Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence

In this powerful and timely book, one of the most admired and authoritative religious leaders of our time tackles the phenomenon of religious extremism and violence committed in the name of God. If religion is perceived as being part of the problem, Rabbi Sacks argues, then it must also form part of the solution.
- Aaron 171
- Abel 88, 158, 167, 170, 171
- Hevel in Hebrew 252–3
- offering to God 103, 255
- Abimelech, king of Gerar 195, 202
- Abraham 4, 52, 64, 109, 169, 202–3
- and covenant 195, 205, 264
- death 118–20
- and death of Sarah 185
- does not bless Isaac 123
- and God 130, 200
- has to buy a cave to bury Sarah 199
- and Isaac and Ishmael 96, 110–11, 114–15, 116, 144
- and Ishmael and his wives 121–2
- knows what it is to be a stranger 187, 197
- and wish for a child 95, 107–8, 112–13
- Abrahamic faiths 23–4, 266
- see also Christianity; Islam; Judaism
- Abrahamic monotheisms 4–5, 18–19, 189, 230, 239
- see also Christianity; Islam; Judaism
- Al Abram 82
- Abu Khdeir, Mohamed 7
- Abu Zant, Sheik Abd al-Mun’im 66–7
- academics 55
- Adam 47, 170
- Adler, Alfred 88
- Aelia Capitolina 222
- Afghanistan 6, 7
- Africa 257
- agency 250
- Agency for Fundamental Rights, European Union 8
- Ahriman 47
- Ahura Mazda 47
- Akiva, Rabbi 204
- Akram, Mohamed 83
- akrasia 28
- Albigensian Crusade 50
- Alexander VI, Pope 78
- alphabets 161
- altruism 32, 182, 256
- and groups 28, 30, 31, 39, 42–3, 100, 152
- reciprocal 34, 35, 179, 181, 263–4
- altruistic evil 23, 42, 48, 180, 249, 266
- definition 9–10
- and Himmler 62–3
- and pathological dualism 54, 65
- radical politicised religion 14
- Amalekites 213–14
- ’Amer, Doaa 240–1
- America
- and Hitler 59
- and Pilgrim Fathers 78
- presidential election, 2008 37
- see also United States
- American Grace (Putnam and Campbell) 38
- Amir, Yigal 20
- Among the Righteous (Satloff) 91
- Amos 197
- al-Amoush, Sheik Bassam 66
- amygdala 56
- ananke 157
- anarchy 36
- ancient Greece 47
- angels 31, 32
- anomie 42
- Anti-Defamation League 70
- anti-globalisation left 260
- anti-racist legislation 262–3
- antisemitism 8, 23, 76–7, 79–80, 188
- disguises its motives 260–1
- and evil 259
- and hate 69–70
- and Islam 66–70, 71–2, 73, 83–4, 241, 250
- racial 78
- and scapegoats 85
- Turkish press 67–8
- anti-Zionism 260
- ants 36
- Aphrahat 98
- apocalypse 231–2
- Apocalypse of Paul 46
- Apocalypse of Peter 46
- apocalyptic politics 231–4
- Arab Spring 250
- Arendt, Hannah 9
- Areopagitica (Milton) 235
- Aristotle 28, 227–8
- Armenians 56
- Arnold, Matthew 232
- asabiyah 257
- Asenath 149
- Ashurbanipal II 192
- assimilation 223
- Assyria 120, 197
- Assyrians 204
- asymmetric conflicts 20
- atheism 166
- atheists 37, 219
- Athenians 228
- Atlan, Henri 246
- atonement 248
- Atran, Scott 42
- Attieh, Khalil 66
- Augustine 98
- Auschwitz 55, 62–3
- autonomy 41, 256, 257
- Averroës (also known as ibn Roshd) 234
- Axelrod, Alan 11
- Ayesha 121, 122
- Baal 254
- Baal prophets 236
- Babel, Tower of 191, 192–3, 227
- Babylonians 218
- Babylonian Talmud 72
- the bad 52–3
- Baldwin, James Arthur 238
- banality of evil 9
- al-Banna, Hassan 71
- barbarians 190
- Bar Kochba Rebellion 222
- Bathily, Lassana 25
- Battle of Kosovo 56
- Beck, Richard 53
- Beckstrom, Rod 17
- Beer Lahai Roi 120
- Beethoven, Ludwig van 40
- beheadings 5, 6
- Benda, Julian 55
- Benedict XVI, Pope 14, 261
- benevolence 34
- Benjamin 150, 151, 155, 157, 158, 169
- Berlin, Isaiah 15
- Berlin, Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehudah 227
- bias 11, 52
- Bibi, Asia Noreen 6–7
- the Bible 39, 46–7, 51, 64, 94, 210
- on Abrahamic monotheism 4
- book of Daniel 232
- and freedom 157
- and God’s names 195
- and hope 200
- and love 145, 166
- meant to be heard not read 161
- and memory 184
- and militarism 211
- and morality 180–1, 196
- on politics 228
- printing of 16–17
- and self-criticism 52–3, 260
- and sibling rivalry 101, 102–3
- and social justice 254
- universality and particularity 197, 205
- and violence 190
- biblical consciousness 171–2
- biblical ethics 184, 244
- biblical narrative 171–2
- Biblicism 208
- Bilhah 146
- bin Laden, Osama 56
- birds 90
- birth order 109
- birth rate 19, 256
- Black Death 77
- black stork 90
- Blake, William 207
- blame 85, 248, 249
- blame culture 61, 248, 250
- blasphemy 6–7
- the Blitz 85
- blood, purity of 78
- Blood Libel 80–1, 82, 241
- Blume, Michael 38
- Bohr, Niels 53, 99
- Boko Haram 9
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 91
- Bosnia 56
- bourgeoisie 56
- Brafman, Ori 17
- brain 35, 56, 86
- breath 253, 255
- broadcasting 21
- brothers 88
- see also Abel; Cain; Esau; Isaac; Ishmael; Jacob; Joseph; Judah
- Brown, Dan 75
- Brussels 8
- Buber, Martin 195
- Burke, Edmund 32
- Butler, Bishop 34
- Cain 88, 98, 103, 167, 170, 171, 252
- and God 153
