Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times

With liberal democracy embattled, public discourse grown toxic, family life breaking down, and drug abuse and depression on the rise, many fear what the future holds.
In Morality, respected faith leader and public intellectual Jonathan Sacks traces today’s crisis to our loss of a strong, shared moral code and our elevation of self-interest over the common good. We have outsourced morality to the market and the state, but neither is capable of showing us how to live. Sacks leads readers from ancient Greece to the Enlightenment to the present day to show that there is no liberty without morality and no freedom without responsibility, arguing that we must all must play our part in rebuilding a common moral foundation.
- 2008 financial crisis, 88–89
- A Day in the Life (song), 151
- The Abolition of Man (Lewis), 70
- Abraham’s story (Torah), 196, 197
- absolutism, 174
- academic freedom, 171, 192
- ad hominem attacks, 17
- addiction, 153–154
- See also drug addiction
- Adorno, Theodor, 135
- advertising, 103, 104
- Aeschylus, 215
- After Virtue (MacIntyre), 246
- Aging Well (Vaillant), 111
- Albright, Madeleine, 116
- alcohol abuse, 240
- alcoholism, 6
- algorithms, 108, 235–236, 237
- All Things Shining (Dreyfus & Kelly), 245
- Alone Together (Turkle), 83
- Alter, Adam, 105
- Alter, Robert, 211
- “alternative facts,” 5, 164
- Alternative for Germany, 138
- altruism
- family and, 257
- found in all societies, 253–254
- health and happiness, 110–111, 113, 310–311
- reciprocal, 33, 259, 278
- religious Americans, 287–288
- self-sacrifice and, 229
- ambition, vocation vs., 42
- American Civil War (1862), 317–320
- American Declaration of Independence (1776), 118–119
- American Grace (Putnam), 34
- American presidential election of (2016)
- divisiveness of, 4, 116
- identity politics, 138
- populism and, 125, 129
- post-truth, 11, 160
- An Age of Incivility (Policy Exchange), 215
- Anderson, Benedict, 132
- Anderson, Chris, xii
- anger, 297
- anomie, described, 17, 82, 83
- anonymity, 289
- antisemitism, 138, 176–178
- anxiety, 272–273
- Anywheres vs. Somewheres, 219–220
- Appiah, Anthony, 125
- arguing
- “argument for the sake of heaven”
- concept, 186–188, 191–192
- Aristotelian logic, 187
- change agents, 184–185
- moral community, loss of, 192–193
- populism, 188–192
- postmodernism, 192
- “wokeness,” 183–184, 188, 192
- Ariely, Dan, 108
- Aristotelian logic, 187
- Aristotle, 100–101, 102, 111, 302
- Arnold, Matthew, 142
- Arthur Andersen, 86
- artificial intelligence, 9, 55, 94, 127–128
- Ashdown, Paddy, 213–214
- “association, art of,” 288
- associations, formation of, 255–256
- atheism, 169
- Attenborough, Sir David, 154–155
- attention, 104–105, 165
- attention spans, 51
- authoritarianism, 126
- autonomy, morality and, 78
- Axial cultures, 245
- Ayalon, Danny, 178
- Baker, Gerard, 8, 174
- Ball, James, 160
- Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (1949), 230
- Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Chua), 61
- battle of Kadesh (1274 BCE), 162
- Baudrillard, Jean, 166
- BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 60, 198
- Beautiful Boy (film), 148
- Beethoven, Ludwig van, 131
- behaviors, moral rules for, 299
- Bellah, Robert, 34, 136, 237–238, 287
- Benda, Julien, 176
- Benedict, Ruth, 210
- Bentham, Jeremy, 145
- Berenson, Alex, 149
- Berger, Peter, 116, 269
- Berlin, Isaiah, 79, 143
- The Best of Men (film), 44–45
- Bezos, Jeff, 94
- Big Gods (Norenzayan), 288
- Big Society Capital, 315
- Bilton, Nick, 53
- Bindel, Julie, 173, 174
- birth rates, 292
