The Great Partnership: Science, Religion, and the Search for Meaning

In this challenging book, Jonathan Sacks sets out a clear and vigorous argument for the complementary nature of science and religion, ranging widely through history and philosophy to prove that both are necessary if we are to understand the human condition.
- Abbahu, Rabbi 356
- Abbaye 81
- Abel 63, 132
- abortion 102, 152, 153, 250
- Abarbanel 217
- Abraham 21, 80, 97, 170–1, 177–9, 228
- became the father of many nations 274–5
- challenges God 209, 242–4
- covenant with God 93
- most influential person who ever lived 7–8
- why he was chosen 298–9
- Abrahamic faith 7, 164, 173
- Abrahamic monotheism 38, 73, 132, 289, 290
- continues to flourish after four thousand years 291
- countercultural force 161
- religion of protest 240–1
- in which God loves humans 210
- Abrahamic politics 136–7, 142–3
- Abrahamic universalism 69
- absurdity of life 191, 192
- accident 117
- achievement 49
- action 53–4
- Acton, Lord 132
- Actual Minds, Possible Worlds (Bruner) 52–3
- Adam 219, 359
- and Eve 63, 124, 173–7, 211, 212, 227, 230
- adoption 141
- adultery 169–70
- aesthetics 211
- The African Queen 231
- After Virtue (MacIntyre) 85, 147, 158
- alcohol abuse 167, 279
- Alexander II, Tsar of Russia 251
- All Things Shining: Reading the Western classics to find meaning in a secular age (Dreyfuss and Kelly) 169–70
- alphabet 41–3, 44, 45
- altruism 154, 155, 157, 277–8
- and community 159
- and religion 156
- altruistic evil 257
- Amalek 254
- Amalekites 254
- America 89–91, 142, 281, 282
- see also United States
- American Declaration of Independence 131
- American Grace (Putnam) 277
- American Revolution 139
- Americans 48
- Anaximander 43
- ancient Greece 13, 58
- see also Greece
- ancient Israel 58–9, 61
- animals 145, 175, 176, 230
- animal soul 231
- Anscombe, Elizabeth 147
- ant colonies 225
- anthropic principle 269
- Antiochus IV 58
- antisemitism 86–7, 261
- Antoninus 67
- apartheid 160
- ‘The Approach to Al-Mu’tasim’ (Borges) 78, 88–9, 288
- Aquinas 64
- Aramaic 59
- Arendt, Hannah 119, 132
- argument 52–3
- Aristotle 66, 79, 219–20
- and Maimonides 268, 355
- saw purposes and causes 72
- Arnold, Matthew 58, 92, 105, 147, 294
- art 171
- artificial intelligence 226
- Asperger, Hans 51
- astronomy 352
- Atahualpa 28
- ataraxia 152, 191, 247
- atheism 5, 105–8, 293–4
- and myth of Oedipus 210–11
- and Russell 26
- atheists 6, 11–15, 213, 253, 264, 282
- Athenian democracy 136
- Atran, Scott 251
- attachment 6, 49, 54
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 125
- audience 198
- Augustine 64
- Auschwitz 121–2
- autism 51–2
- Autobiographies (Darwin) 224
- autonomy 126, 153
- Ayer, A. J. 84
- Baal Shem Tov 12
- Babel, Tower of 210
- Babylonian Talmud 81, 351, 352, 356
- Bacha ibn Pakuda, Rabbi 360
- Bacon, Francis 66
- Baker, Herschel 152
- banking 28, 29, 149
- Bar Kochba Rebellion 259, 260
- Baron-Cohen, Simon 51–2
- Barr, James 60
- bat kol 200
- beauty 93
- behaviour 53–4, 148–9
- beliefs
- framing 33
- in God 38, 183–5, 247, 248
- believing 64
- Bellah, Robert 279
- belonging 277, 280
- Berdyaev, Nikolai 246, 274
- Berger, Peter 68
- Berlin, Sir Isaiah 13–14, 15, 94
- on sole possession of the truth 263, 264
- betrayal 171
- the Bible 129–30, 163–4, 194
- and Atahualpa 28
- Cain and Abel 63
- and covenants 195–6
- and divine design 228–9
- Ecclesiastes 25–6
- and Egyptian magicians 273
- and Elokim 73
- emphasises universal and particular 70
- on evil 234–5
- and founders of European politics 131
- and freedom 71, 124–5, 126
- and God 64–5, 72, 168–9, 171–2, 274–5
- and Hashem 73–4
- and Homo religiosus 229–30
- hostile to war 253–4
- inspired revolutions 139
- on life after death 69, 238
- on monarchy 44
- and moral animal 231
- and morality 156–7
- and new atheists 253
- and Pico 113
- and politics 132, 136
- securalised power 260
- and Septuagint 59
- shows more than one perspective 264
- on suffering 237
- and truth 140
- biblical Israel 133
- biblical politics 140
- Biblicism 252
- biological evolution 155
- biological reproduction 175–6
- birds 145
- The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (Taleb) 273
- Blake, William 39, 222, 249, 264
- blame cultures 256
- The Blank Slate (Pinker) 50
- blessings, over science 1, 66–7, 211
- Bloom, Allan 148
- Bogart, Humphrey 231
- Bohr, Niels 15, 54–5
- bonobo 145
- Borges, Jorge Luis 78, 88–9, 288
- bottom-up intelligence 225
- Botton, Alain de 15
- brain 6, 39, 40–1, 46–7, 66
- and autism 51
- and mirror neutrons 145
- and relationship with God 74
- scans 3
- Britain,and religious rights 141, 142
- British Humanist Association 11, 267
- bronze doors for Florence Baptistery 112
- Brown, William P. 209
- Bruner, Jerome 52–3
- Buber, Martin 144
- Buffett, Warren 159
- Bunyan, John 249
- Burke, Edmund 140, 151–2, 196
- business ethics 149
- butterfly effect 295
