86
- success, path to 86-87
- suffering 55, 64, 69, 71, 81, 90-91, 137
- suicides 27, 178
- Succot (Tabernacles) 19-20, 313
- Swansea synagogue 16
- Talmud 105, 114, 195, 233-34, 237, 317, 335
- Tann, Leonard 16
- teachers 187-88, 223; see also education
- technology 40, 41, 42, 250-51, 326; see also information technology
- teenagers see young people
- Temple, Archbishop William 15, 190, 306
- temporal reorientation 271
- terrorism 16, 37, 68-70, 134-35, 145-48, 170, 264
- thankfulness 53, 81, 84, 89, 116, 118
- Thatcher, Margaret 23-24
- theological studies 201
- Theory of Moral Sentiments, The (Smith) 344
- 13 Things That Don't Make Sense (Brooks) 99
- time, linear 236
- Tocqueville, Alexis de 3, 74, 143, 144, 157, 187, 280
- tolerance/intolerance, religious 3-6, 9-10, 37, 66-67, 136-37, 163, 164, 170, 265-66, 288-89, 292, 326; see also interfaith relations
- totalitarianism 272, 292
- Tower of Babel 291-92
- Toynbee, Arnold 318, 321-22, 324
- traditions 228, 229, 230
- Treatise of Human Nature, A (Hume) 87
- trust 127, 151-52, 299
- truth 45, 46, 290-91
- Turing, Alan 339
- Twenge, Jean 178
- Two Faces of Liberalism, The (Gray) 285-86
- Tyndale, William 13
- tyranny 25, 174
- uncertainty 102, 264, 313
- unemployment 40, 195, 196
- unhappiness 63, 111, 140-41, 178, 251, 299
- United Nations 39, 163, 197-98, 200-201, 245-48
- United States
- 9/11 terrorist attacks 16, 68-69, 145-48, 264
- altruism 192-93
- Civil War 5-6
- covenant 95, 96
- Declaration of Independence 156, 360
- depression and unhappiness 178
- free speech, assault on 179
- identity 359
- Obama's inaugural address 95, 96-97
- politics of anger 175
- presidential elections 35
- racism 51
- religion 3, 143, 153
- social inequalities 39-40
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN) 200-201
- Universe
- Creation see Creation
- humanity as stewards 19-20, 94, 265
- impersonal vs. personal views 260-61
- improbability 98-100
- integrity 303, 304
- religion explaining why 30, 128-29
- science explaining how 19-20, 30, 105, 128-29, 337
- structure 92-93, 105
- utilitarianism 271-73
- values 44, 90, 111, 160, 172, 202-4, 284-85, 290-91, 309
- Vatican II 168-70, 308, 328
- victimhood 138, 179, 354, 355
- violence 38, 73, 139, 142, 163, 170, 172, 199, 270, 299; see also terrorism
- virtue see moral code
- vocation 121-22
- volunteering 59, 60, 77-79, 142-43, 193
- Warsaw Ghetto, Poland 7-8
- Watson, Thomas 87
- wealth 60, 180, 194, 234, 235, 296, 300
- Wealth and Poverty of Nations, The (Landes) 232-33
- Weber, Max 93, 149, 229, 231, 235, 347
- Welby, Archbishop Justin 37, 202
- welfare state 56, 193
- Why Us? (Fanu) 99
- William, Prince, Duke of Cambridge 11-12, 124, 139
- Williams, Archbishop Rowan 136, 190, 295
- Williams, Sir Bernard 45-46, 186
- Wilson, E. O. 257-58
- Windsor Castle 258
- wisdom 19, 20, 91, 104-5, 106
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig 250
- words 27, 28, 80
- Wordsworth, William 18, 32, 125
- World War I 55, 83, 85
- World War II 56; see also Holocaust worship 296
- worth, personal 59, 243
- Yitzhak, Rabbi Levi 253-54
- Yom HaShoah 136
- Yom Kippur 5, 274, 312
- young people; see also children
- advice for worthwhile life 121
- IT impacts 27, 41, 178
- moral collapse impacts 111, 139, 140-41, 142, 251, 276-77, 338
- unemployment 195, 196