- Bismarck, Otto von, 132
- The Black Swan (Taleb), 89
- Blair, Tony, 213–214
- Blake, William, 58, 132
- Blakemore, Colin, 238
- Bogart, Humphrey, 26–27
- Bohns, Vanessa, 289
- boomer generation (1946-1964), 184, 276, 302
- Bowling Alone (metaphor), 23, 286
- Brexit, 24, 116–117, 125, 129, 160
- Bricmont, Jean, 166
- Bridges Ventures, 315
- Britain, welfare state, 173, 325, 326
- Brooks, David
- on altruism, 18
- Anywheres vs. Somewheres, 219
- on drug addition, 150
- freedom from and freedom to, 273, 274
- on Generation Z, 302
- meaning in life and, 240
- on mob rule, 208
- politics of wokeness, 185
- The Road to Character, 310
- The Second Mountain, 113, 243
- The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky), 276
- Brown, Stephanie, 110
- Bruner, Jerome, 246
- Buber, Martin, 57–58, 70, 217, 305
- Buddhism, 245, 268, 270, 271
- Buffett, Warren, 89
- Burke, Edmund, 30, 257
- business, use of social media, 56
- business leadership, 86
- Butler, Bishop, 95, 259
- Calvinism, 284, 285
- Cambridge Analytica scandal (2016), 161
- Cameron, David, 315
- Campbell, Bradley, 171
- Campbell, W. Keith, 39
- capuchin monkey story, 93
- Carey, George, 26
- Carillion, collapse of, 85
- Carney, Mark, 327
- Carrie (King), 40
- Carter, Stephen, 220
- Catholic Church, priest scandal, 207
- Chan, Priscilla, 53–54
- change, societal, 308–309
- chaos theory, 144–145
- Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942), 173
- Charlottesville, Virginia (2017), 117
- children, 64, 66, 67, 305
- chimpanzee brain analogy, 105–106
- The Choice (Eger), 203–204
- choices, 15–16, 231, 274–275
- Christakis, Erika, 180
- Christakis, Nicholas, 32, 180
- Christianity, 245, 268, 270, 271, 284
- The Chrysanthemum and the Sword (Benedict), 210
- Chua, Amy, 61
- Cicero, 231
- cities, large, 297
- civic ethics, 268, 273
- civil rights, 117
- civil society, 122, 123–124, 256
- civility
- definition of, 220
- individualism and, 216–217
- internet and, 217–219
- justice and, 221–222
- in politics, 213–215, 216
- principles of, 224
- in public domain, 215–216
- Somewheres vs. Anywheres, 219–220
- truth and, 222–223
- Civilization (Ferguson), 283
- climate change, 11, 154–155, 291–292, 309
- Clinton, Hillary, 2, 216
- The Coddling of the American Mind (Lukianoff & Haidt), 175–176
- cognitive functioning, 246
- cognitive-behavioral therapy, 176
- Cohen, Sir Ronald, 315–316, 317
- collective effervescence, 243
- collective life, 252–253
- college students, 11, 241
- Collins, Mary, 206
- Come From Away (musical), 295
- Coming Apart (Murray), 65
- Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead), 68
- common good, 120, 125
- communes, 286
- communication, 217–219, 274, 286–287
- See also social media
- communism, 134–135
- “communitarians,” 136
- communities, 61, 138, 192–193, 260
- community
- characterization of, 65
- collective strength of, 34–35
- growth affects, 314–315
- large cities, 297
- loss of, 23
- religion’s role in, 31–32, 34, 259–260, 285
- social networks, 32
- socio-economic differences, 65–67
- compassion, 278
- competition, cooperation and, 252–253
- concept creep, 172
- confirmation bias, 164–165, 218
- conflict resolution, 265
- Confucianism, 268, 269
- consequences
- chaos theory, 144–145
- choices and, 15–16
- climate change, 154–155
- drug addiction, 148–154
- human factor, 145–146
- of individualism, 97
- Jewish joke about, 141
- morality and, 142–143
- societal rules, 146–147
- time and, 141, 142, 144, 145
- unintended, 145, 147–148, 156
- utilitarianism, 145
- consumer society, focus of, 103
- consumerism, 96, 102–104
- contracts, 62, 313, 314
- contradiction, law of, 187
