Yolande Pieters

Torah V’Chochmah Faculty

Yolande Pieters headshot

Yolande Pieters is the Jewish Studies Lead at Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School in Mill Hill, London. Previously, she was the lead developer of the PAJES Chumash, Tefillah and Parasha curricula, which are used by most UK schools as well as schools in South Africa and Australia. She continues to consult on curriculum and pedagogy. She is a lecturer and course leader on the London School of Jewish Studies’ Bachelor degree programme in Jewish Education. Yolande holds a Master’s Degree in Education from the Institute of Education (UCL) and has recently attained a National Professional Qualification in Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD). She is passionate about teaching text, museum education, the transformative power of curriculum and finding creative ways to embed Jewish literacy. An Ashdown fellow, Yolande is actively involved in various grassroots projects in her local community. She enjoys learning new languages and travelling whenever she is able to.