
The world’s oldest hatred

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What is Antisemitism?

Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rabbi Sacks defines the application of antisemitism as “persecuting Jews and denying them the right to exist collectively with the same rights as everyone else.”

In a powerful video, he likened antisemitism to a mutating virus mutating virus, as the reasons for this hate change over time. He emphasised that antisemitism is not truly about Jews but about the haters. While it begins with Jews, it often spreads to other minorities. Rabbi Sacks noted, “Hate harms the hated but destroys the hater.”

Speaking in the House of Lords, he warned that antisemitism becomes dangerous when it moves from political fringes to the mainstream, gains public tolerance, and silences those who oppose it.

Explore Rabbi Sacks’ articles, videos, and resources on this critical issue, and use them as tools to combat the world’s oldest hatred.

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The Mutation of Antisemitism

A whiteboard animated video in which Rabbi Sacks describes antisemitism as a virus which persists and mutates over time.

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Understanding Antisemitism

Watch this impactful keynote address, delivered by Rabbi Sacks to the European Parliament on the mutating virus of antisemitism.

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Antisemitism Teaching Resources

A robust collection of resources and texts for educators who wish to teach ideas shared by Rabbi Sacks on the issue of antisemitism.

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Voices on Antisemitism

In 2014 Rabbi Sacks appeared on a podcast for The US Holocaust Museum and spoke about the ways in which antisemitism has mutated over time.

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The Connection Between Judaism and Israel

A whiteboard animated video in which Rabbi Sacks explains the everlasting links between the land of Israel and the Jewish People.

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The World’s Oldest Hatred

A short video where Rabbi Sacks succinctly lays out the historical evolution of antisemitism and how it continues to mutate.

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What is Antisemitism?

In this JInsider video, we define antisemitism.

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On the Origins of Antisemitism

Rabbi Sacks takes us back to the very beginning.

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On Combatting Antisemitism

How do we fight antisemitism, and who exactly should be doing the fighting?

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Europe’s New Antisemitism

This Wall Street Journal piece outlines Europe’s alarming increase in antisemitism.

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What is Antisemitism?

Read an extract from Rabbi Sacks’ bestseller, Not in Gods Name: Confronting Religious Violence.

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Rabbi Sacks on BDS

An animated video which discusses the boycott, divestment, and sanctions campaign against Israel.

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The New Antisemitism

Read a chapter from Future Tense entitled, The New Antisemitism: What is it, and how do we deal with it?

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Antisemitism Matters

In this BBC radio “Thought for the Day”, Rabbi Sacks stated that antisemitism matters because it’s an assault on humanity.

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Anti-Zionism is the New Antisemitism

In this Newsweek article published in 2016, Rabbi Sacks elaborated on the way anti-Zionism masks a deeper antisemitism.

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Debate in the House of Lords

In 2018, Rabbi Lord Sacks spoke in a House of Lords debate on antisemitism in Britain, and when hatred becomes dangerous.

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The Return of Antisemitism

This Wall Street Journal piece pleads for a pivot after a marked increase in antisemitism in 2015.

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American Antisemitism

The keys to understanding American antisemitism and fighting back, published by the JTA.

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The Birth of the World’s Oldest Hate

This Covenant & Conversation piece takes a look at the origins of antisemitism.

The Bright Sun Blue Sky Clouds

John Paul’s blow against a virus of the soul

A hopeful look at the healing direction of the Judeo-Christian relationship.

This page is dedicated in honor of Shari Redstone and her children, and all of our grandchildren.