- conversation-as-grooming, 55
- Cook, Tim, 53
- cool self-love, 259
- cooperation, competition and, 252–253
- Copernicus, 227–228
- coronavirus, 323–325, 327
- corporations, establishment of, 86
- counterculture (1960s), 135–136
- covenant, 62, 283, 312, 313–314, 319
- covenantal politics, 320–322
- Covid-19 pandemic, 323–325, 327
- creation, purpose of, 228
- credit, defined, 98
- creole language, 19
- cricket (game), 263
- Crime and Human Nature (Wilson), 308
- The Crisis of Connection, study, 84
- Crouch, Tracey, 27
- cultural changes, 25–26, 63–64, 72
- cultural climate change, 11
- cultural differences, 265
- cultural discontent, 242
- Curry, Oliver Scott, 299
- Cuvier, Georges, 133
- cyber-bullying, 208
- d’Ancona, Matthew, 160
- Darwin, Charles, 132, 229, 252–253
- Darwin’s Cathedral (Wilson), 285
- Das Judenthum in der Musik (Wagner), 177
- das Zwischenmenschliche, 70–71
- dataism, 235
- Davies, Evan, 160
- Dawkind, Richard, 245
- day care center story, 108–109
- De Officiis (Cicero), 231
- De Quincey, Thomas, 151
- decent society, 202
- decision, power of, 236
- Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, 118–119
- The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789), 118–119
- Deleuze, Gilles, 166
- Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 255
- democracy
- civil society, 122, 123–124, 256
- liberal democracy, 1–2
- populism, 125–126
- rights of individuals, 118–124
- state of Western liberal democracy, 116–118
- totalitarian democracy, 121
- unalienable, significance of, 119–120
- unmet expectations, 125
- Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 81
- democratic freedom, 82
- Denney, Reuel, 271, 272
- depression, 6–7
- deregulation, 87–90, 92
- derivatives, financial, 88
- Derrida, Jacques, 81, 135, 166
- Descartes, René, 76, 130
- The Descent of Man (Darwin), 253–254
- determinism, causal or scientific, 144–145, 238
- Devlin, Lord, 142–144, 261
- DeWall, Nathan, 24
- Diamond, John, 163–164
- Dick, Cressida, 150
- dignity, human
- contradiction of contemporary thought, 232–233
- danger of contemporary thought, 233–235
- dataism, 235
- dehumanizing detachment, 233–234
- dissent of, 193
- morality and, 231–232, 241
- physiological views of humans, 227–230
- why it matters, 230–232
- dignity, to honor, 269
- dignity cultures, 172
- disinhibition effect, 218
- Disney, Abigail, 7–8
- Disraeli, Benjamin, 309
- diversity, 139
- divine intervention, 291
- divine punishment, 290
- Donne, John, 326
- The Doors of Perception (Huxley), 151
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 276
- Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 151
- Dreyfus, Herbert, 242–243, 244
- drug addiction, 3, 6, 102, 148–154, 240, 243
- dueling, 270
- Dunbar, Robin, 55, 259
- Durant, Will, 230, 277
- Durkheim, Émile, 17, 82, 243, 285
- duty, ethics of, 269, 273
- Dylan, Bob, 135, 151
- earth, humans and the universe, 227–228
- East of Eden (Steinbeck), 241
- Eban, Abba, 169
- Ecclesiastes, on happiness, 112
- economic inequality, 7–9
- economic recession, 324–325
- economic revolution, 13
- economics
- Calvinism and, 284
- free market, 94, 146, 286
- impact economics, 315–317
- politics vs, 17–18
- shift to value maximization, 315
- The Economics of Good and Evil (Sedlacek), 114
- education, social media and, 56
- Education Act (1944), Britain, 326
- Edwardian age, 217
- Eger, Edith, 202–204
- egoism, 81
- Einstein, Albert, 209, 250
- Either/Or (Kierkegaard), 79
- Eliot, George, 142
- Elkind, Peter, 85
- Elliott, Cathy, 178
- Emmett, Bill, 5
- emotions, 272–273
- emotivism, 81
- Enlightenment era, 78