- Cain 63, 125, 132, 227
- a call 36–7, 104, 204–5
- Cambridge University 83, 91
- Camus, Albert 32, 185, 191–2, 204
- care 49, 50
- cash machine 28
- Catholic Charities of Boston 141
- celebacy 165
- C. Elegans 271
- Cervantes 57
- chance 117, 213, 224, 363
- and story of Joseph 221, 222
- chaos 69, 194
- chaos theory 295
- charity 238, 277
- Chavah 175, 176
- child labour 179
- children 178, 180
- belong to God 179
- disadvantaged 279
- and guardians of their future 299
- and love 175
- and marriage breakdown 166–8
- children of darkness 255
- children of Israel 8
- child sacrifice 177, 178
- China 47–8, 122
- Communism 289
- and religion 282
- traditions 93
- the Chinese 48
- choice 126, 148–9
- Chovot Ha-Levavot (Bacha ibn Pakuda) 360
- Christianity 4, 22, 60, 61–5, 76, 147, 260
- countercultural force 159–60
- existed for two thousand years 277
- Gnosticism 255
- on interpretation 252
- learned how to survive without power 262
- and Nietzsche 106–7, 297
- on power 135
- and the Reformation 261
- Christian morality 239
- Christians 8, 93, 274
- church-goers 277, 278
- Cicero 66, 72
- civilisations, rise and fall 275–6, 291
- civil society 104–5, 110, 136–7, 142
- and biblical politics 140
- cloning 114
- The Closing of the American Mind (Bloom) 148
- clothing 175, 176
- cognition 48
- cognitive pluralism 296
- Cohn, Norman 257–8
- Cold War 294
- collective freedom 132
- Collins, Francis 218, 272
- Colombus, Christopher 96
- comfort, refusal 242
- Commentary 89
- common good 103, 109, 110, 134, 225
- and altruism 278
- and religion 276
- Common Sense (Paine) 137
- communications technology 294
- communities 159, 160
- and religion 278
- and sense of belonging 280
- virtual 202
- community organisations 277
- compartmentalisation 214
- complementarity theory 55
- Comte, Auguste 227
- concentration camps 35–6
- concern for others 155
- Confession (Tolstoy) 186–8
- conflict, and religion 137–8
- Confucian tradition 93
- congregations 198
- conscience 146, 149, 157
- consilience 284
- Constantine, Roman emperor 61
- The Constitution of Liberty (Hayek) 140
- consumerism 201, 202
- contract, politics of 103
- contradictions 241, 248
- convergence 226–7, 228
- conversations
- and meaning 77
- between science and religion 214
- Conway Morris, Simon 226, 227
- Copernicus, Nicolaus 115
- cosmology 268–9
- Cottingham, John 246
- countercultural forces 159–60, 161
- courage 151
- covenantal bond 110
- Covenanters, Scottish 134
- covenants 73, 93, 139, 195–7
- and meanings 199, 200
- politics of 102–3, 133–5
- Cox, Harvey 57
- creation 66, 68, 69, 70, 115, 268–9
- and the Bible 264
- and Italian Renaissance 113
- and Maimonides 353–4
- and number seven 216–17
- and Rabbi Hertz 365–6
- and Rabbi Nissim ben Reuven 359–60
- two accounts in Genesis 10
- two-stage process 361–2
- with which God renews revelation 369
- The Creation (E. O. Wilson) 296
- ‘Creative evolution’ (Kaplan) 361
- creativity 216
- Crescas 228
- Crick, Francis 96, 218, 270
- crime 167, 279
- criminal justice 126
- Crusades 262
- cry 241, 245, 248
- cultural evolution 155
- culture
- collective systems of meaning 54
- overrides nature 155
- Culture and Anarchy (Arnold) 58
- culture war 265
- da’at 177
- Darnell, John 42
- Darwin, Charles 72, 78, 159, 223–4, 239, 364
- on creative potential of creation 217
- and Dawkins 213
- and Nietzsche 105
- and Rabbi Hirsch 363–4
- on religion 154–5, 156
- said human beings a branch of the primates 116
- Darwinism 118, 123, 212–16, 220, 229, 231–2
- and Hitler 119–20
- David, King 253
- da Vinci, Leonardo 112
- Dawkins, Richard 226, 231
- on Darwin 213
- on religion 296–7
- Dawson, Christopher 248, 267
- Dead Sea Scrolls 255
- dehumanisation 3
- Deism 212
- demigods 129
- democracy 136, 142, 161, 294
- secularises power 262–3
- the will of the people 128
- Democritus 43
- depression 167, 279
- Derashot Ha-Ran 359–60
- The Descent of Man (Darwin) 154
- design 79, 80, 223–4, 227, 228–9
- Dessler, Rabbi Eliyahu 363
- destiny 93
- detachment 6, 49, 54
- Deuteronomy 131, 139
- 7:17 274–5
- Diderot, Dennis 271
- difference, and liberal democratic politics 262–3
- In a Different Voice (Gilligan) 49–50
- dignity 38, 110, 127, 289–90
- of humanity 161
- loss of belief in 102
- and Oration on the Dignity of Man 112
- and power 132
- and science 124
- Dinah 171
- Dio 259
- disadvantaged children 279
- disagreement 293
- The Discovery of the Mind (Snell) 230
- diversity 215, 217
- divine command 123
- divine design 228–9
- divine providence 221–2, 223
- divine revelation 46
- divorce 103
- DNA 96
- Donne, John 272
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor 144, 161
- ‘Dover Beach’ (Arnold) 294
- Dreyfus, Hubert 169–70
- drugs 125, 126, 167, 279
- drush 252
- dualism 6, 63, 254–7, 264
- Durant, Ariel 108, 144
- Durant, Will 108–9, 144
- duty 158, 168
- earth 115
- Eastern patterns of cognition 48–9