- means to acquire, to possess, to own 253
- not his brother’s keeper 158, 159
- and offerings 190
- and ownership and power 254–5
- and will to power 255
- the Caliphate 232, 255
- Calvin, John 78
- Cambodia 7
- Campbell, David 38
- cancer 57
- capitalism 60
- capitalists 56
- cartoons 14, 69
- Cathars 50
- Catholic Church 18
- certainty 15
- Le Chambon-sur-Lignon 91
- chaos 35
- charity 38
- Charlie Hebdo 15, 68, 69
- chicks 90
- children
- and covenantal blessing 135
- and mimetic desire 87–8
- and the religious 256
- children of darkness 46, 55–6, 101, 152, 169, 179–80, 251
- children of light 48, 101, 152, 169, 179–80, 251
- German nation 55
- and Qumran scrolls 46
- child sacrifice 80
- choice 102, 111, 116, 257
- and God 124, 167, 189
- chosen people 198–9
- chosen trauma 56
- Christianity 6–7, 25, 51, 90–8, 209–10, 226
- anti-Judaism not the result of Christianity 90
- and Blood Libel 80–1
- borrowed from Judaism 189
- and conversion 39–40
- and dualism 84
- and Gnostic Gospels 50
- and identity 190
- and martyrdom 266
- medieval 208
- and Paul 109
- and political power 230–1
- and sibling rivalry 98–100, 101–2
- Christians 6–7, 49, 78, 241
- and conversion 24, 80
- and the Crusades 259
- and Jews 261–2
- and Muslims 69–70
- Nag Hammadi sect 73–4
- quietist groups 14–15
- and the Reformation 223–4
- and role reversal 182
- and Satan 53
- Chronicles 186, 212
- Chrysostom, John 98
- the Church 226–7, 262
- Church Fathers 97
- circumcision 108
- civic ethic 228
- civil disobedience 266
- The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (Huntington) 189
- closeness 160
- cockroaches 57
- cognitive dissonance 48–9, 185
- Cohn, Norman 80
- commands, and Paul 153
- commonality 205
- common good 179, 256
- Common Sense (Paine) 228
- communes 36–7
- communism 41, 59–60
- communities 41, 256
- compassion 61, 263
- complexity, and dualism 53
- conflict 20, 165–6, 247
- conflict resolution 263, 265
- consciousness, biblical 171–2
- conspiracy theories 75–6
- consumerism 256
- contronym 159
- conversion 24, 39–40, 77, 78, 80
- conviction 15
- co-operation 30, 36
- Copenhagen 8, 68
- Copts 6
- Corinthians 208
- cosmopolitanism 41
- Coulibaly, Amedy 68
- counter-narrative 121–4, 141, 172
- counter-revolutionaries 56
- covenantal blessings 135
- covenantal family 144
- covenantal listening 219
- covenantal nation 144
- covenantal responsibility 111
- covenants 41, 96–7, 108, 189, 264
- and Genesis 169, 195
- the universal and the particular 197, 205
- crimes against humanity 10, 57
- Crusades 56, 77, 225, 259
- culture 12, 18, 41
- Cyprian 97
- Dabiq 232
- Damascus Blood Libel 82
- Daniel, book of 232
- Danish cartoons 14
- Danish Jewry 91
- Danish Resistance 91
- darkness, forces of 48
- see also children of darkness
- Darwin, Charles 27, 28, 29
- David, King 64, 186, 203, 212
- David ben Joseph Abudarham 217
- Da Vinci Code (Brown) 75
- Dawkins, Richard 50–1
- Day of Atonement 204, 222
- Dead Sea Scrolls 44–5
- Dead Sea sect 46, 48–9, 73–4, 221, 232
- dehumanisation 57–8, 61, 169, 200, 259
- and the Other 179–80
- and pathological dualism 54
- Delos 37
- Delphic Oracle 148
- democracy 13, 22, 41, 179, 228–30, 256
- demography 19
- demonisation 61, 169, 179–80, 259
- demons 31
- Denmark 69
- The Descent of Man (Darwin) 29
- desecularisation 18
- Deuteronomy 208–9, 245
- 6: 5 165, 239
- 8: 17 117
- 9: 5 198
- 10: 19 239
- 21: 15–17 164
- 23: 7 142, 239
- 26: 6–7 112
- 30: 19 255
- 32: 35 246
- dhimmi 98, 182
- difference
- and Abraham and Sinai covenants 205
- and liberal democracy 230
- dignity 159, 248, 256, 263
- of humanity 200
- Dionysus 47
- Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (Rousseau) 254
- disinhibition effect 22
- displacement narrative 109
- dissent, make space for 236
- distance 160
- diversity 194, 200
- divine justice 168
- divine love 172
- divine mercy 168
- dreams 146, 147, 148–9
- dualism 47–65, 73–4, 77, 84–5, 247–50
- and altruistic evil 23, 179–80
- pathological 101, 169, 259
- and role reversal 152
- and splitting and projection 80
- and universalism 205
- dualists 46
- Dunbar, Robin 34–5
- Durant, Will 178
- Durkheim, Émile 41–2
- Eastern Europe 81
- Ecclesiastes 253
- ecclesiastical power 230
- Edels, Samuel R. 218
- Eden, Garden of 46–7
- edh-Dhib, Muhammed 44
- egrets 89
- Egypt 18, 45, 193, 197–8, 230
- and Copts 6
- and slavery 183
- Egyptian myth 88
- Egyptians 112
- Eichmann, Adolf 9
- Elazar ben Simon 221
- election, American presidential , 2008 37
- Eliezar, R. ben Azariah 212, 215–16
- Elijah 236–7
- Elokim 53, 195, 196
- Emancipation 79, 210
- empathy 54, 183
- Encyclopedia of Wars (Phillips and Axelrod) 11
- The End of Power (Naím) 20
- enemies 244–5
- England
- expulsion of Jews, 1290 Act 98
- and Goebbels 59
- and religious liberty 78
- Enlightenment 40, 79, 190–1, 210
- entropy 248
- Ephraim 145, 165
- Esau 102, 125–30, 140, 141, 143, 162, 169