- Enron, 85–86
- Epicurus, 102
- Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (Pope), 151
- Erikson, Erik, 128
- ethical cultures, 268
- Ethical Life (Redner), 268
- ethics, 15, 268–269
- eudaemonia (happiness), 100–101
- eulogy virtue, 310
- European Union, 95
- expectations, unmet, 125
- The Fable of the Bees (Mandeville), 95
- face-to-face interactions, 54, 56, 58, 302, 312
- fairness, sense of, 93–94
- “fake news,” 5, 161
- family
- breakdown of, 64, 67
- cultural changes, 72
- marriage and, 25–26, 63–64, 72
- meaning of life and, 240
- morality and, 69–72, 278
- sexual relationships, 60–61
- single-parent families, 64, 66, 305
- socio-economic differences, 65–67
- Fanshawe, Simon, 184
- Fascism (Albright), 116
- “fatal conceit,” 147, 148, 234
- The Fatal Conceit (Hayek), 146
- fate, 204–205
- female/male moral reasoning differences, 265
- Ferguson, Niall, 283
- Fergusson, Adam, 96
- Fessler, Dan, 289
- fiduciary, defined, 98
- Field of Dreams (film), 108
- financial derivatives, 88
- Foa, Roberto, 117
- FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), 50
- Foot, Philippa, 169
- forgiveness, 209
- Foucault, Michel, 81, 135
- Fowler, James, 32
- Frankfurt, Harry, 237
- Frankl, Viktor, 41–42, 203
- Franklin, Benjamin, 13
- free market economics, 94, 146, 286
- See also market economy
- free rider problem, 97, 289, 290
- free society, 147
- free speech, 9–11, 173
- free will, 238–239
- freedom
- academic, 171, 192
- choices and, 231
- democratic, 82
- Hayek on, 12–13
- Hebrew Bible on, 231
- human, 234–235
- as an illusion, 238
- societal, 1–5
- freedom from and freedom to, 273, 274
- Freedom Party, Austria, 138
- Freeman, Derek, 68
- French Revolution, Reign of Terror (1793–4), 121
- Freud, Sigmund, 1, 165, 229, 237, 238
- Freudian psychoanalysis, 39
- Friedman, Milton, 317
- friendship, 55–56
- Fukuyama, Francis, 125
- funerals, 302
- Funkenstein, Amos, 211
- future-looking attitudes, 199–200
- Game Theory, 258
- Gardner, Newfoundland, Canada, 295–296
- Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 133
- Gates, Bill, 53, 94
- Gates, Melinda, 299
- Gauguin, Paul, 241
- Gauke, David, 150
- The Gay Science (Nietzsche), 79, 244
- Geertz, Clifford, 266
- Gellner, Ernest, 132
- gender differences, 265–266
- General Strike (1926), Britain, 325
- “general will,” 120
- Generation X (1965-1980), 18, 184, 302
- Generation Z (post 1995), 18, 49, 167, 174, 184, 301–302
- The Geography of Thought (Nisbett), 265
- Gettysburg Address, 319
- Ghiselin, Michael, 229
- GI Bill (1944), 326
- Gilets jaunes (“yellow jacket”), 4
- Gilligan, Carol, 265–266
- Gino, Francesca, 289
- Girard, René, 209
- Glazer, Nathan, 271, 272
- Glendon, Mary Ann, 123, 124–125
- global economy
- banking system, 88–89
- deregulation, 90
- discontent of, 3, 5
- leadership, 98
- loyalty, 107
- technological innovation, 13
- global warming, 11
- Gobineau, Arthur de, 133
- God: A Biography (Miles), 204–205
- God is Watching You (Johnson), 288
- Going to Extremes (Sunstein), 218
- Golden Rule, 258–259, 278
- Goodhart, David, 125, 219
- Goodwin, Doris Kerns, 214
- Google Ngram searches, 14, 18, 23–24
- Gould, Stephen J., 229
- gratitude, 109–111, 113
- Gray, John, 227
- Great Crash (1929), 89, 325
- The Great Partnership (Sacks), 245, 279–280
- greed, 97–98
- Greek tragedy, 204–205
- Greer, Germaine, 10, 173
- The Groundwork to the Metaphysics of Morals (Kant), 231
- group identity, 174, 201–202
- group selection, concept of, 254
- “groupishness,” 128
- Guattari, Pierre-Félix, 166
- guilt, 272–273
- guilt culture, 210–212
- Guttmann, Ludwig, 44–45
- ha-Amsoni, Shimon, 191
