The Dignity of Difference: How to Avoid the Clash of Civilizations

The year 2001 began as the United Nations Year of Dialogue between Civilizations. By its end, the phrase that came most readily to mind was ‘the clash of civilizations.’ The tragedy of September 11 intensified the danger caused by religious differences around the world. As the politics of identity begin to replace the politics of ideology, can religion become a force for peace?
The Dignity of Difference is Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ radical proposal for reconciling hatreds. The first major statement by a Jewish leader on the ethics of globalization, it also marks a paradigm shift in the approach to religious coexistence. Rabbi Sacks argues that we must do more than search for values common to all faiths; we must also reframe the way we see our differences.
9/11 attacks 6–7, 8, 20, 175
- Abel 46, 183
- Abraham 59, 60, 113, 200
- Absolom 185–6
- absoluteness 55
- Adam 151
- adamah 150
- Afghanistan 41
- Africa 29, 106, 110, 136
- After Virtue (MacIntyre) 32
- agency 79, 85
- The Age of Access (Rifkin) 142
- agrarian society 116–17
- agriculture, improvements in 28
- AI 55–6
- aid 107, 110
- AIDS 106
- Akiva, Rabbi 96
- Albanians 177, 178
- Albert, Prince 27–8
- Alexandrian Empire 61
- alphabet 131–3, 140
- Althusius, Johannes 101
- altruism 91, 98, 144, 146, 147
- reciprocal 157, 181
- American Constitution 205–6
- American culture 61–2
- American Declaration of Independence 133, 205, 206
- Amnon 185–6
- Amos 120–1
- ancient Egypt 92–3, 115, 129, 185, 204
- ancient Greece 19–20, 95, 180
- ancient Rome 19–20, 61
- Anderson, Benedict 128
- animal rights 168–9
- anti-globalization protests 67–8, 85–6
- Antiochus IV 61
- Aquinas 91
- Arendt, Hannah 179
- Aristotle 43, 48, 91, 95, 108
- Arnold, Matthew 26
- The Art of the Impossible (Havel) 45, 161
- Assyria 204
- atonement 184
- Austin, J. L. 202
- authoritarian populism 68
- autonomy 32, 61
- Avot de-Rabbi Nathan 177 Axelrod, Robert 147
- Babel 51, 52
- Bachya, Rabbenu 87, 95
- Bacon, Francis 131
- Balkans 177–8
- Barber, Benjamin 30, 38, 61
- bats 162
- Battle of Kosovo, 1389 177–8
- Bauman, Zygmunt 24, 76, 123
- Bellah, Robert 72
- belonging 199
- Benjamin 184
- Berlin, Isaiah 18, 45, 62–3, 115–16, 178
- Berlin, Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehudah 52
- the Bible
- and big government 92–3
- commands us to ‘love the stranger’ 58–9
- and forgiveness 182–6
- key source of ecological awareness 164–8
- and language 150–1
- on poverty 116–18
- and printing 126, 127
- and radical transcendence of God 55
- and universalism 50–1, 54
- see also Exodus; Genesis; Leviticus
- biblical ethics 56–60
- big government 92–3
- binding, of religion 42
- birds 163
- Blumenfeld, Laura 188–9
- Boaz 59
- Bôlsa-Escola scheme 140
- Book of Psalms 63–4, 115, 164, 166–7, 183
- bowling alone 153
- brain size 147
- Brazil 140
- Britain
- and child poverty 108
- and compulsory education 138
- and inequalities 29–30
- Brittan, Samuel 159
- brothers 183, 184
- Brown, Gordon 118
- BSE 171
- Burke, Edmund 76, 152, 205
- Cain 46, 183
- Calvinism 90
- capitalism 20, 28, 85–6, 90, 192, 195, 196–7
- Catholic Church 4