- and Isaac 144, 166
- and Jacob 132–3, 134, 156, 170
- and Moses 142
- and Paul 97
- strong and resourceful 199
- and virtues 180
- Essenes 221
- estrangement 159, 160
- ethics 37, 41, 195, 196
- biblical 184, 244
- ethnicity 41
- Europe
- and antisemitism 8
- and persecution of Jews 77
- see also Germany
- European Enlightenment 40
- European Union 8
- Eve 47, 170, 253, 255
- evil 31, 51, 52, 64–5, 101, 256
- and Amalek 214
- and antisemitism 259
- banality of 9
- and deliberate targeting of the innocent 266
- impulse to 153
- and terror 265
- as victim 158
- evolution 28
- Exclusion and Embrace (Volf) 246
- exile 183–4
- Exodus, book of 144, 171
- 1: 10 193
- 1: 11–12 112
- 2: 22 187
- 3: 14 201
- 4: 10 117, 199
- 4: 22 167
- 22: 21 184
- 23: 5 244
- 23: 9 184
- 32: 10 167
- Exodus from Egypt 198, 243
- exodus politics 233
- ‘Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America’ (Akram) 83
- extremism, religious 191
- extremists 17, 19–20
- face 133–4, 138–9
- Faces of the Enemy (Keen) 44
- face-to-face encounters 34
- factionalism 221
- failure 158
- fairness 196
- family 32–3, 41, 196
- far right 260
- fate 127, 140, 157
- fathers 87
- see also Abraham; Isaac; Jacob
- Fatimah 121, 122
- faults 180
- favouritism 103, 144–5, 146, 155
- FBI 83
- ‘Femininity’ (Freud) 89
- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 79
- ‘Final Solution’ 55
- fiqh 208
- First Crusade 77
- First Temple 218
- First World War 56, 84, 259
- Fishbane, Michael 185
- flash-mobs 41
- the Flood 190, 191–2, 193, 194, 201
- forgiveness 51, 156, 168, 170, 248
- Fourth Lateran Council 81
- Francis I, Pope 261–2
- Frankl, Viktor 248
- fraternity 196
- fratricide 88, 90, 103, 147
- Frederick II, Emperor 80
- freedom 15, 242, 256
- and atonement 248
- and God 156–7
- and hate 250, 261
- religious 8, 78, 262
- without order 193
- free market 41
- Freemasons 75
- free speech 235–6
- French Revolution 233
- Freud, Sigmund 74, 87
- on sibling rivalry 88–9, 100, 101
- Fukuyama, Francis 178–9
- fundamentalism 208, 209–11, 219, 265
- fur seals 89
- the future 248, 251, 263
- build to redeem the past 243, 250
- Galapagos Islands 89
- Galatians 39, 94–5
- Game Theory 33
- Gamliel II, Rabban 212
- Gandhi, Mahatma 266
- Garden of Eden 46–7
- genes 32
- Genesis 126, 161–72
- 1 201–2
- 1: 13 170
- 2: 7 253
- 3: 12 170
- 4: 7 153
- 6: 5 191
- 6: 6 3, 190
- 6: 11 190
- 8: 21–22 168
- 9 201–2
- 9: 6 201
- 10: 5 192–3
- 11: 1 191
- 11: 4 193
- 12: 1 187
- 13: 13 202
- 14: 19 203
- 15: 5 110
- 16: 4 107
- 16: 5 107
- 16: 6 107
- 16: 9–10 110
- 16: 11 111
- 16: 13–14 120
- 17: 2, 6 110
- 17: 18 114
- 17: 20 110
- 18: 19 130
- 18: 25 4, 203
- 20: 11 195
- 21 114
- 21: 9–10 108
- 21: 10 112
- 21: 12–13 111
- 21: 17–20 111
- 22 114
- 22: 2 166
- 23 185
- 23: 6 203
- 25: 8–9 118
- 25: 23 99, 127
- 25: 27 125
- 26: 35 135
- 27: 2–4 126
- 27: 18–24 128
- 27: 28–29 126
- 27: 30–38 128
- 27: 39–40 129
- 28: 3–4 135
- 29: 16–17 163
- 29: 26 162
- 29: 30 162
- 29: 31 163
- 29: 32–35 164
- 30: 15 164
- 32: 7 130
- 32: 20 133
- 32: 24 131
- 32: 28 131
- 32: 30 131, 132
- 33: 6–7 132
- 33: 10–11 133
- 33: 18 138
- 37: 1 146
- 37: 3–4 167
- 37: 4 147
- 37: 5 147
- 37: 11 147
- 37: 18 147
- 37: 20 148
- 37: 27 159
- 39: 9 195
- 41: 38 195
- 42: 6–8 149–50
- 42: 21 154
- 42: 28 150
- 43: 34 155
- 44: 17 155
- 45: 4–8 151
- 48: 22 165
- 50: 19–20 144
- 50: 19–21 156
- 50: 20–21 170
- and love 145
- and sibling rivalry 88, 92, 102–3
- genetic similarity 32
- genocide 249
- Germany 54–6, 57–8, 59–61, 62–3, 70–1, 259
- and dualism 73, 84–5
- and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 80
- Gershom 187
- Gessius Florus 220
- Gideon 228
- Girard, René 74–5, 87, 88, 101, 136, 141
- global cosmopolitanism 41
- global people 223
- Global Terror Database, Maryland University 7
- Gnostic Gospels 47, 50
- Gnosticism 47, 51
- Gnostics 73
- God
- and Abraham 130, 203
- of all humanity 189–90
- on the building of the Temple 211–12
- and Cain 153
- calling us to let go of hate 267
- chooses but does not reject 124
- and covenants 107–8, 169
- on Esau 142
- face of 138–9
- and favourites 103
- and freedom 156–7
- and Genesis 172
- and good and bad 52–3
- image of 4, 194–5, 200–1, 265
- and Isaac and Ishmael 110–11, 144
- is infinite 205–6
- and love 165, 200
- loyalty to 262
- and monotheism 63
- on murder 255
- rejects rejection 167–8
- relationship with all humanity 204–5
- of revenge and forgiveness 50–1
- sacrifice to 255
- sacrilege to invoke God to justify violence 5, 266
- and Samuel 228
- two names 53
- and vengeance 246
- weeps 3
- ‘God and War’survey 11
- God-as-compassion 53
- God-as-justice 53
- The God Delusion (Dawkins) 50–1
- Goebbels, Joseph 55, 57, 59, 60–1
- Goldsmith, Oliver 229
- Goldstein, Baruch 7
- Gombrich, E.H. 63
- the good 51, 52–3, 64–5
- Gospel of Thomas 46, 47
- Gospel of Truth 46
