The Home We Build Together: Recreating Society

“Multiculturalism has run its course, and it is time to move on.” So begins Jonathan Sacks’ new book on the future of British society and the dangers facing liberal democracy.
Arguing that global communications have fragmented national cultures and that multiculturalism, intended to reduce social frictions, is today reinforcing them, Sacks argues for a new approach to national identity. We cannot stay with current policies that are producing a society of conflicting ghettoes and non-intersecting lives, turning religious bodies into pressure groups rather than society-building forces.
- 7/7 terror attacks 20, 168
- 9/11 terror attacks 45-6, 50, 71
- Abel 56
- abortion 40, 196, 200, 210, 216
- Abrahams, Louis 28
- acculturation 28, 33
- Acheson, Dean Gooderham 76 Adam 53
- Adorno, Theodore 34
- Afghanistan conflict 9
- African-Americans 34, 54
- Ajegbo, Sir Keith 5
- alcohol abuse 189, 206, 212
- Alexandria Declaration 70
- alphabet 67
- Altham, Jimmy 168
- anarchy 196-7
- Anderson, Benedict 65-6
- Annan, Noel 33
- anomie 59
- Anouilh, Jean 57
- anti-semitism 29-30, 34, 197-8
- see also Holocaust
- Appiah, Anthony 79
- Arendt, Hannah 53
- Aristotle 4-5, 93-4, 96-7, 135, 158
- Arnold, Matthew 91
- assimilation
- assimilationist model of society 15, 16-18, 25-31, 35, 86-7, 94
- integration without 16, 21-3, 85, 234
- Augsburg, Treaty of 153
- Auschwitz 30, 34, 46
- Austen, Jane 69
- authoritarianism 34
- autonomy 34, 93, 116
- morality and 47, 143, 196
- Bahai 9
- Baldwin, Stanley 165, 166
- Balkans 51-2
- Barnardo, Thomas 167
- Barrosso, Jose Manuel 42
- Baudrillard, Jean 45, 46
- Baumeister, Roy 51
- Beatles 40, 214
- Bell, Daniel 19, 77
- belonging
- civil society and 54
- collective belonging 22-3, 145, 237
- conformity and 6
- giving and 231, 240
- multiculturalism and 5
- through working toget11er 14-15, 231
- see also identity
- Benda, Julien 46
- Benedict XVI 63
- Bennett, Alan 77
- Berkeley, George 168, 259
- Berlin Declaration of the European Union (2007) 54
- Berlin, Isaiah 33-4, 115, 174
- 'Two concepts of liberty' 92-3
- Bible 53, 54, 56, 58, 65
- biblical picture of anarchy 196-7
- biblical politics and freedom 96-100
- biblical politics and liberal democracy 222-3
- covenant 104-6, 109, 118-19, 124-5
- covenant love 126, 222-3
- Deuteronomy 56, 102-3, 118-19, 125-6, 127
- Exodus 58, 97, 98, 104-5, 136-7
- First Samuel 101-4, 109
- Genesis 53, 56, 97, 222
- historical narrative 115-16, 117,118
- Hosea 109
- human responsibility 125-8
- Isaiah 53, 126, 177, 179
- Jeremiah 85, 178, 181
- love and biblical morality 219
- Moses see Moses
- as part of national culture 69
- political nature of the Hebrew Bible 96-7, 135-6
- Ruth 126, 221-2
- scrolls and codices 67
- self-critical tradition of 121
- and social capital 131
- and social contract 101-4
- the Tabernacle and Temple 136-42, 230-1
- vision of peace 177
- bilingual communication 162-3
- black civil rights movement 80
- Blair, Tony 21
- blogging 70, 238
- Blunkett, David 19
- bonding capital 179
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 191
- Booth, Charles 27, 167
- bridging capital 179-80
- Brien, Alan 41
- British Society
- assimilationist tradition 16-18, 25-30, 231-2
- British values and the creation of a national narrative 166-71
- children in 206-9
- complex identities in 155-6 lack of national narrative 120, 163-4, 165
- loss of national confidence 76-9
- marriage statistics 205-6
- multiculturalist tradition 18-21
- political covenant in England and
- Scotland 110
- the return of the tribes 80-2
- rise of tolerance 200
- social capital 131-2
- Victorian philanthropy 128-9, 167
- Bruce, Robert 110
- Bruner, Jerome 117
- Buber, Martin 174-5
- Buddhists 9, 92
- Bulgaria 205
- Burke, Edmund 107, 187
- Burtons 27
- Buttiglioni, Rocco 42-3, 201
- Cain 56
- Calvinism 105, 110, 124, 185
- Cantle Report 19-20, 233
- capitalism 185
- see also market
- Carter, Stephen 222
- Catholics
- Catholic birth rate 214
- Catholic defence of heterosexual marriage 215