- Catholic ethic 90
- change 68–71, 72, 75–6, 81
- chaos theory 72
- charity 113, 114
- see also tzedakah
- Chemosh 47
- child poverty 108
- children
- and education 136, 138–9, 140–1
- and inequalities 29, 106
- and parents’ love 181
- spend less time with parents 155
- China 4, 91, 109
- Chinese language 130
- choice 73–5, 80, 85, 195
- Christianity 19–20, 52, 53, 61, 195, 198
- chukkim 168
- citizenship, universal 134
- the city, and politics 41–2
- civilizations 17, 37–8, 172
- clash of 23, 37, 198
- civil society 16, 152, 156, 157, 158
- Clinton, Bill 26
- cloning 55–6, 193
- collective atonement 184
- collective freedom 116
- collective good 174
- see also common good
- commerce, and peace 102
- common good 11, 32, 34, 35
- communism, Catholic Church, active in fall of 4
- communists 90
- communitarians 152
- communities 31, 156, 159, 193
- comparative advantage, law of 101, 173
- compassion 17, 174, 195
- competition 99, 100, 142–3, 153–4, 159, 174
- compulsory education 138
- computers 68, 69, 72, 140
- confidence 67
- conflict resolution 4–6
- confrontation, culture of 3
- conservation 17, 174
- conservative religious movements 18
- Consilience (Wilson) 172–3
- conspicuous consumption 99
- consumer cultures 76–7
- consumer society 40, 157
- consumption 40, 99, 193
- contractual relationships 149–50
- contribution 17, 174
- control 17, 71–3, 78–9, 85, 174
- conversation 2–3, 23, 83–4, 175
- co-operation 17, 147, 148, 154, 158, 159, 174
- Copernicus, Nicolaus 36
- corporate responsibility 86, 110
- corporations 34–5, 86, 99, 110
- covenantal relationships 143, 149–50, 151–2, 174
- covenants 55, 151, 157, 172, 200, 202–6
- global 209
- and sign of the rainbow 182
- Sinai 133–5
- creation 53–4, 164
- creativity 17, 96, 137, 140, 159, 174
- crime, urban 68
- The Crisis of Global Capitalism (Soros) 154–5
- Croats 178
- Crusades 47, 190
- cultural lag 69
- culture 37–8, 61–2, 77, 92, 128
- diverse 54, 62
- and globalization 30–1
- cuneiform 129
- cynicism, institutionalized 77
- Darwin, Charles 142, 146
- Darwinism 74
- David, King 122–3, 151
- Day of Atonement 184, 185
- debt relief 117, 118
- democratic capitalism 196
- demoralization 78–9
- Descartes, René 36, 150
- Deuteronomy 117, 118–19, 137, 168
- development as freedom 115–16
- Diamon, Jared 163
- difference, and politics 41, 42, 43
- digital divide 29, 109
- Disraeli, Benjamin 84
- diversity 101, 173
- divorce 71
- DNA 53–4
- Donne, John 26–7, 209
- Durkheim, Émile 73–4, 81
- earth, diversity on 53–4
- earth worshippers 164
- Easter Island 161–2
- Eastern European Bund 90
- Ecclesiastes 98
- Ecclesiastes Rabbah 1
- ecology 164–8
- see also the environment
- economic crisis, South East Asia 72
- economic growth 144, 145
- economic independence 93, 96
- economic relationships 149
- economics 4, 41, 43, 88–9, 174
- economic systems 4
- education 81, 136–9, 140–1, 174
- Egypt 92–3, 115, 129, 185, 204
- Elazar, Daniel 151
- the electronic herd 72
- elites, global 35
- employment 29, 70–1, 89, 107–8, 110–11, 154, 193
- Encyclopaedia Britannica 154
- ‘The End of History’ (Fukuyama) 196
- the Enlightenment 20, 61, 112
- the environment 16, 33, 161–73, 193
- environmental movement 85
- epidemiology 72
