The Politics of Hope

In The Politics of Hope Jonathan Sacks proposes a new understanding of society, based on covenant as well as contract. This, he argues, creates a new politics of responsibility in which families, neighbourhoods, communities, voluntary organisations and religious groups all have a part to play. How, he asks, do we move from social breakdown to the politics of hope?
- abortion 28, 113, 131, 186
- Abraham 58, 155, 215
- Abrahams, Israel: Hebrew Ethical Wills 87-8
- Acton, Lord 67-8
- Adam 57-8, 61, 85, 86
- adultery 194
- Alsace: anti-Jewish riots 98
- altruism 206-7, 228, 237
- animal liberation campaign 28
- anti-Semitism 98-101, 175, 256, 268
- apocalyptic views 11, 258-9, 260
- Aries, Philippe: Centuries of Childhood 83
- Aristotle 49, 56, 176, 178, 205, 219-20
- Nicomachean Ethics 207, 222-3
- Arnold, Matthew 25
- Culture and Anarchy 56
- associations, formation of 55-9, 106, 167-70, 205-7
- autonomy 33, 36, 39, 85, 86, 130, 144, 145, 177, 234
- Kantian 90, 101, 105, 121, 142, 176
- Sartrean 95-6
- Axelrod, Robert xiv, 206, 237
- Ayer, A. J.: Language, Truth and Logic 31, 95, 96, 121, 180
- Bar Kochba rebellion 153, 157, 159
- Bell, Daniel 120
- Bellah, Robert 49
- Habits of the Heart 2-3, 231, 258
- Benedict, Ruth: Patterns of Culture 116
- Bennett, William J. 11n, 178
- The Book of Virtues 178-9
- The De-valuing of America 178
- Index of Leading Cultural Indicators 7n
- Bentham, Jeremy 91-2, 100, 101
- Berger, Peter 84 (and H. Kellner)
- Sociology Reinterpreted 159
- Berlin, Isaiah 35, 47, 121
- Four Essays on Liberty 'Two Concepts of Liberty' 33-4, 113, 243-4
- Bible, the 30, 57-8, 61-2, 85, 86, 150, 151, 155, 156, 215, 258, 259-60
- Bickerton, Derek 220
- Blair, Tony xi-xii
- Bloom, Allan: The Closing of the American Mind 34, 183
- Bloom, Harold: A Map of Misreading 254-5
- Bodin, Jean: The Six Books of a Commonwealth 55
- Bradley, F. H. 223
- brain size 238-9
- Brien, Alan 30
- British Medical Association: 'survival handbook' 125
- Buber, Martin 99
- Bulger, James 7, 25
- Burke, Edmund 49, 183, 223, 239
- Reflections on the Revolution in France 80, 103, 114, 116, 140, 182-3, 191, 204, 225-6
- Calvinism 83
- capitalism 41, 83, 104, 117, 124, 127-8, 235, 240, 241, 242
- Cardozo, Justice 120
- Carey, Dr George, Archbishop of Canterbury 19-22, 23, 211, 212
- Catholicism
- and emancipation 72-3, 140
- and individualism 83
- CBS 9
- Chalmers, Thomas 119
- Christian and Civic Economy of Large Towns 252
- character, human
- and social change 78-90, 133
- Victorian focus on 249-55, 256-7
- charity/charities 118-20
- Victorian 74-5, 119, 245, 251-2
- Chesterton, G. K. 183, 256
- children 10-11
- and crime 17-18, 22, 186
- education of 15, 18-19, 20, 37
- and family breakdown 2, 10, 127, 185-97
- illegitimate 10, 125, 126-7, 186
- and nationalisation of responsibility 132-4
- in Victorian era 248-9
- see also education; schools
- Chomsky, Noam 218
- church, the 8, 20
- and the state 68-70, 73, 76, 136-7
- see also religion
- Churchill, Sir Winston 30
- civil society xiv
- Clermont-Tonnerre, Count of 98-9
- Clinton, Bill xi-xii, 128
- Cobain, Kurt 11
- Coleman, James xiii-xiv
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 25, 247
- collectivism 4, 47, 48
- Colquhoun, Patrick 247
- communism 123-4, 235; see also Marx, Karl
- communitarianism xiv, 48-9, 62-3, 170-2, 190-1, 193, 229-32
- communities
- disintegration of xv, 234
- importance of xiv, xv, 15, 136, 224-5, 245-6, 268
- see also communitarianism
- congregations xiv
- conscience 37, 66, 70-2
- consumer ethic 240-41
- covenantal bond xvi-xvii
- covenantal relationships xiv
- covenants 12, 61-4, 206, 266
- of Judaism 100, 101
- crime xii, 2, 9, 12, 13, 17-18, 22, 48, 124-5, 126, 186, 246-7, 248, 253, 264