- curtailed rights of Catholics in Britain (before 1829) 18
- Chajes, Zvi Hirsch 103
- Chamberlain, Joseph 27
- Charles, Prince of Wales 180
- Chekhov, Anton 192
- Chesterton, G. K. 22
- children 206-11, 215
- Cho, Seung Hu 49-51, 62
- Christianity
- British 77-8
- dialogue with Judaism 174-5
- see also interfaith relationships
- ethos of responsibility 56,125-9, 132
- evil and 56
- forced conversion to 27, 197
- social gospel 128-9,167, 179
- thought experiment on Christian persecution 44-5
- Christmas 78,115
- Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer 16-17, 69
- memorial 163
- citizenship
- civility and 183-92 see also civil society
- education 5, 167, 239
- language of 162-3
- social covenant of 177-82
- civic nationalism 12, 140
- see also national identity
- civic virtue 98, 220-1
- civil equality 34, 135, 144
- civil society 94, 106, 128, 132, 142, 201
- versus the civic virtue tradition 98, 220-1
- civility and 184, 186-8, 190-2
- 'covenant love' and 126, 222-3
- erosion of 11
- liberal politics and 54, 98
- civility 183-92, 222
- Clarke, Charles 9
- classicism 35
- classical democracy 218, 219
- Clinton, Bill 7
- Clinton, Hilary 214
- codices 67
- cohabitation 206,207,214
- Colegate, Isabel 29
- common good 5, 10,11, 16, 22
- as a by-product 158
- civility and 189
- identification with 85
- social covenant and 110, 152-4, 156, 157, 181, 234, 236
- in the Tabernacle model of society 138, 140, 231
- working together for 85, 110, 240
- communications technology 6-9, 238-9
- and the end of autonomous cultures 68-70
- and the fragmentation of culture 63-73
- see also information technology; internet
- community
- community-creation 127, 170-1, 230
- community relations 10, 131-2, 177, 179, 233
- community service 23, 184, 233, 239
- covenantal society as a moral community 125, 145, 156
- see also social covenant
- inward turn from society to 82-6
- sense of national community 66
- state and 202, 216
- Tabernacle as visible emblem of 138
- of values 84
- Comte, Auguste 59
- concentration camps 30, 34,46
- conflict management 9
- civility and conflict resolution 189, 192
- non-violent conflict resolution 70
- conspiracy theories 64, 71
- consumerism 83,143
- contracts 109-10
- social contract 101-4,110
- corporate state 55
- cosmopolitanism 21-2, 79-80, 161
- covenant
- in the Bible 104-6, 109, 118-19, 124-5
- 'covenant love' 126, 158,180, 222-3
- social see social covenant
- Crevecoeur, J. Hector St. John 26
- crime 188-9
- Croats 51-2
- Cromwell, Oliver 27
- Crusades 53
- Cuddihy, John Murray 162
- cultural pluralism 30-2, 33-4, 35, 82
- see also multiculturalism
- culture
- of the 1960s 40
- of Ancient Greece 56-7
- cultural canon 69
- cultural diversity see diversity
- cultural habits of individualism 6
- fragmentation of 11, 20, 63-73
- global cultures 9, 73
- global media and the end of
- autonomous cultures 68-70
- marriage and 213-16 see also marriage
- national see national culture politicization of 55
- of responsibility 132-3
- rise of national cultures 64-8 'scientific' 59
- tasks of religion in 214-16
- technologies of 6-9
- of victimhood 56-62
- of the visual image 71
- youth 40
- Czechoslovakian refugees 18
- Dalai Lama 92
- Dalrymple, Theodore 212
- Dawkins, Richard 211
- de Gaulle, Charles 65
- Declaration of Independence (US) 54, 60, 111, 114, 164
- Defoe, Daniel 17
- democracy
- basis of 55
- the character of liberal democracy 98, 201-2, 226-7
- classical and liberal 218-19
- defence of liberal democracy 9-11, 95-100, 192, 217-27, 232-3
- European roots of 96
- freedom and liberal democracy 10-11, 92-5, 108, 150
- individualism and 129-30, 187, 224
- insufficiency of liberal democracy 150-1
- religion and 217-19, 221-7
- Denmark 3, 96
- determinism 59, 86
- Devlin, Pauick Arthur 38, 39
- devolution 76, 155
- Dewey, John 32
- dialogue 174-5
- Diamond, Jared 214
- Dickens, Charles 69, 167
- dignity
- as a basis of covenant 144
- biblical concept of human dignity 132
- civil society and 190
- of difference 3, 10, 22