- eating disorders 167
- Ecclesiastes 185, 188–91, 230
- 1:2; 3:19 25–6
- 2:4–8 202–3
- ecclesiastical power 166
- Ecclesiasticus 57
- ecology 148
- economic inequality 148
- The Economist 282
- education
- of children 299
- and Plato 136
- egoism 155, 156
- Egypt 129, 130
- Egyptian magicians 273
- Einstein, Albert 19, 204
- on religion 6, 214, 297, 298
- Elazar ben Simon 260
- Elijah 80–1
- Eliot, George 105–6, 147
- Eliot, T. S. 13
- Elisha 80–1
- Elohim 164, 176
- Elokim 73
- emergence 225
- The Emergence of Ethical Man (Soloveitchik) 366–8
- empathisers 51–2
- empathy 54, 74, 123, 144–5, 278
- emunah 172
- endurance 247
- Engels, Friedrich 139, 140
- engineering 50–1
- England 140–1, 142
- English Revolution 139
- Enlightenment 87, 158
- envy 202
- Epictetus 152–3
- Epicureanism 152
- Epicureans 34, 191, 287
- Epicurus 34, 151, 165, 239
- epiphenomenon 282–3
- equality 280, 294
- Eros 170
- Essenes 255
- Esther, book of 363
- ethics 147, 149, 231
- of responsibility 37
- ethnic hatred 250
- eugenics 119–21, 250
- European politics 131
- euthanasia 102, 152, 153, 250
- Eve 63, 124, 173–7, 211, 212, 227, 230
- evil 210, 233, 239, 241, 247, 248, 250
- altruistic 257
- and Amalek 254
- banality of 119
- and dualism 255, 256
- and God 234–5, 236
- three kinds of 244–5
- evolution 117, 155, 217, 226–7, 359–63
- excluded middle law 241
- Exodus 81, 130, 139, 164, 165, 197
- 19–20 133
- exodus politics 257
- expectations 287
- explanations 6, 32, 37, 97, 237, 284
- exterminations camps 250
- Ezekiel 63, 173, 238
- face-to-face encounters 202
- factionalism 265
- failure 96, 97
- faith 64, 245–6, 289–90, 297–8
- age of 195
- and care for the powerless 155
- defeat of probability by the power of possibility 283
- and the future 96–8
- is flourishing 282
- is moralisation of love 172
- loss of 168
- and marriage 181
- and meaning 204
- and power 104
- relationship of intersubjectivity 74
- and relationships 169
- and risk 286
- and Tolstoy 187–8
- see also religion
- faith-as-acceptance 245
- faith-as-protest 245
- family 163, 165, 176, 181
- comparison with God 172
- and religion 280
- and the Sabbath 180
- fate 64, 192, 194–5
- fatherhood 168
- fear 295
- Ferris, Stephen 216
- fertility treatments 81
- Fichte, Johann 86
- fiction 195
- fidelity 160, 168
- financial institutions 149
- fiqh 252
- First Power 262
- Florence Baptistery bronze doors 112
- Foot, Philippa 91
- football 29
- foregiveness 300
- foreknowledge 228
- Foucault, Michel 111
- framing beliefs 33
- France 140, 141, 142
- Frankl, Viktor 34–6, 97, 203, 204–5
- Frederick the Great, King 275
- freedom 69, 71, 124–5, 126–7, 139, 142, 192
- and democratic politics 263
- and evil 245
- and God 70, 113, 289
- is decision how to respond 35–6
- liberty of conscience 265
- and politics 128–9, 133, 135
- and power 132
- and Spinoza 115–16
- ‘A Free Man’s Worship’ (Russell) 26
- free market 225
- free rider problem 154–5
- free will 125, 245
- Frege, Gottlob 87
- French Revolution 139, 141, 258, 289
- Freud, Sigmund 19, 116, 123, 157
- and the ‘listening cure’ 74
- on meaning of life 204
- on Oedipus 210
- on religion 27
- Frost, Robert 181
- fundamentalism 215, 252, 254, 294
- the future 96–7, 293
- caring about 301
- and science 1
- futurelessness 36
- Galileo 3
- Galton, Sir Francis 120
- Garden of Eden 173–7
- Gardiner, Alan 42
- garments 175, 176
- Gates, Bill 159
- Gauguin, Paul 95, 96
- The Gay Science (Nietzsche) 105
- gender 49–51
- On the Genealogy of Morality (Nietzsche) 111, 118
- genes 270–1, 282
- Genesis 10, 165, 171–2, 220
- 1 67–9, 70
- 1.1–2:3 216–17
- 3:9 78
- 4:6–7 125
- 9 93
- 17 93
- 32: 26 97
- and abuse of power 132
- and human relationships 163, 164
- and name of God 176
- and science 218
- Genesis Rabbah 356
- genetically encoded instincts 231
- genetic code 217–18
- genetic mutation 217
- The Geography of Thought (Nisbett) 48
- Germany 118, 119, 120–2
- Gersonides 228
- Ghiberti, Lorenzo 112
- Ghiselin, Michael 117
- Gide, André 119
- Gideon 136
- Gilligan, Carol 49–50
- global economy 148
- Glover, Jonathan 87, 250
- Gnosticism 63, 255
- God 7, 81–2, 94, 274–5, 298
- abandon belief in 240
- and Abraham 80, 242–4
- and Abrahamic monotheism 38
- belief in 183–5, 247, 248
- in the Bible 171–2
- and Cain 125
- cannot be deceived 151
- changes name 176
- creates order 194
- and creation 68–9, 368–9
- defies probability 283
- delights in diversity 215
- and design argument 223
- and dignity of humanity 161
- discovery of 25
- against the established powers 129–30
- of everywhere 69–70
- and evil 209–10, 234, 241
- on existence of 78–9
- faith in humankind 97–8
- and freedom 113, 289
- as gardener 216
- gives meaning 30
- and humanity 227–8
- image of 93, 292
- is the question to which our lives are the answer 37
- Jewish and Greek conceptions of 82–3
- and Job 236
- and knowledge 211, 212
