The great difference between ancient Israel and ancient Greece is that the Greeks believed in the holiness of beauty whereas Judaism spoke of hadrat kodesh, the beauty of holiness. I believe that beauty has power, and in Judaism it has always had a spiritual purpose: to make us aware of the universe as a work of art, testifying to the…
Judaism does not believe in art for art’s sake, but in art in the service of God, giving back as a votive offering to God a little of the beauty He has made in this created world. At the risk of oversimplification, one could state the difference between ancient Israel and ancient Greece thus: that where the Greeks believed in… Media Kit Download the Global Day of Learning logo and flyer > English (ZIP) > Hebrew (ZIP): עברית > Spanish (ZIP): Español Previous Years > 2023 > 2022 Learning materials > Share Link copied! To mark Rabbi Sacks’ fourth yahrzeit, we invite you to participate in the Global Day of Learning (formerly Communities in Conversation) celebrating his life,…
A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible I Believe is a personal and intimate demonstration of how Rabbi Sacks came to see the world through listening attentively to the Torah and its message for the present and all times. This book is the last instalment of the Covenant & Conversation series of themed books, written by Rabbi Sacks on the…