- equal 61
- of the individual 54-5
- language and 42
- Dionysus 45
- Disraeli, Benjamin 209
- diversity
- biblical treatment of 98-100, 138
- as a fact and value 4-5
- importance of cultural diversity 216
- integrated 10, 22-3, 139
- divorce 206, 207-8
- Donne, John 69
- Dreyfus affair 30, 191
- drugs 34, 40, 189, 206, 212
- Durkheim, Emile 59
- Easter 115
- eastern mysticism 34, 40
- education
- citizenship education 5, 167, 239
- collapse of the integrationist ideal 82-4
- national system of 66-7
- by 'Practical Christianity' 128-9
- as a purely state responsibility 210, 220
- see also schools
- Edward I 27
- Egypt 108
- Eichmann, Adolf 53
- Elias, Norbert 184, 185
- Eliot, George 167
- Eliot, T. S. 216
- Elizabeth II 75, 78, 180
- email 9, 44, 63, 68, 71, 86
- community building through 238-9
- Engels, Friedrich 128
- Enlightenment 26, 58, 160
- failure of 35
- Scottish 167, 219-20
- environment 237
- Erasmus, Desiderius 184
- ethics
- collapse of the sexual ethic 210-12
- Greek and Roman 218
- internalized 185
- mutation into barbaric aesthetics 45
- of personal responsibility 123-33
- see also morality
- ethnic identity 9, 31
- in Germany 16
- pluralism and 35
- the return of the tribes 80-2
- ethnic-religious separatism 11
- etiquette 184-5, 189
- see also civiIity
- European Commission 42-3, 201
- European demographics 205-6
- European Union 76
- 2007 BerIin Declaration 54
- Eve 53
- evil 47, 51-3, 56
- faith schools 82-4, 212, 235
- see also Jewish schools
- family
- centrality in monotheistic faiths 212
- family breakdown 11 ,21, 206-10, 212-13,214
- identity and continuity of 31, 116
- objections to 208
- rebuilding of the family 235
- fascism 191, 236
- Ferguson, Adam 107-8, 186, 191, 220, 222
- festivals 115, 127
- see also individual festivals
- Ford, Ford Madox 17
- Forster, E. M. 161
- Fortuyn, Pym 4
- Foucault, Michel 160
- Fox, Kate 77
- 'Fractured Families' 207-8
- France
- anti-semitism 29-30
- assimilation and the Republican tradition 16
- civic virtue tradition 220-1
- French Revolution 98, 107, 236
- multiculturalism 3
- Napoleonic 108
- youth protests (1968) 34
- Frankl, Viktor 61-2
- Franklin, Benjamin 107
- free speech 11, 19
- political correctness and 42-5
- and the politicization of intellectuals 46-7
- Freedland, Jonathan 167
- freedom
- and the battle of ideas 91-5
- betrayal of 38-48
- biblical politics and 96-100
- through collaborative effort 137-8
- of conscience 96
- democratic see democracy
- journey from slavery to 97, 117, 136, 164, 230
- marriage and 211
- Mill on 39, 43,129
- of response 62
- responsibility and 129-30,161
- rights and 60-1
- science and the death of 58-9 sexual 210,211-12
- supreme power and human freedom 105
- undermined through media manipulation 72
- French Revolution 98, 107, 236
- Freud, Sigmund 45, 59, 80, 92, 210, 211
- Fromm, Erich 34
- Frost, David 37
- Fuller, Millard 229-30
- Gamliel, Rabban 218-19
- Gaskell, Elizabeth 167
- Gaugin, Paul 92
- gays 54, 76
- see also homosexuality
- Gellner, Ernst 66-7
- Germany
- anti-semitism 29-30
- birthrate 205
- ethnic identity 16
- Fascist Germany 236
- Gladstone, William Ewart 70
- global economy 7, 11, 232
- globalization 7, 8, 70-3
- global communication see communications technology
- global cultures 9, 73
- Gnosticism 71
- Goldsmith, Oliver 225
- Goodhart, David 17
- Gordon Evans, William 27
- Gorer, Geoffrey 188
- Greece 205
- Ancient 56-7, 98, 215
- Greek philosophy 97-8
- see also individual philosophers
- Greek politics 97-8, 219
- Athenian democracy 218, 219
- Greek tragedy 57, 59
- guilt
- confession and 219
- forgiveness and 57
- retribution and 59
- victims and 51, 53
- Gulf War (1991) 7, 68
- Gustincic, Andrej 52
- Ha-am, Achad 68
- Habitat for Humanity 229, 230, 231
- Halevi, Judah 8 Halsey, A. H. 209
- Hanina, Rabbi 218
- Hart, H. LA. 38,39, 40
- hate 52
- literature of 168
- self-hatred 78
- Havel, Vaclav 224
- Hayek, Friedrich 33, 174
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 66, 108, 135
- Heidegger, Martin 168