- and land 178–9
- life belongs to 153
- loss of 101–4
- and Moses 64–5
- never loses faith in us 291
- in people 89
- personal 205
- and politics 135
- and power 168–9, 290
- as presence in a relationship 180
- and proof for existence 72
- relationship with 4–5, 73–4, 165
- and sacred covenants 199–200
- seeking 92, 232
- teaches us to care for each other 155
- two names 164
- on war 253
- godly soul 231
- God of Abraham 4
- God of Aristotle 4
- God’s witnesses 93
- Goldstein, Rebecca 182
- Gompertz, Lewis 265
- Goodall, Jane 145
- goodness 69, 70, 159
- Gottfredson, Linda 50–1
- Gould, Stephen J. 94, 117, 214, 227, 270, 271
- Great Crash, 2008 149
- Great Rebellion, 66 CE 259
- Greece 13, 45, 58, 79, 165
- citizen served the state 136
- left-brain civilisation 44, 46, 61
- greed 157–8, 194
- Greek alphabet 43
- Greek language 56, 59–61
- Greek myth 210, 211
- Greek philosopy 45, 58, 61, 63
- Greek rationalist tradition 193
- Greeks 67, 72–3, 152–3, 191, 247–8
- discovered the human person as a person 230
- and fate 64
- and God 83
- on knowledge 199
- groups, and individuals 154–6
- The Guide for the Perplexed (Maimonides) 82, 268, 352, 353–4, 355, 359
- guilt 173
- guilt cultures 10
- Gulag 250
- Haamek Davar to Genesis (Netziv) 361
- Habakkuk 234–5
- Habermas, Jürgen 276, 282
- Habits of the Heart (Bellah et al.) 279
- Halevi, Judah 65, 79, 220, 355
- Hamlet 286
- Hampshire, Stuart 85
- Hannah 157
- happiness 190, 200, 202, 280
- and ataraxia 191
- and religion 279
- hard texts 251–4
- Harris, Sam 264, 295
- Hashem 73–4, 164, 176
- Hashem-Elokim 176
- Hasmonean monarchs 260
- hatred 250
- havdallah 211–12
- Havel, Václav 276
- Hawking, Stephen 269
- Hayek, Friedrich 123, 140, 141
- healing 31
- Hebraism 58
- Hebrew alphabet 43
- Hebrew Bible see the Bible
- Hebrew language 56, 61
- The Hebrew Republic: Jewish Sources and the Transformation of European Political Thought (Nelson) 131
- Hedonists 287
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 86
- Heidegger, Martin 87
- Heine, Heinrich 107
- Helen of Troy 169, 170
- Hellenism 58
- Heller, Joseph 31
- Hepburn, Katherine 231
- Heraclitus 43
- hermeneutics of suspicion 157
- heroic passion 92
- Hertz, Rabbi J. H. 365–6
- hevel 189
- Hillel 203
- Himmelfarb, Milton 275
- Hindus 93
- Hirsch, Rabbi Samson Raphael 363–4
- history 31
- Hitler, Adolf 118, 119–20
- Hobbes, Thomas 131, 132, 239
- Hoffer, Eric 251
- Holmes, Sherlock 283
- Holocaust 85–6, 183
- Homer 169–70
- Homo religiosus 229
- homosexual rape 243–4
- hope 10, 27, 38, 242, 247
- absence of 36
- and Israel 13
- and monotheism 9
- houses of worship 280
- hubris 210
- Hugh of St Victor 66
- human cloning 114
- human dignity 110, 127, 289–90
- loss of belief in 102
- and Oration on the Dignity of Man 112
- and power 132
- and science 124
- human free will 245
- human genome 244, 270–1
- human ignorance 292
- humanism 112, 113, 131
- humanities 54
- humanity 93, 161, 228
- Humanity (Glover) 250
- human nature 54
- human reason 46
- human relationships 163–5
- see also relationships
- human rights 140–2, 294
- humans 175, 230–1
- Hume, David 33, 72, 78, 80
- humility 97
- ‘I’ 5, 153, 203
- Ibn Ezra 217
- ideal types 10
- identity 49, 50, 196
- and religion 93, 282
- ideological hatred 250
- ideological politics 142
- Idumeans 260
- Iggrot Ha-Re’iyah (Kook) 364–5
- Ignatieff, Michael 14
- ignorance 292
- Ill Fares the Land (Judt) 201
- The Image of Man (Baker) 152
- impersonal knowledge 55
- Impressionist exhibition, 1874 213
- income 280
- individual, significance of 38
- individual freedom 132
- individualism 102, 110
- individuality 175, 176, 280
- individuals 154–6, 174, 175, 176
- inequalities 148, 247
- infanticide 152, 153
- infidelity 171
- injustice 240, 243–4
- inner-directed individuals 151, 160
- inner-directed society 149
- instincts 231
- interconnectedness of life 219
- interconnection 50
- internal factionalism 260, 262
- Internet 294
- interpersonal connection 49
- interpersonal relations 176
- interpersonal understanding 74
- interpretation 32, 37, 252–3, 284
- intimacy 49
- invisible hand 225
- Isaac 171, 173, 177–9
- Isaiah 93, 172, 200
- on monotheism 257
- on peace 253–4
- Islam 8, 22, 252, 265
- existed for fourteen centuries 277
- isolation 49
- Israel 13, 45, 46, 58–9, 61
- biblical 133
- and Six Day War 85
- Israelites 22
- itjihad 252
- Jabal 229
- Jacob 97, 171, 178, 228, 241–2
- Jacobson, Howard 15
- the Japanese 48, 251
- Jefferson, Thomas 128, 141, 226
- Jeremiah 63, 130, 173, 250
- on evil 234
- Jesus 59, 60–1, 262
- Jews 8, 22
- and antisemitism 86
- the fewest of all peoples 275
- and the Greeks 58
- outlived every empire that sought their destruction 274
- rebellion against Rome 260–1
- Job, book of 235–6, 241
- job for life 202
- John of Giscala 260
- Joseph 171, 220–3, 241, 242
- Josephus 260
- Joshua 253
- joy 203–4
- Joyce, James 288
- Jubal 229
