Fragments of Light
Chanukah insights from and inspired by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l.

“If we believe we are here for a reason, then there is a tikkun, a mending, only we can perform, a fragment of light only we can redeem, an act of kindness or courage or generosity or hospitality, even a word of encouragement or a smile, only we can perform, because we are here, in this place, at this time, facing this person at this moment in their lives.” – Rabbi Sacks
During these challenging times, we look to the wisdom of Rabbi Sacks to provide fragments of light from within the darkness. Together with an inspirational quote and an accompanying idea from a Sacks Scholar, these pages are designed to be read after lighting the Chanukah candles. Links to videos of Rabbi Sacks’ daily Chanukah thoughts are included too.