- equality 120–1, 133
- Esau 183
- Essenes 90
- ethical socialism 90–1
- ethics 32, 36, 56–60, 89, 136
- ethnic wars 193
- European Union 40
- evangelical Protestantism 4
- Exodus 114–15, 133–4, 167
- extinction of species 168, 193
- extremism 68, 193
- Ezra 137–8
- fair trading 89
- faiths
- compass of mankind 12
- as force for peace 4–6
- immune to the pressures of the market 158–9
- and those who do not share the same one 45–6
- and toleration 199
- value of 208–9
- see also religion
- the family 31, 70, 149, 155, 193
- famine 106, 110
- far-right political parties 67
- fear 84, 85
- finance, and Islam 90
- Fishbane, Michael 204
- the Flood 93, 182, 209
- forgetting, and forgiving 182
- forgiveness 177, 178, 178–90, 182
- fraternity 183
- Frazer, Sir James 98
- freedom 11–12, 73, 85, 115–16, 119
- and the free economy 159
- is refutation of tragedy 180
- and restraint 175
- without meaning 157
- free economy 159
- see also market economy
- free market 14–15, 16, 37, 87, 175, 196
- and Judaism 91, 99–100
- Freud, Sigmund 20, 74
- Friedman, Thomas 72, 85, 102
- friendship 77, 151
- Fukuyama, Francis 37, 40, 151–2, 196, 197, 198–9
- fundamentalism 175, 193, 201
- funerals 80
- The Future of Success (Reich) 67
- Gaia hypothesis 164
- gain, individual and collective 144
- Galbraith, J. K. 99
- Galileo 36
- games theory 145–7
- GDP 29
- Generous 181–2
- genes 53–4, 74, 193
- Genesis 51–2, 92, 113, 133, 164, 206
- and nature D165–6
- on work 94
- George, Henry 105
- givenness of life 74
- Gladwell, Malcolm 72
- ‘global arches’ theory 102
- global capitalism 20, 28, 85–6, 192, 196, 198
- global communications 136, 140
- global corporation 34–5
- see also multinational corporations
- global covenant 205, 209
- global elites 35
- globalization 3–9, 11, 12, 24–43, 48, 85, 193
- and Bauman 123
- and decentralization of power 200
- and ethics 136
- and the free market 87
- and Judaism 13
- and public protests 14
- and religion 17–18
- and wealth 105, 122
- global peace 6
- global warming 193
- God
- of all mankind 65
- covenant with 172
- and forgiveness 182
- and his image 60
- and hope 207
- is personal 180
- and Noah 93
- as parent 56
- relationship with 55
- and Sinai covenant 133–4, 135
- unity of 53
- on victims of injustice and inequity 115
- Gompertz, Lewis 168–9
- Gorgias (Plato) 95
- Gottwald, Norman 135
- governments
- and the common good 34
- necessary for defence and social order 93
- Gray, John 156
- Greece 19–20, 95, 180
- Ground Zero 1
- grudge, bear 186
- Gutenberg, Johannes 126
- Hanafite school of Islamic jurisprudence 90
- ‘Hatikvah’ 206
- Havel, Václav 45, 161
- Hebrew Bible 164–8
- see also the Bible
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 128
- Heisenberg, Werner 72
- Heller, Joseph 207
- Heschel, A. J. 121
- Heyerdal, Thor 162
- hieroglyphics 129
- Hirsch, Samson Raphael 165–6, 168
- Hispanics 137
- Hobbes, Thomas 142, 143, 149, 150, 194
- Hobson, J. A. 91
- Holocaust 46, 190
- Holy Roman Empire 42
- homes, changing 71
- Honi the Circle-Drawer 169–70
- honour 120–1
- hope 81, 102, 206–7, 209
- hubris 52, 85, 172–3, 180
- Hulme, David 96
- human genome 53–4, 74, 193
- human honour 120–1
- human rights 62
- human solidarity 17