- Judah, Rabbi bar Simon 356
- Judah the Prince, Rabbi 67
- Judaism 9, 159–60
- and antisemitism 86
- existed for over four thousand years 276–7
- and havdallah 211–12
- and messianic politics 259
- on poverty 280
- on power 135
- and salvation 64
- on sin 63
- and universality and particularity 62
- Judeo-Christian ethic 109–10
- judgement 148
- Judges, book of 136
- Judt, Tony 201
- Jung, Carl 267
- justice 49, 243, 246, 248
- Just Six Numbers (Rees) 75
- kamikaze pilots 251
- Kant, Immanuel 72, 78, 86
- Kaplan, Rabbi Aryeh 359, 361
- Keats, John 238
- Kelly, Sean Dorrance 169–70
- Kelvin, Lord 272
- Kennedy, John F. 128, 134
- Keynes, John Maynard 120
- King, Martin Luther Jr 39
- Kings, book of 131
- kingship 135
- knowledge
- and aesthetics 211
- and da’at 177
- and God 212
- and Greeks 199
- impersonal and personal 55
- and power 292
- Koestler, Arthur 119
- Kohelet 188–91
- Kolakowski, Leszek 101
- Kook, Rabbi Abraham 220, 354, 362–3, 364–5
- Koonz, Claudia 120–1
- Koran 262
- kulaks 119
- kulturkampf 265
- land 178–9
- Language, Truth and Logic (Ayer) 84
- Language and Silence (Steiner) 85
- The Language of God (Collins) 218
- languages 40, 41, 60–1, 88
- Laplace, Pierre-Simon 212, 227
- The Last Supper (da Vinci) 112
- law enforcement agencies 151
- Leach, Edmund 180–1
- Leach, Penelope 180
- Leah 178
- Le Fanu, James 75–6, 270
- left brain 3, 41, 46–7, 66, 123
- and asking about evil 236–7
- effective in dealing with things 77
- and revolutionary politics 142
- and science 284
- left-brain culture 44, 46, 61
- legality 149
- Leibniz, Gottfried 227
- Lessing, Gotthold 299–300
- Levi, Primo 121–2
- Leviathan (Hobbes) 131
- Leviticus 131
- Lewis, C. S. 249, 279
- Lewontin, Richard 94, 271
- liberal democracy 128, 136, 294
- secularises power 262–3
- Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (Sandel) 85
- liberty 140–1, 143
- liberty of conscience 137–9, 265
- life
- and meaning 31, 32, 188, 289
- nefesh 189
- reason for 37
- sacrosanct 153
- life after death 69, 237–8
- life-changing decisions 95–6
- life satisfaction 200–1, 279, 280
- Lincoln, Abraham 128, 261
- Lipschitz, Rabbi Israel 357–8
- Lipton, Peter 75
- listening 74, 97
- literacy 129
- living longer 279
- lobotomy 126, 250
- logotherapy 36
- Lorenz, Konrad 121
- love 24, 98, 103–4, 167, 168, 280, 300
- and Abrahamic faith 164, 173, 290
- and children 175
- and covenantal relationship 172
- and Epicurus 165
- and family 181
- and God 205
- and the Hebrew Bible 171
- and otherness 177
- loyalty 73, 160, 168
- luck 95, 96
- Lucretius 34, 151, 152
- Luther, Martin 261
- MacIntyre, Alasdair 85, 147, 158
- Maimonides, Moses 67, 82, 220, 228, 279
- on Aristotle 268
- on charity 238
- on the creation 353–4
- on evil 244
- on evolution 359
- on miracles 80, 200
- on science 273, 352
- on the tree of knowledge 211
- on the universe 355
- on war 253
- Malachi 65
- Malbim (Rabbi Meir Leibush ben Jehiel Michel Weiser) 360, 363
- Malthus, Thomas 224
- Mandela, Nelson 159
- Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl) 36
- Mao Zedong 122
- market economy 224–5, 247
- marriage 110, 160, 163, 202, 280
- act of faith 181
- break-up 102
- and children 166–7
- and the Hebrew Bible 171
- loss of 103–4
- and loss of faith 168
- and the Sabbath 180
- Marx, Karl 116, 139, 280
- and civil society 140
- on religion 157
- Marxism 118–19, 123
- Marxist economic ideology 250
- Maslow, Abraham 279, 280
- materialism 75–6
- matriarchs 178
- matter 359–60
- Matthew 22:21 135, 262
- meaning 6, 7, 24–5, 188, 193–9
- from Abrahamic monotheism 289
- as a call 204–5
- in civil society 105
- and culture 54
- discovering 15
- and faith 204
- and Frankl 36–7
- in history 31
- and interpretation 32
- is in the eye of the beholder 213
- and life 19, 31
- lives in relationships 77
- and narrative 53
- not universal 85
- and particularity 84
- and religion 9, 37–8, 97
- of a system 28–30
- meaningful life 104, 280
- meaninglessness of life 25–6, 213
- The Meaning of Evolution (Simpson) 212
- The Meaning of History (Berdyaev) 274
- Medigo, Rabbi Elijah del 113
- Mein Kampf (Hitler) 119–20
- memes 282
- men
- and moral reasoning 49
- more interested in things than people 50–1
- and systematising 52
- Mendel of Kotzk, Rabbi Menahem 78
- Menelaus 169
- Mesopotamia 129
- messianic politics 257–9
- metanoia 265
- Micah 253
- Michelangelo 112
- Michelson, Albert A. 272
- Michtav Me-Eliyahu (Dessler) 363
- Midrash 163
- Midrash Eichah Rabbati 351
- Mill, John Stuart 79–80, 160
- millenarian movements 257–8
- mind control 250
- miracles 80, 81, 200, 214
- mirror neurons 145
- Mishnah 45–6
- Mishneh Torah, Hilkhot Yesodei ha-Torah (Maimonides) 352
- mission 104
- moderation 295, 296
- monarchy 44, 131, 133
- monasticism 165
- monkeys 145
- Monod, Jacques 25, 30
- monotheism 8–9, 29, 58, 130, 132, 210
- and Abrahamic faiths 7
- antidote to dualism 257
