HebEngShavuotMachzorAngliyaEdition3D 600x


  • Hardcover

The Koren Sacks Shavuot Machzor

Publication Date: 30 May 2016

From the receiving of the Torah to the exploration of the Megillah of Ruth, Shavuot stands in contrast to other festivals in its stark simplicity.

In this beautiful Shavuot Machzor, Rabbi Sacks explores the themes unique to the day, bringing out the meaning of the customs and texts with his brilliant insights about the Torah, the Megillah, the summer-scented chag, and Shavuot's deep connection to the Land of Israel.


  • Hardcover

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks’ contributions to Jewish thought are massive and breathtaking. They span works of philosophy, parshanut, history, and homiletics, along with commentaries on the Siddur, Mahzor, and Haggada.
Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought
From the receiving of the Torah to the exploration of the Megilla of Ruth, Shavuot stands in contrast to other festivals of the Jewish character. In his Shavuot Mahzor, Rabbi Sacks' breathtaking wisdom is shared in stark simplicity, offering themes unique to the day, and examining out the meaning of the traditions and texts with his insights, which are as astounding as ever. Fascinating and erudite. A treasured volume.