- human uniqueness 193
- Hume, David 30, 98
- humiliation 119
- hunger 123
- see also starvation
- hunting, excessive 163
- Huntington, Samuel 17, 37, 198
- identity 8, 10, 41, 46–7, 150–1, 152
- Ignatieff, Michael 38–9, 39, 187, 199
- illiteracy 136
- The Imperative of Responsibility (Jonas) 32
- income inequality 15, 29, 105, 106–7, 111, 193, 195
- indebtedness 117
- independence 96, 119–20, 123
- India 109
- industrialization 68
- industrial revolution 91–2
- inequalities 30, 115, 122
- wealth 15, 29, 105–6, 111, 193, 195
- infant mortality 29
- information technology 15, 125, 140
- injustice 57, 115
- insecurity 68, 71, 84, 85, 155
- interconnectedness 33
- international aid 107, 110
- internationalization of images and artefacts 30–1
- International Year of Dialoge between Civilizations 5
- the Internet 69, 72, 140
- intolerance 62–3
- Iraq 41
- Isaac 183
- Isaiah 3, 88–9, 121, 204
- ishah 150
- Ishmael 183
- Ishmael, Rabbi 88
- Islam 19–20, 52, 61, 85, 195, 198
- and finance 90
- upsurge 4
- Israelis 189–90
- Israelites 47, 59, 115, 133–4, 184, 185
- Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma 147, 148, 153, 182
- Jacob 59, 183
- James, William 192
- Jeremiah 121
- Jews
- and development of the market economy 90
- and education 138
- Spanish 138–9
- ‘Jihad vs. McWorld’ (Barber) 38
- jobs 30, 70–1
- see also employment
- Jonas, Hans 32, 170
- Jonathan 151
- Joseph 183–4
- Josephus 138
- Jubilee 2000 13, 118
- Jubilee year 117–18, 167–8
- Judah 184
- Judaism 12–13, 49–50, 52–3, 60–1, 112–21
- 4,000 years old 195
- and economic independence 96
- and education 137–9
- and the free market 91, 99–100
- insisted that every individual is sacred 92
- on poverty 97–9
- and study 95–6
- and theology of hope 102
- values free economy 159
- Judeo-Christian ethic 92, 93–5
- justice 113, 114, 121, 182, 186–7
- Kallen, Horace 204
- kavod habriyot 120–1
- kinship 81
- Klein, Naomi 110
- knowledge
- democratization of 140
- grows when shared 140
- and power 132, 137
- Kook, Rabbi Abraham 64–5
- Kosovo 177–8
- kuppah 118
- labour
- dignity of 93–6
- division of 144
- Landes, David 91–2, 93
- language 54–5, 128, 150–1
- Lasch, Christopher 172
- Latin America 136–7
- law of comparative advantage 101, 173
- Leibniz, Gottfried 22
- Le Mercier de la Rivière, Pierre-Paul 96–7
- Leviathan (Hobbes) 142, 194
- Leviticus 114, 117, 167–8
- liberty 200
- see also freedom
- life expectancy 29
- lifelong learning 139
- life well lived 80, 157
- limited government 93
- limits, sense of 172
- Lincoln, Abraham 84
- Lindblom, Johannes 121
- literacy 127, 136, 138
- local communities 159
- Locke, John 36, 149, 150
- love 55–6, 58, 81, 180–1, 190, 193
- Lovelock, James 164
- loyalty 81, 151, 154, 155
- Luther, Martin 126–7
- Luxemburg, Rosa 90
- Lyberth, Angaangaq 6
- Macaria 127
- MacIntyre, Alasdair 32
- ‘mad cow disease’ 171
- Maimonides, Moses 20, 69, 95–6, 166, 185–6, 187
- on sabbatical years 167
- on tzedakah 119–20
- Maine, Sir Henry 8
- Malachi 60
- malnutrition 106
- Mandela, Nelson 84
- Mandeville, Bernard 98, 143
- manufacturing 111
- Maoris 162–3
- market capitalism 195
- market economy 14–15, 16, 37, 87–9, 90, 98
- market exchange 100–1, 144