- Darwin, Charles 92, 206, 237
- The Descent of Man 237n
- Defoe, Daniel 246
- democracy 37, 41, 47, 60, 166-7
- demoralisation 14, 26
- Denney, Reuel see Riesman, David
- Dennis, Norman 49, 190 (and A. H. Halsey)
- English Ethical Socialism 226
- depressive illness 48, 125-6, 133, 186, 188
- Descartes, Rene 82, 180
- Devlin, Lord Patrick: The Enforcement of Morals 1, 75-6, 158
- Diana, Princess 12
- Dickens, Charles 25, 185-7, 189, 191;
- Bleak House 107
- Oliver 256
- Our Mutual Friend 256
- Dio 153, 159
- Disraeli, Benjamin 255
- Sybil 245-6, 247, 249
- divorce 10, 12, 110, 125, 187-8, 192 see also families, breakdown of
- Donne, John 196
- Draper, John William: History of the American Civil War 82
- Dunblane primary school massacre 12
- Durkheim, Emile: The Division of Labour in Society 161
- duties
- of citizens 62, 63
- and rights 130, 131, 241
- Dworkin, Ronald 29
- Law's Empire 205
- Life's Dilemma 200
- ecological perspectives 224-5,
- economic growth 235
- education xii, 206
- and Judaism 155-8, 160
- and morality 175-84
- see also schools
- egalitarianism 202-3, 205
- Eichmann, Adolf 107
- Elazar, Daniel: People and Polity 63
- Eleazar 87-9, 96
- Eliezer, Rabbi 150-2, 157
- Eliot, George: Daniel Deronda 255-6
- Eliot, T. S. 25, 183, 256
- emancipation 72-3, 76, 140
- emotivism 31-3, 121
- employment xii, 13
- emunah 63
- Engels, Friedrich 104
- The Origin of the Family 93
- Enlightenment, the 13, 32, 99-108, 142, 144, 146, 170, 179-80, 217-18, 219, 229, 262-3
- Essenes 154, 156, 157, 159, 160
- Etzioni, Amitai 49, 171
- The Spirit of Community 171
- Eurobarometer survey (1990) 131
- euthanasia 131
- existentialism 95-6, 215
- faith xv
- families
- breakdown of xii, xv 2, 10, 18, 22, 48, 125-7, 234
- importance of xiv, xv, 37, 44-5, 101-2, 130-1, 136, 168, 191-2, 263-4
- and morality 101-4, 120, 121, 185-97, 212-13
- strengthening of 192-7, 224, 248, 249, 252, 264-5
- Ferguson, Adam x, 91, 137
- Field, Frank 126, 254
- Fielding, Henry 246- 7
- 'final solution' 33, 34
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott 256
- forgiveness 238, 239
- Foucault, Michel: The Order of Things 244
- Franklin, Benjamin 253
- fraternity 62, 114, 137, 202, 205-7
- freedom see liberty
- French Revolution 49, 80-1, 82, 98, 123, 202
- Freud, Sigmund 93, 94, 95, 116
- Totem and Taboo 94
- Friedman, Milton 2
- friendships see relationships
- Fukuyama, Francis xiii-xiv, 124
- The Great Disruption 235n
- Trust … 41, 124, 135, 192, 226
- Gaebler, Ted see Osborne, David
- Galbraith, John Kenneth: The Culture of Contentment 128, 129
- games theory xiv, 235, 236
- Gauguin, Paul 143
- Gellner, Ernest: Conditions of Liberty 123, 137n
- 'Generous' 238
- Giddens, Anthony xvi
- Gladstone, W. E.: The State in its Relations with the Church 68, 69-70, 71
- Glazer, Nathan see Riesman, David
- Glendon, Mary Ann: Rights Talk 29, 139
- globalisation xii
- Godwin, William 102-3
- Gombrich, Ernst 177
- Gorbachev, Mikhail 124
- government see state, the
- Graeff, Roger: Living Dangerously 17
- Gray, John 11, 49, 195;
- After Social Democracy 172, 190-1, 192
- Enlightenment's Wake 142
- Greece, ancient 39, 49, 56, 64, 66, 67, 165, 196, 222-3
- Greene, Graham 256
- Gurr, Ted Robert 248
- Gusdorf, Georges 77
- Hadrian, Emperor 153
- Halevi, Judah 223
- Halsey, A. H. 49, 126, 189, 190, 226
- Hand, Judge Learned: 'The Spirit of Liberty' 43
- Handy, Charles: The Empty Raincoat 128
- happiness, pursuit of 202, 207-8, 209
- Havel, Vaclav 124
- Living in Truth 109
- Hayek, Friedrich A. 111n, 138n, 191
- The Constitution of Liberty 204-5
- The Fatal Conceit 182
- Hegel, G. W. F. 99, 101, 107, 223
- Heidegger, Martin 99-100
- Herder, Johann Gottfried 103-4
- Herrnstein, Richard J. see Wilson, James Q.
