Shavuot Resources

24 May 2024
shavuot har sinai mountain torah 10 commandments mountain

Tikkun Leil Shavuot is a tradition where people stay awake studying Torah on the first night of Shavuot, a festival commemorating the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. It's a time of renewal, reflection, and celebration of the Torah.

With the help of our dynamic educators, we have prepared several resources for those wishing to engage in the teachings of Rabbi Sacks during this night of Jewish learning.

chosen people contracts chosenness hand of god terms and conditions legal heavenly covenant

Chosenness: What does it mean to be a Chosen People?

A collection of sources and guiding questions.

Created by Rabbi Josh Spodek.

journey and horizon

What is True Freedom?

Exploring Rabbi Sacks’ philosophy and the wider view of freedom, the Jewish way.

Prepared by Simon Lawrence.

Jewish people puzzle line tied connected covenant brit shavuot linked 1

What Ties Us to Judaism?

A collection of sources and guiding questions on notions of covenant, inspired by the teachings of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l.

Created by Dr. Mijal Bitton

grandchildren children covenant a letter in the scroll book bible parenting animated jewish sacks handing family edited

Why Am I Bound By a Covenant I Didn’t Personally Agree To?

Exploring Rabbi Sacks’ answers to the question, what obligates us to keep the Torah?

Prepared by Michael Rainsbury

rabbi sacks shavuot smile wheat field looking up

A Tale of Two Women

A study sheet exploring Jewish national identity and the biblical heroes Rut and Tamar.

Based on Rabbi Sacks' seminal Shavuot shiur.

shavuot family edition ceremony celebration wheat cover shavuos

Shavuot: Family Edition

Discover the festival of Shavuot, and learn about the Giving of the Torah, through our teenage-friendly, family resource pack.  

Prepared by Rabbi Dr. Daniel Rose.

Rabbi Sacks at his grandsons bar mitzvah reading from Torah scroll as a grandparent

A Life of Vertical & Horizontal Responsibility

This livestreamed shiur delivered in 2020 has been adapted into a study sheet exploring the redemptive power of chessed.

Download the PDF with the full Shavuot shiur and sources included.

israel jewish society torah land scroll animated help tzedakah chessed

The Torah of Kindness and Truth

A shiur for Shavuot, delivered by Rabbi Sacks in 2017.

Click here to download the transcript, including all sources.

Click here to download the Hebrew translation of the transcript, created by Sefaria.