Covenant & Continuity: The Book of Numbers

“The book of Numbers is a key text for our time. It is among the most searching, self-critical books in all of literature about what Nelson Mandela called “the long walk to freedom.”
Rabbi Sacks, Covenant and Conversation, Numbers
Join hundreds of people from around the world for our weekly exploration into the ideas of Rabbi Sacks on the weekly Torah portion, in partnership with the London School of Jewish Studies.
With expert teachers developing and applying his thoughts further, this course is truly building Rabbi Sacks’ legacy, one parsha at a time
The free course offered by LSJS, in partnership with The Rabbi Sacks Legacy, on the Torah of Rabbi Sacks continues with a weekly study into the book of Bamidbar, and commences today with a shiur by Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum.
Each Wednesday at 7pm (UK time), join guest presenters from around the world as we discover new insights into the famous stories of our forefathers and mothers. This online series sets out to explore and develop Rabbi Sacks' thought on the weekly Torah portion.
Lecturers of the highest quality, both local and international, are scheduled to deliver shiurim which will develop Rabbi Sacks' ideas on each parsha in Sefer Bamidbar (Numbers), and they will distill key ideas in his approach to Chumash.
This course, offered by the London School of Jewish Studies, is open to all, available online, worldwide, and free of charge. It has been titled 'Covenant & Continuity', a clear nod to the original, world-famous 'Covenant & Conversation' parsha series developed by Rabbi Sacks.
A full list of the keynote speakers delivering weekly sessions through LSJS is included below, and each speaker will offer personal interpretations of Rabbi Sacks' weekly shiur, while staying true to the integrity of his original words.
- 17 May - Bamidbar - God Is in the Middle - Rabbi Shaul Robinson
- 24 May - Shavuot - The “Other” who Comes to Redeem - Dr Tanya White
- 31 May - Naso - The Priestly Blessing: It's a kind of magic - Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum
- 7 June - Beha’alotecha - Meat, Spirit and the Crisis of a Leader - Dr Tanya White
- 14 June - Shelach - Strong People Don't Need Walls - Rabbi Shaul Robinson
- 21 June - Korach - Dying Twice: Korach’s mysterious end - Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum
- 28 June - Chukat-Balak - Dwelling Alone: Blessing or curse? - Rabbi Shaul Robinson
- 5 July - Pinchas - Who is the God of the Spirits of all Flesh? - Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum
- 12 July - Matot-Masei -The Imperative of Education - Dr Tanya White
The course has been generously sponsored, and is therefore free to all participants. Sessions must be booked in advance for those who wish to attend. Once you complete your booking, you will receive a link to attend online. If you cannot attend the live session, look out for the recording of the session, typically sent out to all who have reserved spaces, within 24 hours of the completion of the evening's shiur. Book online at, or call LSJS on 020 8203 6427.