- Gospel to the Egyptians 46
- Great Schism of the Church, 1054 84
- Greece 47
- Greeks 31, 228
- Gregory X, Pope 80
- in-group altruism 152
- in-group bias 11, 52
- groups 29–32, 33, 39, 41
- and altruism 28, 42–3, 182
- and bias 52
- and brain size 34–5
- and identity 100–1, 264
- moralities bind together 37–8
- protection of 57
- and retaliation 75
- and scapegoat 84, 259
- and threats to 56, 85
- and violence 152, 190
- and xenophobia 73
- in-group violence 32
- grudges 246–7
- The Guide for the Perplexed (Maimonides) 214
- guilt 153
- Gutenberg, Johannes 16
- Hadith 250
- Hagar 110, 112, 114, 116, 118
- and Beer Lahai Roi 120
- in the desert with Ishmael 108, 111, 115, 129, 180
- is Keturah 121
- mistreated by Sarah 113
- and Paul 95
- surrogate mother 107
- Haidt, Jonathan 38, 179
- Haldane, J.B.S. 32
- Hamas Charter 83
- Hamilton, William 32
- Hamlet (Shakespeare) 87, 88, 247
- hard texts 207–9, 219, 265
- Haredim 14
- harm, avoidance of 196
- Hashem 53, 195, 196
- hate 25, 26, 73, 86, 167, 238, 249–50
- and antisemitism 70
- and blame culture 250
- campaign against 262–3
- of Christians 78
- and God 267
- and Holocaust survivors 242
- and the Internet 21
- of Jews 85, 261
- and literal reading of sacred texts 219
- and memory 244
- and Moses 239–40
- and radical political Islam 241
- Hayek, Friedrich 15
- hearing 161
- Hebrew Bible see the Bible
- hedonism 256
- Hegel, Georg 79
- Heidegger, Martin 55
- Heine, Heinrich 91
- Herf, Jeffrey 59
- Hevel 255
- Hezbollah 83
- hierarchy 3–4
- Hillel 221
- Himmler, Heinrich 62–3
- Hindus 69
- Hitler, Adolf 56, 57, 59–60, 70–1, 101
- Mein Kampf 62, 63
- and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 81
- Hittites 185, 203
- Hobbes, Thomas 11, 17–18, 33, 192, 224
- Höess, Rudolf 58
- Hoffer, Eric 42, 256
- Holland 78
- Holocaust 25, 80, 101
- survivors 242–3, 251
- Holy Land Foundation terrorism-financing trial 83
- holy war 11
- holy warriors 42
- hope 41, 86, 251
- and the Bible 200
- and prophets 231
- and tragedy 158
- Horace 88
- Horseman without a Horse 83
- hostility, out-group 152
- human dignity 256
- humanitarian ethic 183
- humankind, honouring 267
- human relationships 171
- human rights organisations 260
- human sacrifice 75, 255
- Hume, David 28–9
- Hungary 177–8
- Huntington, Samuel 189
- al-Husayni, Muhammed Amin 82–3
- el-Hussein, Omar Abdel Hamid 68
- Hutus 57
- ibn Khaldun 257
- ibn Roshd (also known as Averroës) 234
- ideals 42
- ideas 219, 264
- identity 18–19, 22, 41, 108–9, 190, 204
- biological and ascribed 111
- common 31
- from groups 100–1, 264
- Jacob wanted to be Esau 137
- as a minority 223
- and universality 191
- and violence 39, 205
- ideological system 40
- idolatry 102
- Idumeans 221
- Ignatieff, Michael 42
- ijtihad 208
- Illuminati 75
- ‘Imagine’ 12
- The Imitation Game 27
- imperialism 200, 265
- India 68–9
- individualism 226, 256, 257, 264
- individual rights 41
- individuals, and groups NG30–1, 37–8, 41, 101, 191
- influence, and religion 236
- information technology 16, 210
- inhumanity 258
- inner-biblical exegesis 185
- Innocent III, Pope 50
- Innocent IV, Pope 80
- Inquisition 77
- instinct for survival 89
- intellectuals 14–15, 56
- intelligentsia 54–5
- interests 22
- Internet 17, 21–2, 258
- interpretation 208, 209, 219, 265
- Interpretation of Dreams (Freud) 88
- intertextuality 184–5
- inyenzi 57
- Iqraa 240–1
- Iraq 6, 7, 8, 18, 72
- Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon 46
- Isaac 95, 102, 108, 109, 117, 144, 199
- binding of 114–15, 165–6
- blesses Jacob 126, 127–8, 132, 135–6, 137
- chosen 111, 116
- continues covenant 96–7
- and Esau 125, 144
- first Jewish child 118
- and Ishmael 121, 156, 170
- and Jacob 180
- marries 119
- means he will laugh 113
- not blessed by Abraham 123
- not strong 199
- passes of wife as sister 64, 169
- and Rebecca 145
- wants to reunite Hagar and Abraham 120
- Isaac, Jules 90
- Isaiah 4, 40, 52
- 2: 4 211, 215
- 11: 9 211
- 19: 19–25 197–8
- 45: 7 50
- Ishmael 95, 96, 98, 102, 109, 113–16, 144, 169
- and Abraham 118–19, 121–2, 123, 144
- blessed by God 110, 111
- in the desert with Hagar 108, 129, 180
- and Isaac 156, 170
- means ‘he whom God has heard’ 117–18
- mistreated by Sarah 112
- strong and resourceful 199
- ISIS 5, 8, 56, 232, 258
- and Christians 6
- and restoration of Caliphate 255
- Islam 20, 25, 40, 69, 98, 208
- and antisemitism 66–70, 71, 73, 81–4, 250
- borrowed from Judaism 189
- counts a single life as a universe 266
- and fall of Ottoman Empire 85
- and fundamentalism 210
- and identity 190
- and Ishmael 109, 113–14
- and Ishmael’s wives 122
- and political power 230–1
- radical 17, 241, 258, 262
- and sibling rivalry 98–9, 100, 101–2
- and violence 225
- Islamist extremism 5
- Islamist groups 259–60
- Islamist ideology 5
- Islamists 259
- Israel 103, 142, 199
- criticism of 260
- Jacob’s new name 131
