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“If we want to fight antisemitism, let us walk tall and proud as Jews, and let us work with all humanity to banish hatred forever.”

Explore the life and work of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Discover articles, videos, books, commentary, and educational resources from an international faith leader, ambassador for Judaism and Jewish values, respected moral philosopher, and award-winning author.

This digital archive, which continues to expand over time as more content is unearthed and uploaded, has been developed by The Rabbi Sacks Legacy in honour of Rabbi Sacks, following his passing on 7th November 2020.


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The Rabbi Sacks Global Day of Learning

Honouring the memory of Rabbi Sacks zt"l as part of his upcoming fourth yahrzeit.
21 November 2024 / 20 Cheshvan 5785.


Building Our Children's Moral Foundation

This Tikvah event aims to explore the impact of American culture and digital media on children.

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Be the Letter in the Scroll

Join us for an evening of comedy and conversation as we chart our path forward in Los Angeles, and reflect on this seminal book.

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A Letter in the Scroll

Understanding Our Jewish Identity and Exploring the Legacy of the World's Oldest Religion

This volume, now with a new foreword from Natan Sharansky, was written during Rabbi Sacks' first decade as Chief Rabbi. It is a moving testimony to religious Jewish identity and responsibility, and a significant and timeless piece of work, reminding us all of the legacy of our Jewish dreams and of our responsibility to our fellow human beings.



Succah Posters

Four new posters, each one featuring a beautiful quote from Rabbi Sacks on the festival of Succot. Download our selection to decorate your succah, with an additional eight posters also available from our 2023 set!

From the Archive

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A Prayer for Peace in Israel

This prayer was originally composed by Rabbi Sacks during the Second Intifada, and communities first recited it in 2000.

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The 2024 Sacks Conversation

In November we will be holding a special event in the National Library of Israel, with an archive of his work also on display.

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A Tribute from the King

HM King Charles shares a tribute to Rabbi Sacks, shortly after his untimely passing.

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Read a selection of the tributes, statements, articles and obituaries published in the aftermath of Rabbi Sacks' passing.

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Personal Reflections

Read a selection of personal reflections and stories about individuals' interactions with Rabbi Sacks, or submit your own.