- and Genesis 171
- and love 290
- and power 166, 169
- and relationships 168
- summons us to greatness 287–8
- Montesquieu 138
- Moore, G. E. 84
- moral animal 231
- moral code 151
- moral courage 151
- moral identity 196
- morality 95, 109, 159, 161–2
- and the Bible 156–7
- Christian 239
- and gender 49
- and legality 149
- loss of 103
- and MacIntyre 147, 158
- and Nietzsche 123
- shared 4
- Morality and Conflict (Hampshire) 85
- moral laws 68, 71
- ‘Moral Luck’ (Williams) 94–5
- moral relativism 148
- moral sense 144–7
- moral truth 200
- Morganbesser, Sidney 84, 293
- mortality 174, 175, 176
- Moses 21, 80, 97, 139, 274–5
- on evil 234
- and God 64–5
- multiculturalism 148
- Murdoch, Iris 198
- Muslims 93
- mutations 244
- mutual responsibility 73
- My Life among the Deathworks (Rieff) 194–5
- The Myth of Sisphus (Camus) 32
- myths 3, 30, 68, 210, 211
- Nadel, Rabbi Gedalia 361–2
- Nagel, Thomas 157
- Nag Hammadi Christians 255
- narratives 52–3, 54, 140, 197, 204
- and covenants 134
- and meaning 77
- Nathan the Wise (Lessing) 299–300
- Natural Design (Paley) 223
- natural law 66, 68
- natural sciences 54
- natural selection 154, 217, 223–4, 225–6
- nature 30, 54, 66, 231
- and will to power 155
- Nazi Germany 118, 119, 120–1
- Nazis 86, 87
- Nazism 108
- necessity 224
- Needham, Dr Joseph 47
- needs 279, 280
- nefesh 189
- Nelson, Eric 131
- neo-Darwinians 116–17, 157, 288
- neo-Darwinism 8
- neshamah 189
- Netziv (Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin) 360–1
- new atheists 6, 11–15, 213, 253, 264, 282–3
- new secularism 295
- New Testament 59–60
- Newton, Isaac 115, 227, 292
- Niebuhr, Reinhold 233
- Niebuhr, Richard 37
- Nietzsche, Friedrich 12, 39, 86, 105–7, 108, 111, 117–18, 155
- and act of promising 132, 133
- on Christian faith 297, 298
- on Christian morality 239–40
- on gods 210
- on meaning of life 204
- on morality 123
- Nisbett, Richard E. 47–8
- Nissim ben Reuven, Rabbi 359–60
- Noah 93, 227–8, 244, 247
- nomos 230
- nouns 48
- Novalis 73
- Nussbaum, Martha 54
- Obama, Barack 134
- obedience 136
- obligation 110
- observation 353
- Ockham’s Razor 269
- Oedipus 152, 210
- olam 72
- the One 22, 272
- Ong, Walter J. 45
- Oral Law 252
- Oration on the Dignity of Man (Pico della Mirandola) 111–12, 113, 289
- order 69, 70, 194
- orderliness of the universe 69
- organised complexity 225
- original sin 173
- Origin of Species (Darwin) 217
- The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy (Talmon) 140
- Ostro, Max 182–3, 185, 199, 204
- the Other 159
- other-directed society 149
- otherness 176–7, 180
- Oxford University 83
- Oz, Amos 14–15, 293
- pain 151–2
- Paine, Thomas 137
- Paley, William 223, 224, 227
- parallel universes 269
- parent-as-educator 179
- parent-as-owner 179
- parenthood 110, 163, 167–8
- parents, do not own children 180
- Paris (Iliad) 169
- Parmenides 43
- partial truth 200
- the particular 70, 87, 88
- particularity 62, 84
- Pascal, Blaise 249, 273
- passion 92
- Passover 197
- the past, and religion 1
- patria potestas 179
- patriarchs 178
- patriotism 136
- Paul 61, 62–3
- Pauline Christianity 4, 61, 62
- Pax 6 271
- peace 247, 253, 262
- Penzias, Arno 268, 356
- personal behaviour 148–9
- personal knowledge 55
- personhood 175, 176
- peshat 252
- pessimism 247
- Petrie, Flinders 42
- philosophical antisemitism 86–7
- philosophies of acceptance 240
- philosophy 44, 58, 83–5, 88, 246
- and revolutions 139
- in the seventeenth century 261
- and time 140
- and Wittgenstein 79
- physiological needs 279
- Pickett, Kate 280
- Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni 111–12, 113, 288
- pictograms 42
- Pilgrim Fathers 134
- Pinchas, Rabbi 356
- Pinker, Steven 15, 50, 231
- places of worship 277
- Planck, Max 209, 297, 298
- planned economy 229
- Plato 44, 63, 66
- on democracy 161
- on education 136
- on the family 165
- The Republic 151
- on time 140
- pleasure 151
- Poetic Justice (Nussbaum) 54
- Polanyi, Michael 209
- political issues 148
- politics 135, 136–7, 142
- biblical 140
- European 131
- and power 132, 141, 259
- politics of contract 103
- politics of covenant 102–3
- politics of freedom 128–9, 133
- polytheism 29–30, 168, 169, 170–1
- polytheistic religions 130
- Popper, Karl 96
- positional goods 201
- possibility, power of 283
- postmodern condition 195
- post-secular age 282
- Potiphar’s wife 171
- poverty 131, 148, 280
- The Poverty of Historicism (Popper) 96
- power 133, 135, 156, 165, 259–63
- ecclesiastical 166
- and faith 104
- and God 168–9, 290
- and Judaism 135
- and politics 132, 141
- and religion 138, 249
- and science 292
- social 49
- will to 6, 106
- prayers 77, 198–9, 204
- prejudice 87
- pressure groups 103
- priesthood 135
- printing 129
- probability 283
- progress 193
- proletarian revolution 247
- Prometheus 211, 212
- promising, act of 132–3
- prophets 133, 260
- protests 244, 248