- love from God for 200
- and strangers 186–7
- I–Thou relationship 195
- Jabal al-Tarif 45
- Jacob 102, 125–38, 140, 142, 143, 144, 149
- and Benjamin 150–1
- death 155–6
- and Esau 156, 170
- and favouritism 144–5
- and Isaac 64, 169, 180
- and Joseph 146, 166
- love for Joseph 147
- not strong 199
- and Paul 97
- and Rachel and Leah 162–3, 164–5
- wrestles wth the angel 141, 158
- Jael 198
- Janjaweed 6
- Jeremiah 218
- Jerusalem church 93
- Jesus 230
- Jews
- and Christians 261–2
- Dead Sea sect 48–9
- encouraged to identify with feelings of Israel’s victims 217
- hate of 85
- and Hitler 59–60
- in the Middle Ages 98, 260
- in Nazi Germany 57–8, 70–1
- no longer homeless 103
- and Paul 93–4, 95–6
- and prejudice 79
- religious 14
- and role reversal 183
- as scapegoat 76–7
- seen as children of darkness 55–6
- under Roman rule 220–1
- On the Jews and their Lies (Luther) 78
- jihadists 22, 42
- Job 198
- Jobbik 177, 178
- John of Giscala 221
- John Paul II, Pope 261
- John XXIII, Pope 90, 241, 261
- Jonah 197, 204
- Jordan 66–7
- Joseph 144–53, 154–6, 157–9, 165, 167, 169
- has faults 180
- and Jacob 166
- and Potiphar’s wife 195
- refuses to define himself as victim 170
- Josephus 220–2
- Joshua 213
- book of 207, 208–9
- Judah 148, 159, 166, 180
- and Benjamin 151, 155, 157, 158, 169
- Judaism
- counts a single life as a universe 266
- and Nietzsche 79
- other Abrahamic monotheisms borrowed from 189
- and political power 230–1
- and rabbis 49–50, 225–6
- reconciled with Christianity 25
- religion of love 239
- and sibling rivalry 92, 98–100, 101–2, 262
- on the state 228
- and Szegedi 177–8
- Judeo-Christian heritage 256
- Judeophobia 70
- judgement 53
- Judges, book of 228
- justice 168, 196, 197, 207, 263
- and love 166
- universality of 202, 264
- Jyllands-Posten cartoons 69
- kaniti 253–4
- Kant, Immanuel 28, 40, 79, 191, 211
- Karadzic, Radovan 56
- Kaufmann, Eric 19, 38, 256
- Keen Sam 44
- Keturah 119, 121
- Khmer Rouge 7
- Kierkegaard, Søren 236
- kin 33, 181, 196
- King, Martin Luther 238, 266
- kin selection 32, 36
- kinship 85
- Kishinev pogrom 81
- Kittel, Gerhard 55
- KJV 94, 210
- knowledge, secularisation of 12
- Kook, Rabbi Abraham 204
- Kosovo 56
- Köves, Slomo 178
- Kristeva, Julia 184–5
- Laban 162
- Laius 116, 148
- land, and covenantal blessing 135
- language 192
- laughter 112–13
- Lavardin, Hildebert de, Archbishop of Tours 81
- Leah 97–8, 144, 145, 147, 162–5, 166, 167
- and love 180
- sons of 146
- Lear, King 253
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilich 101
- Lennon, John 12
- Levi 164, 166
- Levi, Primo 57–8
- Leviathan (Hobbes) 192
- Levinas, Emanuel 147–8
- Leviticus
- 19: 18 165, 239
- 19: 33–34 165
- 25: 23 185–6, 199
- 26: 6 211
- Levi Yitzhak, R. of Berditchev 214
- Lewis, Bernard 73, 83–4
- liberal democracy 13, 22, 41, 179, 228–30
- On Liberty (Mill) 235
- liberty, loss of 193
- lice 57
- life, choosing 255
- likro 161
- Limpieza de sangre 78
- Lincoln, Abraham 224
- listening 219
- Locke, John 17–18, 37, 183, 224, 263–4
- Loewe of Prague, Rabbi Judah 234–5
- Lorenz, Konrad 57
- Lot 202–3
- Lot’s wife 243
- love 145, 181, 197, 219, 263
- and conflict 165–6
- and Genesis 172
- of God 267
- Jacob’s for Joseph 147
- and Judaism 239
- and Leah 180
- particularity of 196, 200, 202, 264
- loyalty 256, 262
- Luther, Martin 16–17, 78, 223
- Machiavelli, Niccolò 5
- Mahmoud, Fatma Abdallah 68
- Maimonides, Moses 113, 153–4, 213–14
- Malachi 97, 198
- Manasseh 145, 165
- mandrakes 164
- Manichaeism 47, 51, 73
- Mann, Thomas 89
- Marcion of Sinope 50
- maritime trade 37
- Mark 210
- the market 13, 256
- market economy 22, 179
- Marr, Wilhelm 72
- marriage 41, 256
- Martin V, Pope 80
- martyrdom 266
- Maryland University 7
- Maslow, Abraham 220
- master race 198–9
- Matthew 209–10
- The Matza of Zion (Tlass) 82
- Maximinus 98
- May Laws, 1882 81
- meanings, and narrative 171
- medieval Christianity 208
- Mein Kampf (Hitler) 62, 63
- Melchizedek, king of Salem 203
- memory 184, 188, 243, 244
- Mengele, Josef 55
- mercy 168
- Mesopotamian city states 230
- Messiah 49, 93
- messianic politics 233
- metanoia 153
- Micah 4
- Middle East 7, 81–3, 257
- see also Israel
- Midian 120
- Midianites 207
- Midrash 118, 121, 122–4
- Mikra 161
- Miles, Jack 116, 247
- militarism 211
- military minimalism 218
- Mill, John Stuart 12, 235
- Milosevic, Slobodan 56
- Milton, John 17–18, 117, 235
- mimesis 141
- mimetic desire 98, 136, 137, 143, 170
- definition 87–8, 90
- mindset, and dualism 23
- Miriam 171
- Mishnah 144, 215
- Mock, Douglas 89
- modernity 41
- Mohamad, Dr Mahathir 67
- monotheism
- internalises conflict 247–8
- moral force of 63–4
- offers sense of pride and consequence 18–19
- and politics 230
- as protest 4
- and tolerance 183
- moral code 41, 42
- moral communities 35
- moral dualism 51
- morality 28–9, 179, 182, 183–4, 202, 257