- market fundamentalism 88, 159
- markets 22, 33–4, 35, 87–9, 144–5, 193
- favoured by rabbis 99–100
- inequalities 122
- maximize choice 73
- and religion 158–9
- and self-interest 98
- market values 155
- marriage 70–1, 81, 151, 157
- Marvell, Andrew 127
- Marx, Karl 11, 73, 90
- maximizing animal 194
- McWorld 30, 61–2
- Mead, George Herbert 150
- meaning-seeking animal 194
- medieval Christianity 19–20
- melakhah 96
- mercy 181, 182
- Mesopotamia 60
- micro-lending 117
- Mile East
- and peace 189–90
- violence 67
- Midrash, Ecclesiastes Rabbah 1
- military societies 102
- Mill, John Stuart 93
- Millennium World Peace Summit 5–6
- mishpat 113, 115
- moa 162
- Moabites 47
- modernity 21–2, 72, 74–5, 109, 171–2, 195
- and competition 142
- and Jonas 32
- and religion 36, 194
- Montesquieu 102, 143, 178
- moral choices 195
- Moral Inquiries on the Situation of Man and of Brutes (Gompertz) 169
- morality 32, 57–8, 78–9, 81, 82–3, 84–5, 86
- moral language, collapse of 3
- moral relativism 198–9
- moral responsibility 35, 78, 85
- moral sense 35
- moral universals 57
- moral value 193
- moral vision 84
- Moses 57, 59, 60, 184, 185
- and covenants 204–5
- on education 137
- and Korach rebellion 92
- Moses (George) 105
- mourning 188
- multinational corporations 34–5, 109–10, 137
- Nahmanides 168
- Nash, Ogden 178
- nationalism 47, 60–1, 178
- nation-states 71–2, 110–11, 195
- natural environment 16, 33
- natural resources 193
- natural world 53–4
- nature 16, 33, 161–73, 174
- Nehemiah 138
- neighbourhoods, economically segregated 31
- nemesis 180
- neo-Darwinians 74
- Neumann, John von 145
- newspapers 128
- new technologies 109
- see also technology
- New Testaments 126
- Newton, Isaac 36
- new world order 5
- New York 1
- New Zealand 162–3
- Noah 93, 182, 200, 209
- No Logo (Klein) 110
- Novak, Martin 181–2
- Novak, Michael 90, 100, 196
- Nye, Joseph 137
- Ogburn, William 69
- Ong, Walter J. 125, 130
- optimism 206
- oral cultures 130
- Orality and Literacy (Ong) 125
- The Origin of Species (Darwin) 142
- Ottoman Empire 61
- the outsider 61
- Palestinians 189–90
- parenthood 55, 81, 181
- parents 56, 58, 70, 155, 181
- the particular 49, 50–1, 56, 57–8, 63
- particularism 207
- particularities 19, 55
- Pascal, Blaise 143
- Passmore, John 164, 166
- Passover 59, 112
- peace 4–6, 7–8, 9–11, 102, 189, 203
- persecution 178
- personal responsibility 78
- personal stability zones 70–1
- Petrie, William Flinders 131
- Phaedrus (Plato) 130
- philosophical ethics 56–7
- place, commercialization of 156
- place for life 70–1
- places of worship 156, 157
- Plamenatz, John 199
- Plato 19, 48–9, 91, 95, 108, 130
- and religion 43
- and universality of truth 54
- Plato’s ghost 19, 20, 48, 50, 61
- pluralism 203, 204
- Plutarch 95
- Politica (Althusius) 101
- political extremism 68
- political relationships 149
- politics 4, 34, 36, 40, 41, 43
- origin of word 41–2
- The Politics (Aristotle) 91
- politics of insecurity 68
- populism, authoritarian 68
- postmodernity 72
- poverty 31, 97–9, 116–19, 122, 123, 174, 192
- in Britain 29, 108
- in Latin America 136
- and modernity 109
- power
- decentralization of 200
- and knowledge 132, 137
- moral limits of 93
