Watch the hespeidim (eulogies) for Rabbi Sacks zt"l

9 November 2020
eulogies funeral levaya for rabbi sacks belovski rosenfeld gila binstock

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l (HaRav Ya’akov Zvi ben David Arieh zt"l) was buried on Sunday 8th November 2020 (21st MarCheshvan 5781) at Bushey New Cemetary in London. Below are recordings of the hespeidim (eulogies) that were delivered.

Here is the first hesped (eulogy) was written by Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and read by Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury of Hendon United Synagogue. Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis was unable to attend in person due to UK Government COVID restrictions.

Here is the second hesped (eulogy) was delivered by Dayan Ivan Binstock, Dayan of the London Beit Din and Senior Rabbi of the St John's Wood Synagogue.

Here is the third hesped (eulogy) was delivered by Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld of the Western Marble Arch Synagogue.

Here is the fourth hesped (eulogy) was delivered by Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski of the Golders Green Synagogue.

Here is the fifth and final hesped (eulogy) was delivered by Gila Sacks, Rabbi Sacks' youngest daughter.