- and the Hebrew Bible 180–1, 195–6
- and kin 33
- secularisation of 12
- thick 37–8
- moral relativism 15–16, 257
- moral responsibility 54, 259, 261, 263
- More than Kin and Less than Kind (Mock) 89
- Morganbesser, Sidney 194
- Morning Prayer 50
- mortality 253, 255
- moser 20
- Moses 64, 117, 171, 199, 203
- asks God who he is 201
- criticises the Israelites 198
- on enemies 244
- on Esau 142
- on evil 52
- and God 167
- on hate 250–1
- and the past 241–2
- says choose life 255
- on slavery 243
- a stranger to both the Egyptians and Israelites 187
- visionary speeches 238–9
- Movement for a Better Hungary 177, 178
- Mueller, Ingo 55
- Mumbai terror attacks 68, 69
- murder 3, 82, 147, 201–2, 249, 250
- and Cain 158, 170, 190
- crime and sin 4
- forbidden in the Abrahamic faiths 266
- fratricide 88, 103
- and God 255
- murderers 54
- Muslim Brotherhood 71, 83
- Muslims 7, 24, 56, 69–70, 91, 109, 240–1
- and the Crusades 225, 259
- quietist groups 14
- and role reversal 182–3
- Muslim Woman Magazine 240–1
- mysticism 219
- myths 88, 116, 141, 166
- Blood Libel and The Protocols of Zion 80–3
- externalise conflict 247
- Nag Hammadi manuscripts 45–7
- Nag Hammadi sect 46–7, 49, 73–4
- Nahmanides 113–14
- Naím, Moisés 20
- Napoleon 89
- narrative, and Genesis 171–2
- narrowcasting 21
- national identity 41
- nationalism 18, 41, 71, 101
- nation state 40
- natural selection 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
- Nazi education programme 58
- Nazi Germany 259
- see also Germany
- Nazi Physicians’ League 55
- Nazis 57
- Nazism 54–6, 62–3
- neighbourhood groups 38
- neighbours 165, 181, 263
- neo-Assyrians 192
- new atheists 15
- New Testament 47, 50–1, 72, 232
- Nicholas V, Pope 80
- Niemöller, Martin 91
- Nietzsche, Friedrich 5, 79
- Nigeria 9
- Ninth Symphony 40
- NIV 39, 208, 209–10
- Noah 167, 197, 201, 202, 205, 264
- and Elokim 195
- Nostra Aetate 90, 261
- Novak, Michael 229
- Numbers 138, 140, 217
- Nuremberg Laws 55, 70, 78
- Nuremberg rally, 1938 59
- Nuremberg trials 10
- ‘Ode to Joy’ 40
- Oedipus 116, 148, 247
- Oedipus complex 87, 88
- Oedipus Rex 127
- Old Testament 50–1
- see also the Bible
- Onal, Ayse 67–8
- oppression 85
- oracles 140
- order 36, 193
- Organisation of Islamic Cooperation 70
- Orphism 47
- orthodox Judaism 210
- the Other 25, 157, 160, 182, 187
- and the Bible 181
- dehumanising and demonising 179–80
- and empathy 183
- and Genesis 202
- and God 203
- and Volf 246
- otherness 157, 158
- Ottoman Empire 56, 85, 210, 259
- out-groups 32, 152
- the outsider 75
- ownership 254, 255
- Oz, Amos 261
- pagan sacrifice 255
- Paine, Thomas 228
- Pakistan 6–7, 69
- Pale of Settlement 81
- Palestinians 7
- panim 133–4
- paranoia 85, 101
- Paris 8, 25, 68, 69, 245
- particularity 195, 197, 205
- of love 196, 200, 202, 264
- Pascal, Blaise 3, 27
- Passover 184, 217
- the past 242, 243, 245, 246, 250, 263
- and blame 248
- prevent a repetition of 244
- pathological dualism 51–3, 73, 84, 101, 169, 259
- and altruistic evil 54, 65
- Paul 39, 51, 92–7, 109, 153
- Paul III, Pope 80
- Pauline Christianity 39, 99
- Paul VI, Pope 90, 261
- peace 4, 11, 211, 213
- and ideas 264
- with the Romans 218
- pecking order 90
- penitential culture 248
- perfect repentance 154, 155
- Persia 47
- Pesach 184, 217
- Pew Research Center 70
- Pharisees 221
- Pharoah 148–9, 193, 195
- Phillips, Charles 11
- philosophical antisemitism 79
- philosophy 190–1, 224
- Pilgrim Fathers 78
- Pinsker, Leon 81
- Plagues, spilling drops of wine for when reciting on Passover 217
- Plato 28, 47, 49, 227
- Platonic dualism 51
- pogroms 81
- political ideology 101
- political messianism 233
- politics 41, 224, 228
- apocalyptic 231–4
- and polytheism 230
- and power 229, 230–1
- and religion 38–9, 236, 262, 263
- Pol Pot 56
- polytheism 3, 230
- the poor 263
- Popper, Karl 15, 227
- postmodernism 41
- Potiphar 148, 195
- poverty relief 256
- power 135, 138, 142, 219, 254, 255, 257
- combined temporal and ecclesiastical 230
- political 229, 230–1
- and religion 19, 222–3, 224–5, 226–7, 236
- secularisation of 12
- prejudice 78, 79
- presidential election, American, 2008 37
- printing 16
- Prisoner’s Dilemma 33, 74
- projection 52, 56, 80–1, 259
- propaganda, Nazi 63
- prophecy 140, 146, 231, 232
- prophets 140–1, 209, 231, 236–7, 266
- Protestant church 210
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 80, 81, 82–3, 177, 241
- Prudentius 98
- Psalms
- 24: 1 254
- 27: 10 107
- 90: 4 229
- 119: 19 177
- 133: 1 171
- 145: 9 124
- 145: 18 161
- Putnam, Robert 38
- al-Qaeda 5, 56
- qiyas 208
- Quispel, Gilles 45–6
- Qumran scrolls 44–5, 46
- Qumran sectarians 46, 48–9, 73–4, 221, 232
- Qur’an 72, 122, 193–4, 250
- on religion 18, 230
- rabbinic Judaism 72, 208, 216–18, 225–6
- rabbis
- on dualism 49–50
- and names for God 53
- Rabin, Yitzhak 20
- race 40, 41, 78, 101