- and religion 43
- Pragmatism (James) 192
- the press 127–8
- priests 135
- primary education 140
- printing 126–8
- Prisoner’s Dilemma 145–8, 153, 174, 181, 182, 189
- private choice 41
- property 93, 114
- property rights 92
- Protestant ethic 90
- Protestantism 4, 36
- protests 14, 16–17, 26, 67–8, 85–6
- Proverbs 99
- Psalm 8 164
- Psalm 85 63–4
- Psalm 104 166–7
- Psalm 146 115
- public goods 35, 41
- public reason 3
- public services 31–2
- public spaces 156
- Puritanism 36
- Putnam, Hilary 170
- Putnam, Robert 153
- race riots 67
- rachamim 181
- radio 69
- rainbow 182
- rain forests 163
- Raphael 48
- Rapoport, Anatole 147
- rationalism D165
- Rav 96, 97
- Rava 88
- Rawls, John 3, 34
- reading 127, 128
- reason 3, 36
- reasoning together 3
- reciprocal altruism 157, 181
- reciprocity 151
- reconciliation 84, 182, 185, 187
- redemption 190
- redistribution 122–3
- reflexivity 72
- the Reformation 126
- Reich, Robert 32, 67, 77, 111, 154
- relationships 77–8, 79, 80, 81, 155–6, 159
- relative poverty 119
- relativism 198–9
- religion 39–43, 81–2, 193–4, 196, 198
- ability to survive 195
- and campaign against terror 9
- and globalization 17–18
- and hope for conflict resolution 4–6
- immune to the pressures of the market 158–9
- leads to peace or war 7, 9–11
- and nature 164–71
- origin of word 42
- and persecution 178
- and politics 43
- resurgence 36–7
- source of wisdom 12
- and violence 46
- religious extremism 68
- religious law, rule by 41
- religious leaders 5–6, 41
- representative democracy 194, 195
- The Republic (Plato) 43, 49, 91
- respect 159
- responsibility 78, 79, 80, 84, 86, 89, 121
- corporate 110
- and covenants 205, 209
- to future generations 169–71, 172
- global economic 111–12
- and globalization 123
- and wealth 99
- restraint 78, 172, 175
- retaliation 178, 186–7
- retribution 187
- retributive justice 113, 182
- revenge 185–6, 187
- reverence 172
- Ricardo, David 101, 173
- Ridley, Matt 53–4
- Rifkin, Jeremy 142, 155–6
- right political parties 67
- rights 32, 62
- riots 67
- Roggeveen, Jakob 161
- romantic nationalism 47
- Rome 19–20, 61
- Rousseau, Henri 149
- RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) 168–9
- rule of law 113, 115
- Ruth 59
- the Sabbath 167
- sabbatical years 116–18, 167–8
- safety-nets 29–30
- salvation 52–3
- Samuel 93, 151, 205
- Sandel, Michael 18
- Sarah 60
- Saul, King 205
- School at Athens (Raphael) 48
- schools 136, 140
- Schumpeter, Joseph 31, 39
- science 36, 40, 43, 194
- Scruton, Roger 158–9, 171
- Seabrook, Jeremy 75–6
- secularization 10–11, 193, 199
- self-interest 98, 144, 146, 147–8, 150, 153, 174
- self-respect 119–20
- self-sufficiency 120
- Selznick, Philip 202–3, 206
- Sen, Amartya 115–16
- September 11 attacks 6–7, 8, 20, 175
- Serbs 177, 178
- service industries 111
- Shakespeare, William 132
- Shimon ben Elazar, Rabbi 94
- Shinar 51–2
- sibling rivalry 183
- Sierra Leone 29
- Sinai covenant 133–5
- Singer, Peter 169
- Smith, Adam 78, 91, 98, 102, 144, 153, 194
- social breakdowns 31
- social capital 148, 152, 153, 157
- social change 81
- see also change
- social contract 149, 205
- Social Darwinians 142
- socialism 90–1
- social justice 114, 168