- Hellenistic politics see Greek politics
- Herder, Johann Gottfried 16
- Herzl, Theodore 30
- heteronomy 93
- Hill, Octavia 167
- Himmelfarb, Gertrude 167
- Hindus 18, 76, 131
- Hindu leaders in Britain 9
- history
- as memory 115-16, 119
- of multiculturalism 25-35
- as narrative 115-22
- racism in British history 16-17
- as a weapon 51-2
- Hitler, Adolf 34, 78, 150
- Hobbes, Thomas 10, 60, 96, 104, 135, 189
- Holland see Netherlands
- Holocaust 34,50, 76
- concentration camps 30, 34, 46
- Holocaust survivors 61-2
- homosexuality 38-9, 40, 42-3, 44-5
- legalization of 200
- politicization of gays' victimhood 54
- same-sex partnerships 206
- see also gays; lesbians
- Honeyford, Ray 18
- hope 57-8
- Hosea 109
- Huguenots 16, 17, 20, 231, 234
- Hulme, T. E. 35
- Hume, David 40. 52
- Hungarian refugees 18
- Hungary 205
- Huntington, Samuel 21-2, 86-7
- Husain, Ed 45, 82
- Hussein (ibn Talal), king of Jordan 173
- Hutus 53
- Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World 211-12
- identity
- belongingness and 54 see also belonging
- British 76-8, 163-9
- complex identities 155-6
- covenantal shared identity 109, 121-2,136, 158, 160-1
- ethnic 9, 31
- global 72
- identity politics 55-6, 60-1
- memory and 115-16, 120, 122
- modernity's crisis of 79-80
- national 5, 8-9, 75-9, 161-9
- religious 9, 72, 81-2, 115
- search for 79-80, 159-60
- values and 95
- ideological politics 191
- immigration
- and the fading of ethnicity 81
- Jewish 27-9
- and the rise of multiculturalism 18, 32-3
- Immigration Act (US. 1924) 32
- imperialism 21
- individualism
- cultural habits of 6
- democracy and 129-30. 187, 224
- inadequacy of 95
- the liberal revolution and 53-4
- lndustrial Revolution 7, 66
- information technology 7, 91, 238-9
- and the nation state 64-8, 232
- see also communications technology; internet
- integration
- Blair on 21
- diversity and 10, 16
- integrated diversity 10, 22-3, 139
- replaced by ideal of segregation 84-6
- without assimilation 16, 21-3, 85, 234
- interfaith relationships 9-10, 167, 168-9, 180
- face-to-face 174-5
- side-by-side 173-4, 177-81, 239
- internet 7-8, 50, 68, 71, 83, 232
- as an educational tool 238-9
- terrorist exploitation of 72
- see also communications technology; email
- Iran 18, 32, 63
- Iraq
- 1991 Gulf War 7, 68
- refugees 32
- world impact of conflict through communications technology 9
- Irish 16, 17, 27, 31, 80, 231, 234
- Isaacs, Harold 81
- Isaiah 53, 126, 177, 179
- Islam 198, 202
- see also Muslims
- Israel
- Ancient Greece and 98
- as a culture 68-9
- and global communications 9
- as mixed society 99
- social contract of 101-4
- social covenant of 104-6
- Jains 9
- Jakobovits, Immanuel 82
- James, Oliver 206
- James, William 194
- Jefferson, Thomas 10, 60
- memorial 163
- Jeremiah 85, 178, 181
- Jesus Christ 127
- Jewish Chronicle 27-8
- Jewish schools 28, 29, 81, 82, 84
- Jews
- anti-semitism 29-30, 197-8 see also Holocaust
- birthrate of OrthodoxJews 214
- concerns about marital breakdown 214
- forced conversion of 27, 197
- identity label of 76
- Jewish emancipation 16
- a Jewish perspective on multiculturalism 25-35
- Jewish rights in Britain 18
- memory and history of 115-16
- Orthodox viewpoints 214, 215
- politicization of victimhood 54
- self-hatred 78
- Johnson, Lyndon Baynes 114, 119
- Johnson, Samuel 168
- Joseph (Patriarch) 127
- Joseph, Morris 28
- Joyce, James 117-18
- Judaism
- American Orthodox community 81
- dialogue with Christianity 174-5 see also interfaith relationships
- ethos of responsibility 56, 125-8, 132
- evil and 56
- illegality in Britain, pre-1656 199
- memory and history in 115-16
- Passover 115, 116, 118,144, 213
- the place of the family 212, 213-14
- prophetic 118, 124, 126, 177, 178-9
- rabbinic view of politics 218-19
- rejection of coerced 'faith' 198
- as religious identity 81
- Sabbath 213-14
- the Tabernacle and Temple 136-42, 230-1
- Talmud 42, 81, 177-9
- see also Jewish schools
- July 7 terror attacks 20, 168
- jurisprudence 59
- Kallen, Horace 30-1, 35, 86