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion 256
- proto-Sinaitic 42
- Proverbs, book of 173
- 16:33 363
- providential narrative 221–3, 363
- Psalms
- 8 111
- 90:4 259
- 104:24–5 215
- psychotropic drugs 125
- Purim 363
- Puritans 134, 139, 265
- The Pursuit of the Millennium (Cohn) 257–8
- Putnam, Robert 277, 278
- Pythagoras 43
- qiyas 252
- Qumran sectarians 255
- rabbinic Judaism 252
- Rachel 178
- radical secularists 264–5
- rape 243–4
- Rappaport, Roy A. 197–8
- Rashi 70
- rationality 68
- reality, different perspectives on 263–5
- reason 194, 353
- and the Enlightenment 87
- and the Greeks 46, 58
- and science 1
- Rebecca 178
- redemption 247, 257
- redemptive deed 248
- Rees, Lord Martin 75, 269
- Reformation 129, 261
- regulatory authorities 149–50, 155
- relationships 163–5, 176
- and faith 169
- and the family 172
- with God 4–5, 73–4
- and meaning 77
- and monotheism 168
- provisional 202
- and religion 6, 166, 181
- and verbs 48
- and women 49
- relativism 2, 148
- religion 146, 160, 251, 259, 280
- about moral law 68
- and altruism 156, 277–8
- in America 281
- can survive without power 261
- and Darwin 154
- and David Sloan Wilson 155
- and Einstein 6, 297, 298
- and Freud 27
- and happiness 279
- has done harm 249
- and identity 93, 282
- and liberty 141–2
- lost functions 281–2
- and Marx 116, 157
- and meaning 6, 7, 37, 97, 197–9
- and morality 146–7, 156–7, 159, 162
- on the past 1
- and power 262
- of protest 240–1, 244
- puts things together to see what they mean 2, 39, 55, 77
- redemption of solitude 74
- and relationships 166, 181
- and science 211, 214–15, 265, 266, 284–5, 291, 351–2
- and social cohesion 161
- and Vico 276
- and wars 137–8
- when it becomes adversarial 295–6
- religious hatred 250
- religious humanism 112, 113
- religious moderation 264, 295
- religious radicals 264–5
- religious society 104
- religious tolerance 265
- remez 252
- Renaissance 112–13, 131
- reproduction 167, 175–6
- reptile brain 231
- The Republic (Plato) 151
- republican constitutions 131
- responsibility 49, 50, 73, 110, 292–3
- ethics of 37
- The Responsible Self (Niebuhr) 37
- revelation 1, 46, 58, 368–9
- revolutionary politics 142
- revolutions 139, 140, 141
- rhesus monkeys 145
- Ridley, Matt 217–18
- Rieff, Philip 194–5
- Riesman, David 149, 151
- right and wrong, concept of 150, 151
- right brain 3, 41, 46–7, 51, 66, 76
- and God 74
- and religion 284
- right-brain culture 45, 46, 61
- the righteous 242–3
- righteousness 296
- rights 49, 140–2, 263
- risk 96, 97, 98, 286
- Rite of Spring (Stravinsky) 213
- rituals 197–8, 204
- Roman Empire 58, 61, 260
- Roman law 179
- Romans 67
- Roosevelt, Theodore 120
- roundworm 271
- Rousseau, Henri 139, 140, 141
- on religion 146
- Royal Hunt of the Sun (Shaffer) 28
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 265
- ruach 189
- Russell, Bertrand 26, 30, 33
- on Epicurus 152
- on morality 160–1
- Russia 118–19, 122, 139, 142
- and religion 282
- Russian Revolution 139, 258
- Ruth, book of 164–5
- Saadia Gaon 353
- Sabbath 180, 212, 228
- Sacks, Louis David 183–5, 199, 204
- sacred discount 248
- sacred meanings 199
- sacrifice 177, 178
- safety needs 279
- salvation 64
- same-sex adoptions 141
- Samuel, book of 131, 164–5
- sanctity 77
- Sandel, Michael 85
- Sarah 97, 171, 178
- Satan 235
- Schneersohn, Rabbi Menachem Mendel 90–1, 92, 202–3
- Schneidau, Herbert N. 233, 248
- Schopenhauer, Arthur 86–7
- Schwadron, Rabbi Shalom Mordechai 358–9
- science 220, 261, 292
- authority of 120–2
- in biblical times 68
- and empathy 123
- and explanation 6–7, 97
- form of divine wisdom 73
- and freedom 126, 289
- and the future 1
- and gender differences 50–1
- and Genesis 218
- and human dignity 124
- and Maimonides 273
- misuse of 250
- and myth 30
- and reason 1
- and religion 211, 214–15, 265, 266, 284–5, 291, 296, 351–2
- search for explanation 37–8
- and Soloveitchik 367
- takes things apart to see how they work 2, 39, 55–6, 77
- and the Talmud 67
- and universality 84–5
- and wisdom 70, 71
- worshipped 290
- scientific materialism 75–6
- scorn 192
- Scottish Covenanters 134
- Scruton, Roger 83
- Second Life 202
- Second Temple 259
- secularisation 161–2, 262
- definition 166
- secularism 295
- secular morality 109, 157
- secular people 104
- Sefer Emunot ve-Deot (Saadia Gaon) 353
- Seleucid rule 58
- self-abasement 118
- self-consciousness 271
- self-interest 93
- The Selfish Gene (Dawkins) 226, 231
- selfish genes 156, 157
- selfishness 155, 156
- self-regard 155
- self-restraint 151–2
- self-righteousness 296
- The Semantics of Biblical Language (Barr) 60
- Septuagint 59
- seven (number) 216–17
- sewa 93
- sex 167
- Sforno, Rabbi Ovadia 361–2
- Shaffer, Peter 28
- Shame and Necessity (Williams) 12–13
- shame cultures 10
- Shaw, George Bernard 120
- Shechem 171
- Sheres of Justice (Walzer) 85
