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Exodus: The Book of Redemption
Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible

Publication Date: 11 January 2010

This collection makes Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' brilliant essays on the weekly Torah portions within Exodus available in book form for the first time. Rabbi Sacks fuses Jewish tradition, Western philosophy and literature to present a highly developed understanding of the human condition under God's sovereignty. This second volume in the five-volume series includes several concise essays for each portion of Exodus.

The book of Exodus is the West's meta-narrative of hope. It tells an astonishing story of how a group of slaves were liberated from the mightiest empire of the ancient world. Theologically, its message is even more revolutionary: the supreme power intervenes in history in defence of the powerless. Exodus is about the birth of a nation; about politics, society, and the principles on which a people can come together to form associations. Thus it teaches us about justice, freedom and the rule of law; about the sanctity of life and human dignity.

At the heart of Exodus is the monumental covenant at Sinai, which is nothing less than the first-ever statement of a free society, in which an entire nation committed itself to the sovereignty of God, with the revolutionary understanding that the religious situation is a partnership, a reciprocal relationship, between God and humankind.


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Rabbi Sacks’ gift to his readers is his lucid explanations that make use of stories from the Jewish tradition, scholarly explanations, and personal philosophies in a humane and kind tone that illustrates his intense love and knowledge of his topic and a deep respect for the reader… a fresh look at the text and original contribution to the ongoing conversation of our tradition.
Jewish Book World
Concise yet profound, these frequently poetic ruminations make for perfect reading for the lay person or scholar.
Rabbinical Council of America
A great scholar and a great communicator, Rabbi Sacks has done a superb job in crafting commentary that is erudite and accessible to the average reader.
The Jewish Standard
Powerfully interwoven themes transform years of careful reflection into the fresh insights of a moment… Jonathan Sacks at his philosophical, exegetical best.
The Jewish Chronicle