- Jews hated for 260
- scientific study of 54
- Rachel 97, 144, 145, 155, 162–3, 165, 167
- died giving birth to Benjamin 150
- infertile 199
- and Joseph’s brothers 147
- and mandrakes 164
- racial antisemitism 78, 79–80
- radical Islam 17, 241, 258, 262
- radicalism 210
- radical movements 42
- radical politicised religion 14, 25
- radicals 210, 258
- Rahab 198
- Rapoport, Anatole 33–4
- Rashi 166
- rational actor 22
- Rauh, Nicholas 37
- reading 161
- reason 28–9, 79
- Rebecca 99–100, 120, 126–7, 132, 144
- infertile 199
- and Isaac 64, 145, 169
- and Jacob 125, 135, 166
- reciprocal altruism 34, 35, 179, 181, 263–4
- reciprocity 74
- recognition 159, 160
- reconciliation 156, 157, 158, 170, 246
- Reformation 16–17, 224
- rejection 167, 168–9
- relationships, and Genesis 171
- relativism 15–16, 257
- religion
- acquires influence when it relinquishes power 236
- and arguments 234–5
- created moral communities 35
- definition 182
- and fellow believers 31
- and groups 39, 101
- and interpretation 209
- Jews hated for 260
- literal reading of sacred texts can lead to violence and hate 219
- and loving your neighbour 181
- most extreme will prevail 256
- motivated terror 221–2
- and politics 38–9, 262, 263
- and polytheism 3
- and power 19, 222–3, 224–5, 226–7, 231
- and Qur’an 18, 230
- radical politicised 13–14, 25
- and role reversal 182–3
- seeks truth 229
- and sibling rivalry 98–100, 157–8
- and spirituality 41
- terror desecrates and defames 266
- under attack 85
- and violence 10–12, 23, 74, 75, 87, 190, 211, 241
- and voting 37
- and wars 16, 17
- religious communes 37
- religious communities 38
- religious ethics 37–8
- religious extremism 191
- religious extremists 19–20
- Religious Freedom in the World 8–9
- religious freedom/liberty 8, 78, 262
- religious Jews 14
- religious people 256
- religious war 101
- Remus 88
- repentance 155, 156, 157, 158, 248
- Day of Atonement 204, 222
- and Maimonides 153–4
- La Repubblica 261–2
- Republic (Plato) 227
- respect 256
- responsibility 248, 259, 261
- and blame 249
- moral 54, 263
- retaliation 74–5, 157
- Reuben 148, 150–1, 164
- Revelation, book of 232
- revenge 50, 109, 157, 245–6
- reverence 256
- the rich 263
- rights 41, 256
- ritual murder 82
- rituals 36
- rodef 20
- role reversal 152–3, 158, 172, 179, 180
- and biblical ethics 244
- and memory 184
- with person of another faith 182–3
- remembering the Jewish past 187–8
- Roman rule 220–1
- Romans 218
- Romans, book of 94, 96, 97, 109, 246
- Romanticism 40
- Rome 88
- Romulus 88
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 254
- Ruether, Rosemary 97–8
- rule of law 192
- Rushdie, Salman 69
- Russell, Bertrand 257
- Russell, Jeffrey 48
- Russia 15, 80, 81
- Russian Revolution 233
- Russian Secret Police 80
- Ruth 196, 203
- sacrifice 75, 255
- sacrilege 5, 202, 266
- Sadducees 221
- Sages 118, 120–1
- Salafist Islam 262
- al-Samman, Muhammad Ali 45
- Samuel
- book of 207, 211–12
- and God 228
- sanctity of life 263
- Sarah 113, 116–17, 118, 144, 199
- death 119, 120, 185
- and Hagar 95, 107, 112
- and Ishmael 108, 114
- Sargon II 192
- Satan 53, 166
- The Satanic Verses (Rushdie) 14, 69
- Satloff, Robert 91
- scapegoat 75, 76, 84, 85–6, 101, 250
- to evade moral responsibility 259
- someone you can kill without risk of reprisal 260
- Schiller, Friedrich 40
- Schmitt, Carl 55
- Schopenhauer, Arthur 79
- science 13, 190–1, 224
- seals 89
- Second Temple 218
- Secret Book of James 46
- secular communes 36–7
- secular culture 18
- secular ethics 37
- secularisation 12–13, 18
- secular Islamic regimes 259
- secularism 18
- secular nationalism 18, 71, 250
- secular people 256
- the self 41, 202
- self-criticism 52–3, 199, 260
- selfie 41
- self-interest 179
- the selfish 28
- Seneca 93
- Serbs 56
- serpent, Garden of Eden 46–7
- Shakespeare, William 35–6, 87, 125, 209
- Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? (Kaufmann) 19
- Shammai 221
- Sharia law 259
- Al-Shatat (‘Diaspora’) 83
- Shia jurisprudence 208
- Shimon 164
- shtei reshuyot 50
- sibling rivalry 88–90, 101–3, 107, 109, 167, 172–3, 264
- between the Church and Judaism 262
- Isaac and Ishmael 123
- Jacob and Esau 125, 126–7, 134, 141, 143, 166
- Joseph and his brothers 144–53, 154–6, 157–9, 166
- motif of Genesis 92
- not inevitable 170
- and Paul 94–5
- Rachel and Leah 161–5
- and reconciliation 156
- between religions 98–100, 157–8
- Sicarii 221–2
- Simeon 150, 151
- Simon ben Giora 221
- Sinai covenant 205
- sins 4, 153, 155, 158, 170
- El-Sisi, Abdel Fattah 20
- slavery 155, 183–4, 243–4
- slaves 251
- Smith, Adam 28–9
- social animals 29–30, 31–2, 34, 39, 100, 190
- social capital 38
- social cohesion 257
- social Darwinism 54
- social hygiene 57
- socialisation 36
- social justice 254
- social media 21, 263
- Sodom 202–3
- Solomon 64
- Sonnet 29 (Shakespeare) 125
- sons 87
- Sosis, Richard 36–7