- Herzl, Theodor 174-5
- Altneuland 175
- Hill, Christopher 82
- Himmelfarb, Gertrude 49
- The De-moralization of Society 257
- On Liberty and Liberalism . . . 111n, 255
- On Looking into the Abyss 123
- Hirschmann, A. O. 117
- Hitler, Adolf 107
- Hobbes, Thomas xiii, 49
- Leviathan 58-60, 81, 91, 100, 103, 114, 133, 135, 136, 146, 170, 249, 264
- Hobhouse, L. T.: Liberalism … 198, 209
- Hobsbawm, Eric: Age of Extremes 11
- Holocaust, the 34, 35, 268
- homosexuality, laws on 112-13
- hope and optimism 266-9
- Hughes, Robert 132
- Hulme, T. E.: Speculations 117-18
- Hume, David x, 90, 91, 94-5, 100, 105, 121
- Treatise of Human Nature 89-90, 95, 101
- individual, the 33, 76, 103, 105, 163-5, 177
- and associations 55-60
- and the state xii, 49-50, 60, 71-2, 105, 132-3, 161
- see also individualism
- individualism 47, 48, 77-86, 95-7, 105, 110-11, 120, 121, 124, 166, 177-8
- in Victorian era 249-50
- industrial revolution 60, 74, 240, 246, 248
- institutions 57, 64, 73, 212-13
- as mediating structures 44
- post-war changes in 36, 37, 38
- see families; marriage etc.
- Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma xiv, 237, 239, 242
- Jacobs, Jane: The Death and Life of Great American Cities 51
- Jakobovits, Lord 200
- James, Oliver 8
- Japanese 126, 242
- Jefferson, Thomas 100, 250-1
- Jerusalem 152-3, 154-5
- Jews and Jewish civilisation 56, 61, 64, 66-7, 87-9, 200-1, 222-3
- and anti-Semitism 98-101, 175, 256, 268
- emancipation of 72-3
- and immigration to Britain xv, 255-6
- see also Judaism
- Jochanan ben Zakkai, Rabban 154
- Johnson, Dr Samuel 250
- Josephus 153-4
- Joshua ben Gamla 155
- Judaeo-Christian tradition 13, 26, 37, 93, 95, 108, 219, 238, 260-1, 262, 268
- Judaism 88, 100, 101, 149-58, 159-60, 165, 260, 268
- see also Bible, the
- justice 162-3, 165, 238
- Kant, Immanuel 90-1, 94-6, 99, 100, 101, 103, 105, 107, 121, 142, 144, 176, 201
- Kaus, Mickey: The End of Equality 202-3
- Kellner, Hansfried see Berger, Peter
- Kennedy, Robert 170-1
- Keynes, John Maynard 2
- kibbutzim 154n, 191
- King, Martin Luther 43
- kinship 62, 74, 266
- Kuhn, T. S.: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 180, 228
- Lacan, Jacques 83
- Lamennais, F. de 80-1
- Landes, David: The Wealth and Poverty of Nations 240
- language 238
- failure of 29-30
- and morality 217-21
- Lasch, Christopher 10
- The True and Only Heaven 266-7
- 'late capitalism' 241
- Lawrence, D. H. 225, 256
- Kangaroo 87
- laws and law-abidingness 39, 43-4, 230, 253-4
- Leach, Sir Edmund 104
- Letwin, Shirley Robin: The Anatomy of Thatcherism 74
- Lewis, C. S.: The Abolition of Man 213
- liberal democracy xv, 12, 13, 234, 243
- liberalism 66-76
- and libertarianism 1-4, 76, 97, 112-22, 134, 140-6, 232
- 'money' 202-3
- libertarianism xvii, 112-22, 123, 129-34, 200, 208-9, 228-9, 232, 234
- liberty 1, 202, 203-5, 233; of conscience 66, 70-2
- Mill on 91, 110-12, 204
- and relativism 33-40, 46
- see libertarianism
- Lincoln, Abraham 36, 141
- Livy 24
- Locke, John 59, 81, 82, 114, 121, 140, 144, 146, 217, 218, 264
- Letter Concerning Toleration 36, 70-1, 72
- Lukes, Steven: Individualism 105
- Luther, Martin 81, 83, 121
- Macaulay, Lord 191-2, 255
- Critical and Historical Essays 68, 69-70, 72-3