- Kant, Immanuel 40, 52, 97, 196
- Kashmir 9
- Kaufman, Stuart 51-2
- Kennedy, John F. 113-14, 119
- Kennedy, Roben F. 124, 227
- Kenya 18
- Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah 18
- Kierkegaard, Søren 169
- King, Martin Luther 34, 97, 124, 164, 191
- Knox, John 110
- Koran 65, 198, 223
- Kosovo, Battle of 52
- Ku Klux Klan 32
- Kuhn, T.S. 92
- language
- bilingual communication 162-3
- breakdown of moral language 41
- of citizenship 162-3
- of clarity 168
- of freedom 58
- national cultures and 66
- of political correctness 42-5
- sacred 65
- of shared belonging 11
- Larkin, Philip 209-10
- Lasch, Christopher 49
- Leach, Penelope 213-14
- Lenin, Vladimir 34
- Lenski, Gerhard 80
- lesbians 76
- Levi, Primo 34
- Levin, Bernard 37-8, 47
- liberal democracy see democracy
- liberalism
- British and continental 10
- clashes with multiculturalism 18-19
- liberal revolution of the 1960s 39-40, 53-4, 153, 200, 209-10
- the liberal state 54-5
- political liberalism and moral relativism 200-1, 203
- and the rights of the individual 5, 54
- libertarianism 43-4, 210, 212, 213, 216
- liberty of conscience 96
- Librescu, Liviu 62
- Liebman, Charles 81
- Lincoln, Abraham 54, 96, 121
- memorial 163
- literary canon 69
- Locke, John 10, 60, 96, 135, 167
- Letter Concerning Toleration 197
- Longley, Clifford 169
- love 98, 219
- 'covenant love' 126, 158, 180, 222-3
- sex, marriage and 210, 211, 215
- Lovett, William 167
- loyalty 19, 154-5, 161
- Luchaire, Achille 65
- Lyotard, Jean-Francois 122
- Macaulay, Thomas Babington 16
- Maclntyre, Alasdair 41, 45, 85-6, 118, 143-4
- Madison, James 111
- Maharishee Mahesh Yogi 40
- Maimonides, Moses 127
- Major, John 166
- Manasseh ben Israel 4
- Manichaeism 71
- manners 184-5, 186
- see also civility
- manufacturing industry 7
- market 149, 154-5
- civility and the emergence of the free market 186
- Marks and Spencer 27
- Marr, Wilhelm 30
- marriage 201, 205-6, 207, 211, 235
- breakdown of 206-8, 212-13, 214
- see also family: family breakdown National Marriage Week 213
- and the place of religion in society 213-16
- sanctity of 216
- and the sexual revolution 210
- Martin, Millicent 37
- Marx, Karl 55, 59
- Maslow, Abraham 34
- master race 121
- Mead, Margaret 212
- media
- and the creation of a national narrative 167
- democratized attention 50
- global media and the end of
- autonomous cultures 68-70
- print and the nation state 64-8
- unity and division through global media 70-3
- see also communications technology memory 115-16, 119, 120, 122
- meta-narrative 122
- see also narrative
- Mikes, George 38
- Miles Jack 57
- Mill, John Stuart 10, 40, 45, 47-8, 93, 167
- on freedom 39, 43, 129
- on responsibilities of parenthood 208-9
- on rights 39, 150
- Millennium celebrations 78, 167
- Milosevic, Slobodan 51-2
- Milton, John 10, 77, 96, 139, 167
- Mishcon, Victor 173
- modernism 160
- modest politics 221, 226
- Modigliani, Amedeo 92
- Montefiore, Sir Moses 29
- Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat 17, 160
- Moore, G. E. 168
- moral relativism 83, 93, 195, 200-1, 203, 215
- morality
- biblical principle of love 219
- breakdown of moral language 41
- and the culture of victimhood 56-62
- democratic moral order 10 see also democracy
- enforcement of morals 38-40
- Judaeo-Christian tradition 56
- Kane's criterion of 151
- loss of confidence in 11
- moral relativism 83, 93, 195, 200-1, 203, 215
- mutated into politics 42-5
- personal choice and 93-4, 143
- results of death of 42-8
- shared moral codes 5, 41, 153
- tolerance and 194-7
- see also ethics
- Moroccan workers 32
- Morris, William 167
- Moses 56, 58, 79, 102-3, 104-5, 114
- humanness of 118
- and the question of identity 159
- and the Tabernacle 137-8
- Moss Bros 27
- Mount, Ferdinand 211
- multiculturalism 3-4, 5, 233-4
- in America 3, 21-2
- birth of 32-5, 86
- clashes with liberalism 18-19
- and the denial of public culture 153
- history of 25-35
- identity politics and 55-6
- liberal democracy and 10
- and the loss of national identity 8-9
