Values: What should ‘The West’ stand for?
On Monday 26th June 2017, Rabbi Sacks participated on a panel discussion entitled "Values: What should 'The West' stand for?".
This was part of the Centre for Policy Studies' Margaret Thatcher Conference on Security which was held in London.
The chair of the session was Charles Moore (Daily Telegraph and Biographer of Margaret Thatcher) and the other panelists were Anne Applebaum (The Washington Post) and The Rt Revd & Rt Hon Dr Richard Chartres (Former Bishop of London).
About the Margaret Thatcher Conference on Security
The threats facing the West have never seemed greater or more diverse. Disagreements with Russia and China, and the global threats posed by militant Islam and asymmetric warfare – including bio-warfare and cyber-warfare – confront us at a time when confidence in the West’s institutions and economic resilience appear to be waning. Under such circumstances, can we rediscover the moral purpose which underpinned success in the Cold War, thereby securing freedom and our democratic way of life for a generation?
Decline is not irreversible. This major one-day Conference sought to understand the sources of rejection of the liberal model and re-ignited some of the fundamental ideas that have in the past buttressed Western liberal democracies. This can only be achieved if we ask hard questions of ourselves; and if we understand how others currently see us.
This Conference built on the success of the 2014 Inaugural Margaret Thatcher Conference on Liberty. Addressed by over 40 speakers, including: World Leaders, Nobel Prize winners, and Professors from around the world, this event attracted over 700 distinguished guests, media coverage across the world and over 24 million Twitter impressions.
For full details of CPS and the Margaret Thatcher Security Conference, click here.