- Macedo, Steven: Liberal Virtues 29
- MacIntyre, Alasdair 48, 84, 136, 190
- After Virtue 11, 32-3, 156, 160, 177-8, 179, 219-20, 221
- Marxism and Christianity 260
- A Short History of Ethics 83, 84
- Whose Justice? Which Rationality? 144n, 180n
- Macmurray, John: Persons in Relation 263
- Magnet, Myron: The Dream and the Nightmare 9n
- Maimonides, Moses 56, 222-3
- Guide for the Perplexed 56
- Maistre, Joseph de 81
- Maritain, Jacques: Man and the State 217
- marriage xv, 13, 37, 82, 102, 103, 125, 130-1, 187-9, 192-7, 212, 213, 266
- Marx, Karl 93, 95, 100, 104, 116, 127, 180-1
- A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy 81, 86
- media, the 21-2, 23, 46, 210 see also press, the
- mercy 238
- meritocracy 127
- Middle Ages 68-9, 144, 146
- Midgley, Mary: Can't We Make Moral Judgements? 210
- Mill, Harriet (nee Taylor) 109-10, 111
- Mill, John Stuart 109-10
- Autobiography 255
- Essays on Ethics … 204
- Essays on Politics and Culture 38-9
- On Liberty 47, 71, 91, 109, 110-12, 113, 121, 131, 167, 193, 204, 255
- Montefiore, Sir Moses 228, 255
- Montesquieu 102, 224
- morality 15
- as antidote to despair 265-9
- concepts and systems of 59-60, 98-99, 100-1, 105-6, 138-9
- contemporary 7-16, 36-40, 96-7, 124-7
- debating 19-27, 40, 45-7, 49-50
- dilemmas of 210-17
- and emotivism 31-3
- the Enlightenment and 13, 32, 101, 102, 105-8, 142-4, 146, 217-18, 219, 229, 262
- and families 101-4, 120, 121, 185-97, 212-13
- fragments xv
- importance of 13, 227-8
- language and 217-21
- and libertarianism 112-22, 129-30, 133-4, 140-6
- and politics 2, 3, 49, 195
- privatisation of 3, 132
- and relativism 28, 33-6, 210-17
- and religion 20, 75-6, 91, 93--4, 110
- teaching of 18-22, 62
- and tradition 32-3, 87-9, 96
- Victorian 245-57
- see also virtue(s)
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick 126-7
- MTV 11
- Murdoch, Iris: The Sovereignty of Good 145n
- Murray, Charles: The Bell Curve 128-9
- In Pursuit 207
- music 11
- mutual aid movement 254
- Nagel, Thomas: The View from Nowhere 144
- Nash, John 41
- National Forum for Values in Education and the Community 179
- Natural Born Killers (film) 11
- Nelson, Benjamin: The Idea of Usury 205
- Neumann, John von 235-6
- Neusner, Jacob: Conservative, American and Jewish 173
- 'new rich' 128
- Nietzsche, Friedrich 85, 93, 99, 100, 101, 107, 116
- Beyond Good and Evil 93-4, 95
- Novak, Michael 49
- Awakening from Nihilism 12, 28
- Nowak, Martin 238
- Nozick, Robert 161
- Anarchy, State and Utopia 2, 60, 162-3
- Oakeshott, Michael 183
- Orwell, George 25, 253
- Osborne, David, and Gaebler, Ted: Reinventing Government 171-2
- 'paradigm shift' 228
- parenthood 18-19, 26, 102, 103, 117, 132
- Passover, the 173-4, 175, 178,183
- Pharisees 154, 157
- philanthropy 118-20
- Victorian 74-6, 119, 245, 251-2
- Phillips, Melanie 49, 190
- All Must Have Prizes 132n, 183
- philosophes 110
- Pinker, Steven: The Language Instinct 218, 220-1
- Plamenatz, John: Man and Society 36, 66, 70
- Plato 49
- The Republic 92-3, 223
- Polanyi, Michael: Personal Knowledge . . . 180
- Pope, Alexander 107
- Popper, Sir Karl 35, 47, 138n
- positivism 31
- Pound, Ezra 256
- press, the 20-1, 22
- Prisoner's Dilemma 236, 237, 239
- Prochaska, Frank: Royal Bounty … 75, 245, 254