- multiculturalist model of society 15-16, 18-21, 86, 94-5
- in the Netherlands 4, 32-3
- post-multiculturalism 21-3
- segregation through 3, 16, 82, 95, 234
- tolerance and 3, 19, 201-3, 238
- see also cultural pluralism
- music 69
- Muslims 18, 76, 131, 202-3, 215
- Mussolini, Benito 34
- MySpace 50, 83, 238
- mysticism 34
- narrative 113-22
- creation of a national narrative 166-71
- description and 165-6
- the national story 163-5
- values and 169-71
- nation state
- information technology and 64-8, 232
- to 'little states' 84-6
- national culture and 7-8
- National Anthem 75-6
- national culture 66, 68-9, 73, 86, 231
- impact of information technology on 7-8
- National Front 18
- national identity 5, 8-9, 75-9, 140, 161-9
- complex identities 155-6
- national pride 78-9
- nationalism 21, 22, 34, 35
- civic nationalism 12, 140
- patriotism and 79
- neo-Marxism 54
- Netherlands
- multiculturalism 4, 32-3, 202-3
- political covenant 110
- tolerance 202-3
- Neuhaus, Richard John 192
- Niebuhr, Richard 111
- Nietzsche, Friedrich 40-1, 45, 62
- North African workers 32
- Nye, Joseph 91
- Oedipus 57, 92, 210-11
- Orwell, George 38, 77, 79, 165-6, 188
- Ottoman Empire 199
- Owen, Robert 167
- Oz, Amos 18411, 192
- Paine, Thomas 99, 106--8, 135, 167
- Parliament, Houses of 165
- Passover 115, 116, 118, 144, 213
- patriotism 79
- Paxman, Jeremy 166
- peace 176-9
- politics of 226-7
- Peres, Shimon 173
- philanthropy 128-30
- Phillips, Trevor 4, 20
- Philo 217
- Pilgrim Fathers 96, 224
- Pinter, Harold 27
- Plato 52, 96-7, 135, 225
- Republic of 4, 210-11, 236
- pluralism
- cultural 30-2, 33-4, 35, 82
- see also multiculturalism of values 34, 92
- political correctness 11, 42-5, 98, 201
- political systems 108-12, 120
- covenantal polities 109-14, 116-17, 119-28, 135-45
- ideological politics 191
- modest politics 221, 226
- politics of recognition 54-6, 60-1
- politics of responsibility 123-33
- politics of victimhood 52, 53-6, 62
- pop music 34, 69
- Popper, Sir Karl 33, 93, 174
- postmodernism
- absence of worship and identity 160
- denial of shared moral codes 5
- and the politicization of victimhood 54
- the postmodern state 54-5
- as 'the death of meta-narrative' 122
- Powell, Enoch 18, 168
- Princeton University 111
- printing technologies 65-8
- procedural state 18-21
- Prochaska, Frank 128
- prophets
- Jeremiah's message of integration without assimilation 178
- prophetic and kingly leadership 102-4
- as social critics 108, 126, 151, 177, 219, 225
- utopianism of 177-8
- Prospect magazine 20
- Protestant work ethic 185
- Prussia 108
- psychological oppression 55
- see also victims
- public spaces 152-4, 192, 235
- neutral space and its politicization 190-1, 235-6
- protection of social space 235-6
- punishment 59
- Puritanism 96, 110, 111, 123
- Putman, Robert 179
- racism 34, 191
- in British history 16--17
- post-war 6
- Reality TV 50
- recognition 50
- politics of 54-6, 60-1
- rights and 60-2
- 'Red Scare' 32
- refugees 18, 32
- relativism 83, 93, 195, 215
- political liberalism and moral relativism 200-1, 203
- religious identity 9, 72, 81-2, 115, 224
- and the inward turning of communities 82--4, 212
- ritual and social inclusion 127
- religious pressure groups 11
- religious roles in society 213-16, 223-5
- religious toleration 197-200
- repentance 121
- respect 10, 61
- see also self-respect
- 'Respect' programme 180
- responsibility of covenantal society 123-33
- culture of 132-3
- freedom and 129-30, 161
- social capital and 130-2
- volunteering and 128-30, 141-2
- retribution 59
- Rhodes, Cecil 77
- Ricoeur, Paul 118
- Riesman, D., Glazer, and Denney, R. 186
- rights
- authenticity and 43-4
- black civil rights movement 80
- freedom and 60-1
- of groups 19, 54
- of individuals 5, 19, 54
- Jewish rights in Britain 18
- Mill on 39, 150
- recognition and 60-2
- responsibilities and 132-3
- ring-fencing of 150
- Robbers' Cave experiment 175-6
- Robinson, John A. T.: Honest to God 40
- rock 34, 69
- romanticism 35
- Rome, Ancient 215
- Roman republicanism 218, 219