- Shia jurisprudence 252
- Sikhs 93
- simchah 191, 203–4
- Simon ben Giora 260
- Simpson, George Gaylord 212
- sin 113, 173, 175, 212
- inherited 63
- and Job 235–6
- Singer, Peter 153
- single vision 222, 264
- Sistine Chapel ceiling 112
- Sisyphus 191–2
- Six Day War 85
- Skinner, B. F. 250
- slavery 160, 228, 242, 265
- Smith, Adam 144, 224–5
- Snell, Bruno 230
- social capital 277
- social cohesion 161
- social conformity 149
- social conscience 110
- social contract theory 134–5
- social Darwinism 119–20, 250
- social engineering 250
- social power 49
- Socrates 79, 165
- sod 252
- Sodom 171
- Sola Scriptura 129
- solitude 74
- Solomon 211
- Solon 136
- Soloveitchik, Rabbi Joseph 89–90, 91, 92, 219, 366–8
- Son of God 65
- soul 189
- South Asian children 48
- Soviet Union 289
- spandrels 94
- species 174, 175, 176
- Spinoza, Baruch 73, 115–16, 131–2, 185
- on will to live 271
- spirit 189
- sport 171
- Stalin, Joseph 119, 122
- Stalinist Russia 118–19, 122
- the state, and civil society 136–7
- Steiner, George 85
- sterilisation, compulsory 120, 250
- Stevens, Wallace 182, 263–4, 285
- Stoics 66, 152–3, 191, 287
- Stoppard, Tom 19
- stories 52–3, 54, 77, 197, 204
- and covenants 134
- and truth 140
- The Story of Civilization (Durant) 108–9
- Stravinsky, Igor 213
- stress-related syndromes 279
- subjectivity 74
- suffering 237–8, 244
- suicide 152–3, 167, 279
- suicide bombers 250–1
- sun 115
- Sunni jurisprudence 252
- superpowers 276–7
- support networks 278, 279
- Swift, Jonathan 249
- synagogue-goers 277, 278
- systematisers 51–2
- systems 28–9, 54, 229
- Taleb, Nassim Nicholas 273
- Talking to the Enemy (Atran) 251
- Talmon, J. L. 140, 141
- Talmud 67, 81, 163
- on war 254
- Tamil Tigers 251
- Taoist tradition 93
- taqleed 252
- Taylor, Charles 193
- Taylor, Chuck 226
- technological progress 247
- technology, misuse of 250
- tectonic plates 244
- terror 258
- terrorists 251
- ‘Tertullian’s Paradox’ (Williams) 82
- teshuvah 265
- Thales 43
- theodicy 240, 242
- theology 65
- Theophrastus 58
- therapeutic culture 194
- Third Reich 289
- Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird (Stevens) 285
- Thirty Years War 261
- Thoreau, Henry David 240
- time, sense of 139–40
- Tocqueville, Alexis de 138–9, 140, 163, 265, 281
- tolerance 87, 265, 294
- toleration 131
- Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich (Leo) 31, 146–7, 161, 185–8, 204
- Torah 70–1, 173
- torture 250
- totalitarian democracy 142
- Toulmin, Stephen 71
- Tower of Babel 210
- tragedy 9, 10, 13, 38, 63–4
- transcendence 93, 98
- Treblinka 182
- tree of knowledge 177, 211
- The True Believer (Hoffer) 251
- trust 6, 31, 155, 168, 191
- truth 140, 195, 263–5
- and power 262
- two kinds 200
- tsunamis 233, 244
- Tubal-Cain 229
- Turing, Alan 218
- tyranny 133, 136, 142, 294
- uncertainty 97
- uniqueness 175
- United States
- and covenant 134
- meeting rabbis 89–91
- and religion 141, 142, 277, 281, 282
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights 141–2
- universalism 69–70
- universality 62–3, 84, 85
- universe 19–25, 65–6, 68, 69, 292
- age of 355–9
- creation 115
- and Just Six Numbers 75
- orderliness of 69
- unselfing 198
- Van Gogh, Vincent 96
- variation 223–4
- verbs 48
- verum-factum 200
- vice 194
- Vico, Giambattista 200, 267, 275–6
- victimhood 295
- violent crime 167, 279
- virtual communities 202
- virtue 276
- vocation 104
- Voltaire 86, 138, 146, 151, 209
- vowels 40, 41, 43
- Waal, Frans de 145
- Wadi el-Hol 42
- Wallace, Alfred Russel 366
- Wall Street 157–8
- Walzer, Michael 85, 156–7, 258–9
- War and Peace (Tolstoy) 31
- wars 137–8, 253, 254
- Washington, George 146
- Watson, James 96, 218
- wealth 156, 201–2, 290
- The Wealth of Nations (Smith) 224–5
- Weaver, Richard 151
- Weber, Max 68
- Weinberg, Steven 25, 30, 250
- wellbeing 201
- Wells, H. G. 120
- Western patterns of cognition 48–9
- Why Us? (Le Fanu) 75–6, 270
- Wilberforce, William 265
- Wilkinson, Richard 280
- the will 64, 69
- Williams, Sir Bernard 91, 96, 97, 192, 193
- admired Nietzsche 106
- and covenants 197
- on duty 158
- ‘Moral Luck’ 94–5
- Shame and Necessity 12–13
- ‘Tertullian’s Paradox’ 82–3
- will to power 6, 104, 106, 155
- The Will to Power (Nietzsche) 106
- Wilson, David Sloan 155
- Wilson, E. O. 284, 296
- Wilson, Harold 259
- Wilson, Robert 268, 356
- Wilson, Woodrow 120
- Winston, Lord Robert 75
- wisdom
- blessing for 66–7
- and science 68, 70, 71, 73
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig 28, 79, 188
- on meaning of life 19, 204
- on philosophy 241
- women
- and empathy 52
- and moral reasoning 49
- more interested in dealing with people 50–1
- Wordsworth, William 201, 279
- world poverty 148
- writing, invention of 41–3
- Written Law 252
- Xenophanes 23
- Yeats, Y. B. 95
- Zadok haCohen, Rabbi 368–9
- Zealots 260
- Zeno 153
- Zimmerman of Brugg-in-Aargau 275
- Zyklon B 250