- progress 117, 266, 267
- prophets, the 67, 260
- Pulp Fiction (film) 11
- punishment 36, 118, 120
- Putnam, Robert xiii-xiv, 241, 242
- Rapoport, Anatole xiv, 237
- Rav Kahana 151, 152, 157
- Rawls, John 140, 161
- A Theory of Justice 2, 59, 162, 163
- Reagan, Ronald 2, 127, 162, 178, 262
- reciprocal altruism xiv
- reciprocity 238, 239
- Reformation, the 70, 81, 83, 91, 121
- Regent's Park, London 41-2, 43, 198-9
- Reich, Robert: The Work of Nations 128
- relationships, importance of 57-8, 61, 101-4
- relativism 28, 33-6, 38, 39, 40, 46, 49, 210-17
- religion 8, 33, 36, 127, 212
- and the Enlightenment 104-5, 146, 262-3
- and morality 20, 75-6, 91, 93-4, 110
- and politics 68-70, 136-7, 140-1
- wars of 70, 105, 142
- see also Judaism; Reformation
- Rembrandt van Rijn 82
- responsibility 40
- 'nationalisation of 132
- Ricardo, David 81, 146
- Ridley, Matt: The Origins of Virtue 235n
- Rieff, Philip 94
- The Triumph of the Therapeutic 120
- Riesman, David, Glazer, Nathan and Denney, Reuel: The Lonely Crowd 250
- rights 28-9, 36, 39, 114-15, 120, 130, 131, 164-5, 234
- Roberts, Robert: The Classic Slum … 252
- Roge, Carl 117
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. 115
- Roskies, David: Against the Apocalypse … 149
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 33, 49, 103, 116-17, 146, 234, 261, 264
- The Social Contract 59
- Roussel, Louis 187
- Rowntree (Joseph) Foundation 187-8
- Ruse, Michael, and Wilson, Edward O.: 'The Evolution of Ethics' 92
- Rushdie, Salman: The Satanic Verses 28, 257n
- Russell, Bertrand 90-1
- History of Western Philosophy 39
- Rutter, Michael, and
- Smith, David: Psychosocial Disorders in Young People 11, 125
- Ryle, Gilbert 144
- Sadducees 154, 156, 157, 159, 160
- Salanter, Rabbi Israel 15
- Sandel, Michael 115, 169, 175, 177, 190, 191
- Democracy's Discontent 48, 164
- Liberalism and the Limits of Justice 161, 162, 163-4
- Sartre, Jean-Paul 100, 101, 121
- Anti-Semite and Jew 100
- Existentialism and Humanism 95-6, 214-15
- schools xiv, 7, 37, 117, 120
- Schopenhauer, Arthur 99, 101
- Schumpeter, Joseph 34, 242
- Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy 240
- science 33, 105, 180, 228
- Scruton, Roger 49, 195
- The Conservative Idea of Community 172, 190-1, 192
- The Philosopher on Dover Beach 229
- Selbourne, David 11, 49
- self-interest 235, 236, 239
- Sennett, Richard: The Fall of Public Man 230
- Shakespeare, William: Hamlet 82
- Troilus and Cressida 223
- Sheehy, Gail: Passages … 85
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe: Ozymandias 233
- Prometheus Unbound 98, 106, 133
- Sherborne House 17-18
- Shils, Edward: Tradition 180n, 181
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis 233
- single parents 187, 188-9, 196
- slavery 36, 93, 220-1
- Smiles, Samuel 249, 251, 255
- Smith, Adam 81, 82, 206, 239, 249
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments 242
- The Wealth of Nations 234-5, 242
- Smith, David see Rutter, Michael
- social capital xiv, xv, 239
- 'social covenant' xi
- social contracts xi, 58-9, 63-4, 135, 162, 209
- social goods xiii
- socialism 235
- society/societies 1, 3-4, 42-3, 50-2, 198
- civil and political 55-65, 67, 73-6, 135-40, 158, 243, 268-9