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. 32, 69
- memorial 163
- Roosevelt, Theodore 25
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 99-100, 116, 135, 187, 191, 214
- and civic virtue tradition 220
- Rushdie, Salman 18-19
- Ruskin, John 167
- Russell, Bertrand 55, 157, 168, 191
- Rustin, Lena 6
- Ruth 126, 221-2
- Rutherford, Samuel 110
- Rwanda massacres
- Sabbath 213-14
- Saki (H.H. Munro) 77
- Samuel 101-4
- Sandel, Michael 93, 164
- Schaar, John 121
- Schaffer, Peter 27
- schools 7, 66-7, 236
- citizenship education in 5, 167, 239
- collapse of integrationism in 82-4
- community service and 239
- and the creation of a national narrative 167
- faith schools 28, 29, 82-4, 212, 235
- group domination in 19-20
- for immigrant groups 33
- Jewish 28, 29,81,82, 84
- multiculturalism in 18
- as a resource in creating social cohesion 239
- see also education
- Schopenhauer,Arthur 193
- science
- and the death of freedom 58-9
- as a source of authority 30
- Scottish Covenanters 110-11, 155-6
- Scruton, Roger 109, 163-4, 165, 168
- segregation
- and cross-community outreach 181
- as an ideal 84-6
- multiculturalism and 3, 16, 82, 95, 234
- self-segregation 215
- self-esteem 3,51, 60, 61
- politics and 55-6
- self-respect and 11, 83
- self-hatred 78
- self-image 55
- self-respect 11, 14, 66-7, 78, 83
- self-restraint 19, 83, 161
- Seligman, Martin 62
- Selznick, Philip 106,123
- Sen, Amartya 79
- Sentamu, John 4, 20
- September 11 terror attacks 45-6, 50, 71
- Serbs 51-2
- sexual relations 206
- collapse of the sexual ethic 210-12
- homosexual see homosexuality
- marriage and 211
- the sexual revolution 209-10, 212
- Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of 167
- Shakespeare 45, 57, 69, 81, 108, 192
- shame 219
- Shell Petroleum 27
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe 160
- Sherbourne House 208
- Sherif, Muzafer 175-6
- Sherrin, Ned 37
- Shils, Edward 189,191
- Shlain, Leonard 71
- Sikhs 18, 76, 131
- Sikh leaders in Britain 9
- slavery 105, 125, 128, 136
- journey from slavery to freedom 97, 117, 136, 164, 230
- Smith, Adam 52, 220, 222
- Smith, Anthony 120
- Sniderman, Paul and Hagendoorn, Louk 4, 32, 202-3
- social capital 130-2, 179, 237-8
- bonding capital and bridging capital 179-80
- see also volunteering
- social cohesion 6, 157-8, 239
- self-restraint and 19
- social contact 101-4, 109-10, 142, 143, 157-8, 201
- social covenant 104-6, 109-12, 110, 157, 201
- of active citizenship 177-82
- bridging capital 179-80
- cohesion and 157-8
- and the common good 110, 152-4, 156, 157, 181, 234, 236
- 'covenant love' 126, 158, 180, 222-3
- covenantal institutions 191, 234, 238 see also community; family; marriage
- covenantal narrative 113-22, 164
- covenantal politics 109-14, 116-17, 119-28, 135-45, 155-6, 234-9
- the logic of covenant 151
- loyalty and 154-5
- renewal of 118-22, 124
- responsibility of 123-33
- voluntary nature of 141-2, 223
- social Darwinism 30
- social diversity see diversity
- social gospel 128-9, 167,179
- social integration see integration
- social solidarity 151,179,236--7
- collective belonging and 145, 237
- covenant of human solidarity 155-6,180
- national solidarity 20
- social space 235-6
- see also public spaces
- society
- of Britain see British Society
- building a society see society-building
- civil society see civil society
- civility and 162 see also civility
- community and 162
- as country house or melting pot 13, 15, 16-18, 25-31, 35, 86-7, 94 see also assimilation
- covenantal 104-6, 109-14, 116-17, 123-33 see also social covenant
- dependency of politics upon 94
- hierarchical societies 108, 135, 165
- as home (post-multiculturalism) 14-15, 21-3, 138-45
- as hotel (the procedural state) 13-14, 15-16, 18-21, 40, 86, 94-5 see also multiculturalism
- inward turn to community 82-6
- moral foundations of 39
- organic 109, 135,165
- Paine on society and state 106-8
- parables of 13-15
- religion in a secular society 213-16, 223-5
- state and 106-8, 128-30,142
- structures of grace in 125-8