- social life institutions, breakdown 70–1
- social solidarity 31–2
- see also solidarity
- sociobiology 181–2
- Socrates 95, 130
- soft power 137
- solidarity 17, 31–2, 121, 123
- Solomon, King 190
- Sombart, Werner 90
- Soros, George 88, 122, 154–5, 159
- South East Asia, economic crisis 72
- sovereignty, loss 78
- Soviet Union, collapse 40
- Spanish Jews 138–9
- species protection 168, 193
- Spencer, Herbert 142
- Spielberg, Steven 55–6
- Spinoza, Baruch 73
- stammering 70
- starvation 106, 110
- statutes, in the Bible 168
- stem-cell research 169
- Stiglitz, Joseph 109
- strangers 58–60, 62, 151, 207, 208
- stress, and control 72–3
- stress-related syndromes 31
- suicide 73–4
- Succot 112
- super-empowered individuals 197–8
- support networks 31, 193
- sustainability 167
- Swift, Jonathan 4
- Talmud 88, 95, 122, 169–70
- technology 68–9, 109, 125–6, 192, 194–5
- television 3
- terrorism 8–9, 200
- campaign against 9
- World Trade Center attack 6–7, 8, 20, 175
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith) 153
- ‘thick’ context-laden morality 57–8
- ‘thin’ morality 112
- time
- awareness of 128
- commercialization of 155, 156
- experience of 25–6
- The Tipping Point (Gladwell) 72
- Tit-for-Tat 147, 181–2
- Tocqueville, Alexis de 37, 152, 171, 172
- Toffler, Alvin 70
- tolerance 61, 209
- toleration 199, 200
- totalitarianism 52, 158
- trade 102–3, 173–4
- tragedy 102, 180
- tribalism 19, 46–7, 60–2, 193
- Trotsky, Leon 90
- trust 31–2, 148, 150, 153, 154, 157, 158
- absence 189
- and covenants 151, 152
- trusteeship 114
- truth 19, 23, 36, 49, 54, 63–4, 84
- Two Concepts of Liberty (Berlin) 18
- tzedakah 113–14, 115, 118, 119–20, 122, 123
- uncertainty 25, 68, 80, 200
- uncertainty principle 72
- unemployment 30, 111
- uniqueness, human 193
- United Nations (UN) 5–6
- United Nations Development Programme 106–7
- United States
- Constitution 205–6
- culture 61–2
- Declaration of Independence 133, 205, 206
- and Hispanics 137
- and income inequality 29, 107–8
- and reduction in welfare services 30
- universal citizenship 134
- universalism 20, 47, 49–51, 52, 56, 60–1, 62
- universality 49, 54–5, 58
- universal literacy 138
- urban crime 68
- Vico, Giambattista 143, 144
- Victorian era 68
- violence
- and belonging 199
- conversation, as antedote to 2–3
- in the Mile East 67
- and misuse of religion 46
- virtual communities 156
- visual image versus voice of reason 3
- in vitro fertilization 169
- Voegelin, Eric 132
- Volksgeist 47
- Voltaire 194
- voluntary groups 157
- vulnerability 200
- Walzer, Michael 57–8
- wars 7, 8–9, 23, 47, 102
- wealth 97, 98, 99, 112, 122, 137, 142
- inequality 15, 29, 105, 106–7, 111, 193, 195
- The Wealth of Nations (Smith) 144, 153, 194
- Weber, Max 90, 97, D165
- Weigel, George 37
- welfare services 29–30
- Wells, H. G. 138
- Whitehead, Alfred North 19, 25–6
- Wilde, Oscar 76
- Williams, Bernard 32
- Wilson, E. O. 172–3
- wisdom 12, 64–5
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig 150
- Wolf, Martin 105
- women, and literacy 136
- work
- dignity of 93–6
- insecurity 155
- working conditions 110
- World Bank 159
- World Trade Center 1, 6–7, 20
- writing, invention of 128–31
- wrongdoing 180
- Wycliffe, John 126