A Teacher of Torah
Rabbi Sacks was widely considered to be one of the most erudite and respected teachers of Torah of his generation. His ability to merge modern insights with ancient wisdom meant that he had an unparalleled gift for making Judaism relevant and meaningful in the 21st century, not just to Jews, but to people of all faiths and of none.
In this ‘Torah Teachings’ section, you can visit his weekly ‘Covenant & Conversation’ commentary essays on the Torah portions, and also explore his insights into the Jewish festivals (chaggim) and broader Jewish philosophies, shiurim, and further teachings on Torah and Judaism, through articles, speeches, videos and essays.
Covenant & Conversation
Rabbi Sacks called his weekly commentary essays on Torah Covenant & Conversation because he believed that the text of Torah is our covenant with God, and the interpretation of this text has been the subject of an ongoing conversation for as long as Jews have studied the Divine word. Find all his contributions to this spiritual conversation here.

Jewish Festivals
Rabbi Sacks taught that the Jewish calendar (a lunar calendar) is fundamental to the continued vitality of the Jewish people. Every festival (chag) is imbued with deep meaning and holds crucial insights into the Jewish soul, identity, and heritage. Explore his perspectives on the chaggim here, including resources for families.

Jewish Thought
Rabbi Sacks had a wonderful ability to convey deep insights into Judaism and Jewish thought in a way that large and broad audiences could understand, internalise, and feel inspired by. In this section you will discover his perspectives and insights on Jewish thought, through videos, articles, and shiurim.