The Global Age

“I believe that globalisation is summoning the world’s great faiths to a supreme challenge, one that we have been able to avoid in the past but can do so no longer. Can we find, in the human ‘thou’, a fragment of the Divine ‘Thou’? Can we recognise God’s image in one who is not in my image? There are times when God meets us in the face of a stranger. The global age has turned our world into a society of strangers. That should not be a threat to our identity but a call to a moral and spiritual generosity more demanding than we had sometimes supposed it to be. Can I, a Jew, recognise God’s image in one who is not in my image: in a Hindu or Sikh or Christian or Muslim or an Eskimo from Greenland speaking about a melting glacier? Can I do so and feel not diminished but enlarged? What then becomes of my faith, which until then had bound me to those who are like me, and must now make space for those who are different and have another way of interpreting the world?”

The Dignity of Difference, pp. 17-18