The story of Israel is one without parallel in history, the story of the love of a people for a land, the love of Jews for Israel.
There in ancient times our people was born, and there in modern times our people was reborn.
The day will come when the story of Israel in modern times will speak not just to Jews, but to all who believe in the power of the human spirit as it reaches out to God as an everlasting symbol of the victory of life over death, hope over despair.
Because Israel has achieved great things.
It's taken a barren land and made it bloom. It's taken an ancient language, the Hebrew of the Bible, and made it speak.
It's taken the West's oldest faith and made it young. It's taken a tattered, shattered nation, and made it live.
Israel is the country whose national anthem, 'Hatikvah', means 'hope'. Israel is the home of hope.
Yom Ha'atzmaut Sameach.