- soul 47
- Soviet Union 60, 71
- spadefoot tadpoles 90
- Spain 77, 98
- Spanish Jewry 113
- Spartans 228
- spiders 17
- Spinoza, Baruch 17–18
- spirituality 41
- spiritual maximalism 218
- splitting 52, 56, 80–1, 259
- Srebrenica 7
- Stalin, Joseph 56, 101
- Stalinist Russia 15
- The Starfish and the Spider (Brafman and Beckstrom) 17
- the state
- and Judaism 228
- separated from the Church 226–7
- Stevens, Wallace 196
- strangers 35, 85, 153, 159, 197, 203
- can help each other 245
- in Genesis 185
- and the Israelites 184, 186–7, 188
- kindness to 123
- and love 165, 181, 263
- and religious communities 38
- sense of kinship with in Second World War 85
- and trust 39
- study, surrogate for war 217
- Submission 14
- Sudan 6
- suicide 42, 266
- Suicide (Durkheim) 41–2
- suicide bombers 22, 42
- Sunni jurisprudence 208
- surrogate mother 95, 107
- survival 30, 31, 33–4
- Swift, Jonathan 66
- swords 214–17
- sympathy 54
- synagogues 222
- Syria 6, 18, 82, 83
- Szegedi, Csanad (later Dovid) 177–8, 180, 188
- tabwa 153
- tadpoles 90
- Tajfel Henry 11
- Taliban 7
- Talking to the Enemy (Atran) 42
- Talmon, J.L. 233
- Talmud 220
- Tamar 203
- taqleed 208
- Taylor, Sara 53
- ‘the teachings of contempt’ 90
- technology 13, 16
- Temples, First and Second 211–12, 218, 222
- temporal power 230
- terror 202, 221–2, 257–8, 260, 265–6
- terrorist attacks 8, 14–15, 25, 68–9, 260
- terrorists 265, 266
- Tertullian 98
- teshuvah 153–4
- theocracy 260
- theological dualism 51, 73
- Theory of Complementarity 53
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith) 29
- Thirty Years War 16
- Thomas of Monmouth 80
- threats, from strangers 181
- time 140–1
- The Times 80
- Titans 47
- Tit-for Tat 34, 74, 181, 263–4
- Titus 220, 221
- Tlass, Mustapha 82
- Tocqueville, Alexis de 32–3, 226–7
- tolerance 183, 242, 257
- totalitarian democracy 233–4
- totalitarian state 227
- Toulmin, Stephen 224
- tradition 210, 211, 218–19
- tragedy 140, 141, 158, 248
- Le Trahison des Clercs (Benda) 55
- transubstantiation 81
- trauma 56
- Treaty of Versailles 56, 84
- Treaty of Westphalia 17, 224
- tribalism 200, 205
- tribes 41, 191, 194, 264
- Trocmé, André 91
- Troilus and Cressida (Shakespeare) 35–6
- The True Believer (Hoffer) 42, 256
- trust 33, 34, 37
- and reciprocol altruism 35
- between strangers 39
- truth 229, 236
- cannot be imposed by force 225, 234
- truth-as-story 171
- truth-as-system 171
- Turing, Alan 27
- Turkey 67–8
- Turks 56
- Tutsis 57
- tyranny 85
- United States
- and Hitler 59, 60, 71
- religious communities 38
- see also America
- unity, and religion 229
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights 8, 263
- universalism 193, 195, 205, 264
- universalist culture 40
- universality 191, 197, 204, 205
- of justice 202, 264
- University of Maryland 7
- Urban III, Pope 77
- Uriah 198
- van Gogh, Theo 14, 69
- Vatican II 90, 261
- vengeance 246–7
- vermin 57
- Versailles, Treaty of 56, 84
- Vespasian 220, 221
- victimhood 54, 58–61, 170, 259
- victims 158, 170, 172, 180, 249
- and agency 250
- and antisemites 261
- Vilks, Lars 68
- violence
- and the Bible 190
- and competition for scarce goods 254
- and the Flood 194
- and God 103
- and groups 32, 75, 152
- and hate 241
- and identity 205
- and literal reading of sacred texts 219
- and mimetic desire 88, 136
- and no rule of law 192
- and rabbinic Judaism 217–18
- and religion 10–12, 23, 39, 74, 87, 211, 225
- and scapegoat 76
- and sibling rivalry 100
- and tribalism 200
- and two world wars 101
- Violence and the Sacred (Girard) 74
- virtues 180
- visionary speeches 238–9
- Voegelin, Eric 230
- Volf, Miroslav 246
- Volkan, Vamik 56, 59
- Der Volkische Beobachter 59
- Voltaire 79
- voluntary associations 38
- voting 37
- Wahhabi Islam 262
- Walzer, Michael 233, 265, 266
- Wandering Jew 103
- Wannsee Conference 55
- The Warrior’s Honor (Ignatieff) 42
- wars 207, 208–9, 212, 216, 219, 224, 257
- against Babylonia 218
- and Fukuyama 178–9
- and Maimonides 213–14
- and Naím 20
- and nationalism 101
- and religion 16, 17, 211, 231
- the weak 266
- wealth 135, 137, 138, 142
- weapons, wearing or carrying 214–17
- Weimar system 84–5
- the West
- losing religious faith 256
- target of Islamists 259
- Westernisation 41
- Westphalia, Treaty of 17, 224
- will to life 255
- will to power 5, 255
- Wilson, Harold 229
- Wistrich, Robert 70
- witches 75
- Wood, Graeme 258
- World Order (Kissinger) 17
- World Trade Center attack 245
- ‘Written with a Pencil in the Sealed Wagon’ (Pagis) 252
- Wycliffe, John 16
- xenophobia 72, 73
- Yaqub, Muhammad Hussein 67
- Yazidis 8
- Yerushalmi, Yosef Hayim 90–1
- yetser 153
- Yochanan ben Zakkai, Rabban 218
- Yom Kippur 204, 222
- Yousafzai, Malala 25
- Zaphenath-Paneah 149
- see also Joseph
- Zealots 221
- Zechariah 39
- Zeus 47
- Zilpah 146
- Zipporah 187
- Zohar 219
- Zoroastrianism 47, 231