- and the individual 77-86, 162-4
- problems of 43-50
- see also crime etc.; and the state 47-8, 161-72
- Society for the Prevention of Pauperism 119
- Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 124
- Soros, George xii
- The Crisis of global Capitalism 242-3
- Spinoza, Baruch 71-2, 144
- Stark, Werner 83
- state, the (government) 14, 16, 43, 47-8, 76
- and the church 68-70, 73, 76, 136-7
- and community 16, 73, 170-2, 264-5
- and the individual xii, 1-2, 14, 15, 49-50, 60, 71-2, 105, 132-3, 161
- and welfare 2, 37, 61-2, 113, 114-15, 116, 118-20, 126, 128-9, 132
- Steiner, George: Real Presences 145n
- Stephen, Leslie 120
- Strawson, P. F.: Freedom and Resentment 216
- suicide 11, 125, 133, 186
- Sunday, deregulation of 199-202
- Sunday Times 9n
- surveys 8, 11, 131, 186-8
- survival of the fittest 237
- Sykes, Charles 132
- Dumbing Down Our Kids 183
- Taine, Hippolyte: Notes on England 41-2, 251-2
- Tawney, R.H. 25
- Equality 203
- The Radical Tradition 226
- taxation 113, 230
- Taylor, A. J. P.: English History 1914-1945 113
- Taylor, Charles 164-5, 169, 175, 190
- Sources of the Self 219
- teachers 20-1, 26, 117, 132, 176 see also education; schools
- Temple, Archbishop William 25
- Thatcher, Margaret 1, 2, 50, 127, 162, 262
- Third Sector xii, xiii, xiv
- Third Way xii
- Times, The xi, 21, 255
- Tit-for-Tat 237-8
- Tocqueville, Alexis de 49, 77, 166, 241
- Democracy in America 74, 78-80, 81-2, 110, 111, 113,120, 166-70, 191, 206, 213, 225, 252, 265
- The Old Regime and the French Revolution 77, 206-7
- Todd, Emmanuel: The Explanation of Ideology … 191
- toleration 66, 70-1, 72, 73
- Torah, the 150-2, 153, 154
- totalitarianism 35, 38, 73, 113, 268
- town planning 50-1
- tradition(s)
- morality and 32-3, 87-9, 96
- role of 172, 173-84
- Trainspotting (film) 11
- Trilling, Lionel 120, 142
- Beyond Culture 120-1
- Sincerity and Authenticity 77, 152
- Trivers, Robert 206
- unemployment 126, 127
- universalism 102, 105, 107, 108
- utilitarianism 91-2, 101, 102-3, 180, 215
- 'values' 37, 38, 39
- Vespasian 154
- Victorian era 22, 41-2, 47, 56, 74-5, 119-20, 185, 245-57
- violence 9, 12, 13, 28-9, 30, 48 see also crime
- virtue(s) 15, 37, 39, 49, 120, 129, 169, 178-9, 209, 213, 214, 220, 222, 232
- vocabulary: changes in 180-1 see also language
- Voltaire 99, 142
- voluntary organisations xi, 168, 169, 172, 224-5
- Victorian 74-5, 251
- Walpole, Horace 247
- Walzer, Michael 49, 164, 169, 175, 190
- Citizenship and Civil Society 241
- Exodus and Revolution 259
- Spheres of Justice 165-6, 222n, 230
- war(s) 76, 113-14, 123
- of religion 70, 105, 142
- Webb, Beatrice 254
- Weber, Max 69, 240
- The Protestant Ethic … 83
- welfare see under state, the
- Whitehead, Barbara 188-9
- Willetts, David 49
- Williams, Bernard: Moral Luck 143
- Williams, Raymond: Keywords . . . 180
- Wilson, Edward O. see Ruse, Michael
- Wilson, James Q. 7, 49
- (with Herrnstein) Crime and Human Nature 253
- The Moral Sense 35, 185
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig: Philosophical Investigations 17, 27
- Wolfenden Committee 112
- Wright, Robert: The Moral Animal 235n
- Wycliffe, John 121
Yeats, W. B.: The Second Coming 12
Yorke, Dr Clifford: Childhood and Social Truth 190
- Zionism 175, 256