- as Tabernacle 138, 140, 230-1
- society-building
- through the act of creation 137-42
- community-creation 127, 170-1, 230
- need for 5-6
- through a politics of responsibility 123-33
- social covenant as basis for 104-6, 151-8, 234-40 see also social covenant
- story telling and 113-22, 166-71
- through working side by side 140, 173-82, 230
- Socrates 214
- solidarity see social solidarity
- Solomon 141-2
- Somalia 32, 63
- Sophocles 92
- Spain 3, 205
- Spanish Inquisition 197
- Spinoza, Benedict de 4, 10, 59, 96, 135
- Spitalfields 20
- Sri Lanka 32, 233
- Stalin, Joseph 34
- state
- nation state see nation state
- society and 106-8, 128-30, 142
- Stockhausen, Karlheinz 45-6
- story telling see narrative
- Straw, Jack 169
- suicide 40, 59, 61
- suicide bombers 72
- Surowiecki, James 234
- Sweden 207
- Switzerland 110
- Tabernacle 136-8, 140-1, 230-1
- Talmon, L. 10, 220
- Talmud 42, 81
- on non-utopian peace 177-9
- Taylor, A. P. 128
- technology see communications technology; information technology
- teenage pregnancies 83, 206, 207, 212, 214
- television 38, 50, 83
- satellite 7, 8, 68, 69
- soundbites and 69-70
- Temple 136, 139, 141-2
- Ten Commandments 104-5
- terrorism
- July 7 terror attacks 20, 168
- the media and 71-2
- September 11 terror attacks 45-6, 50, 71
- Tesco 27
- That Was The Week That Was 37
- Thought for the Day 70
- Times, The 27, 29
- Tocqueville, Alexis de 7, 10, 108, 129-30, 186-7, 191
- on the role of religion in the state 216, 223-4
- tolerance/toleration
- the birth of toleration 197-9
- Blair on 21
- British tradition of 10, 16-17
- Dutch example of 202-3
- European Commission and 42-3, 201
- move from toleration to tolerance 199-201
- multiculturalism and 3, 19, 201-3, 238
- self-confidence and 78
- toleration as 'the elusive virtue' 194-7
- tradition 213-16
- tragedy 57
- transcendental meditation 40
- Trilling, Lionel 77
- Truth magazine 18
- tsunami 6, 71
- Tudjman, Franco 51-2
- Turkey 32, 63
- Tutu, Desmond 191
- Uganda 18
- United Nations Universal Declaration (1948) 133, 150
- United States of America
- 1924 Immigration Act 32
- 'a new birth of freedom' 96
- American Declaration of Independence 54, 60, 111, 114, 164
- civil equality 34
- cohabitation 207
- covenantal politics 111-14, 119-20, 121
- cultural pluralism 31-2
- disenchantment with Europe after World War I 32
- emergence of civil society 186-7
- 'melting' pot ideal of society 25-6, 30-1
- multiculturalism 3, 21-2
- national stories 163-5
- presidential memorials 163
- relationship between religion and state 216, 223-4
- religious identity 9
- the return of the tribes 80-1
- Vietnam war 34, 71
- utopianism 174-5
- Van Gogh, Vincent 92
- victims
- Cho Seung Hu and the victim mentality 49-51
- culture of victimhood 56-62
- the perpetrator as victim 51-3
- politics of victimhood 52, 53-6, 62
- the voluntary victim 62
- Vietnam war 34, 71
- violence 38, 41
- aestheticization of 45-6
- from the death of moral conversation 47-8
- fatwa 18-19, 63
- global communication and 9, 63-4, 71-3
- massacres 49-51, 53, 62 see also Holocaust
- media attention and 71-3
- pogroms 27
- in schools 83
- street fighting in Britain 18
- threat of 11
- violent crime 188-9
- see also terrorism
- Voltaire 17, 83-4
- volunteering 128-30, 141-2, 229-30
- and the funding of non-liberal institutions 237-8
- see also social capital
- Walzer, Michael 55, 84, 191
- Washington, George 119
- Webb, Beatrice 16, 27
- Weber, Max 185
- Westminster Confession 110
- Whitman, Walt 79
- Wilberforce, William 128
- Williams, Sir Bernard 168, 190, 196
- Wilson, .James Q. 209
- Witness (film) 230
- Wolfenden Committee 38-9, 42, 45
- women
- identity labeI of 76
- politicization of victimhood 54
- Wordsworth, William 171
- world instability 9
- World War I 32, 78
- World War II 32, 69, 76
- writing, invention of 67
- xenophobia 16, 18, 78
- Yes, Prime Minister 184
- youth culture 40
- YouTube 50, 69, 83, 238
- Yugoslavia 51-2
- Zangwill, Israel: The Melting Pot 25-6
- Zionism 68-9
- Zoroastrians 9