Call for Noé-Sacks MA and PhD Scholarship Candidates at The Jonathan Sacks Institute at Bar-Ilan University

Noé-Sacks MA Scholarships
Academic Year 2025/26
The Jonathan Sacks Institute at Bar-Ilan University is pleased to invite applications for the Noé-Sacks MA Scholarships. The scholarships are designed to support outstanding students whose research engages with the academic ideas, writings, and concerns of Rabbi, Professor, Lord, Jonathan Sacks in the fields of political studies or Jewish philosophy.
Scholarship Details
- The scholarship will commence at the beginning of the 2025-26 academic year.
- The scholarship covers tuition fees plus an additional $1000 per year, for two years.
- Scholarship recipients are expected to complete their MA within three years.
Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates must complete their undergraduate degree by the end of the 2024-25 academic year.
- A minimum GPA of 90 from a recognized university.
Research Requirements
- The proposed research must engage with the academic contributions of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks in political studies or Jewish philosophy.
- The research topic must align with the expertise of faculty members in the Departments of Jewish Philosophy or Political Studies.
- Scholarship recipients must commit to presenting their research in a public forum, such as a lecture, podcast, and publications.
- Recipients must meet all standard requirements for MA thesis students in their department.
Application Process
Candidates must submit the following materials:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Two letters of recommendation addressing academic excellence
- Complete official transcript of BA degree
- Copies of BA degree certificate
- A short letter (maximum one page) outlining the candidate’s research interests and how these relate to the work of Jonathan Sacks.
- Specify the faculty members relevant to your research area
Submission Instructions
All application materials must be sent via email to [email protected]
Letters of reference should be sent directly by referees to the same email address.
For both applicants and referees the email subject line should be written thus: “Noé-Sacks MA Application – [Candidate’s Name]”
Deadline for Submission: 30 June 2025
Noé-Sacks PhD Scholarships
Academic Year 2025/26
The Jonathan Sacks Institute at Bar-Ilan University is pleased to invite applications for the Noé-Sacks PhD Scholarships. The scholarships are designed to support outstanding students whose research engages with the academic ideas, writings, and concerns of Rabbi, Professor, Lord, Jonathan Sacks in the fields of political studies or Jewish philosophy.
Scholarship Details
- The scholarship will commence at the beginning of the 2025-26 academic year.
- Each recipient will receive up to $25,000 per year, for four years.
- Scholarship recipients must dedicate the majority of their time to their research.
Eligibility Criteria
- Graduate students who have completed an MA thesis or those about to graduate by the end of the 2024-25 academic year. The MA thesis grade must be submitted no later than 24 October 2024.
- A minimum GPA of 90 from a recognized university.
- Exceptional students in the direct PhD track.
- Students who have already commenced their doctoral studies may also apply.
Research Requirements
- The proposed research must engage with the academic contributions of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks in political studies or Jewish philosophy.
- The research topic must align with the expertise of faculty members in the Departments of Jewish Philosophy or Political Studies.
- Scholarship recipients must commit to presenting their research in a public forum, such as a lecture, podcast, and publications.
- Recipients will participate in the Institute’s research forum.
- Recipients must meet all standard requirements for doctoral students in their department.
Application Process
Candidates must submit the following materials:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Two letters of recommendation addressing academic excellence
- Complete official transcript of BA and MA degrees
- Copies of BA and MA degree certificates
- A short letter (maximum one page) outlining the candidate’s research interests and how these relate to the work of Jonathan Sacks.
- Specify the faculty members relevant to your research area
Submission Instructions
All application materials must be sent via email to [email protected]
Letters of reference should be sent directly by referees to the same email address.
For both applicants and referees, the email subject line should be written thus: “Noé-Sacks PhD Application – [Candidate’s Name]”
Deadline for Submission: 1st May 2025
About Jonathan Sacks’ Intellectual Legacy
Rabbi, Professor, Lord Jonathan Sacks wrote extensively about Jewish religious thought, addressing many of its classical concerns in articles and commentaries to major Jewish religious texts, while also engaging deeply with contemporary Jewish thought in books such as Crisis and Covenant. Among the subjects he addressed in Jewish philosophy are:
- A theology of dialogue
- Tikkun Olam in the Jewish Tradition
- Pluralism: Approaches to other religions and Atheism
- The relationship between Science and Religion
In works such as The Politics of Hope, The Dignity of Difference, Morality, and Not In God’s Name, Jonathan Sacks addressed key moral, social, and political challenges of modern society, including:
- The Jewish tradition and Political philosophy, particularly the concept of covenant
- The role of community, civil society & moral responsibility in sustaining modern democracies
- The relationship between religion and politics
- Identity politics and inter-faith relations
The Noé-Sacks Scholarships supports research that continues Rabbi Sacks’ intellectual legacy, while fostering new insights on these vital subjects.

For inquiries, please contact the Jonathan Sacks Institute at [email protected].