- Habits of the Heart (Bellah), 237
- Hadza, Tanzania, 280
- Haeckel, Ernst, 133, 134
- Hagendoorn, Louk, 137
- Haidt, Jonathan, 175–176, 267, 285
- Haldane, J.B.S., 257
- Hall, Lord, 161
- Hall, Robert, 83
- Hamilton, William, 257
- Hamlet, 205
- happiness
- altruism, 109–111, 113
- chimpanzee brain analogy, 105–106
- competitive nature of humans, 106–107
- gratitude, 109–111, 113
- joy, 113–114
- lack of, 5–7
- living standards, 102
- loyalty, 107, 114
- ranking of countries regarding, 103–104
- relationships, 112
- as self-gratification, 100
- Spinoza on, 105
- sports, market value on, 107–108
- understanding of, 100–104
- virtue and, 100
- Happiness (Layard), 100
- Harari, Yuval, 104, 227, 235–236, 245
- Hardy, Barbara, 246
- Harrison, George, 151
- Hart, H.L.A., 142, 143–144
- Hastings, Reed, 104
- Hawking, Stephen, 227
- Hayek, Friedrich, 12, 146–147, 234
- Hayley, Kevin, 289
- healing, 39–40, 203–204
- The Healing Power of Doing Good (Luks), 110–111
- health
- attitudes and, 109–111
- drug addiction, 3, 6, 102, 148–154, 240, 243
- family breakdown and, 64
- loneliness and, 27, 28–29, 33
- social media and, 49–52
- Hebrew Bible
- on freedom, 231
- on happiness, 101
- on image and likeness of God, 75, 231, 281–283
- on joy, 113
- on love, 70–71
- on retributive justice, 278–279
- separation of powers, 284
- hedonia (state of feeling), 104
- Hegel, G.W.F., 101, 132, 323, 328
- hegemonic discourse, 192
- Heidegger, Martin, 176–177
- Help Me (Power), 38
- Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 133
- Hertz, Noreena, 90–91
- heteronomy, morality and, 78
- hierarchical society, 70
- Hill, Christopher, 75
- Hillbilly Elegy (Vance), 125
- Hillel (Jewish sage), 111, 186–187, 191
- Hirschman, A. O., 94
- historical eras, 271–273
- history, memory and, 15
- Hobbes, Thomas, 77, 95, 118–120, 140, 257, 312–313
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell, 125
- Holocaust, 135, 159, 195–197, 202–203
- home ownership, 88, 90
- homelessness, 8
- Homo Deus (Harari), 104, 227, 235, 245
- honor
- codes of, 273
- ethics of, 269
- honor cultures, 172, 269
- “honour bright,” 263
- hope, 19–20, 205
- Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 170
- Horkheimer, Max, 135
- Hosea (2:21-22), 62–63
- How We Fight White Supremacy (Khan-Cullors), 184
- human attention, 104–105
- human competition, 106–107
- human dignity. See dignity, human
- human mind, 246
- human rationality, 128
- human rights, 13, 124–125, 230
- humans, physiological views of, 227–230
- Hume, David
- consumerism, 96
- free rider problem, 289
- free speech, 171
- interpersonal relations, 96
- religion, 95
- retributive justice, 278–279
- violence, 94
- Hume, George (Cardinal), 26
- humility, 318, 327
- Hunt, Sir Tim, 206
- Husain, Ed, 179
- Huxley, Aldous, 151, 170
- “I” to “We”
- altruism, 310–311
- changing society, 308–309
- covenant, concept of, 312, 313–314, 319
- covenantal politics, 320–322
- covenantal thinking, 317–320
- environmental climate change, 309–310
- impact economics, 315–317
- marriage, 311–312
- See also “We” to “I”
- Iceland, financial crisis, 89
- ideas, shared by society, 142–143
- Identity (Fukuyama), 125
- identity, need for, 131
- identity politics
- artificial intelligence question, 127–128
- counterculture (1960s), 135–136
- description of, 5
- diversity, 139
- “groupishness,” 128
- historical context of, 129
- human rationality, 128
- individual, substituted for the universal, 135
- Marxism, 134–135
- multiculturalism, 136–138
- nationalism, 132–133, 134, 139
- patriotism, 139–140
- race, study of, 133–134
- refuge and, 135
- religion and, 130–131
- secular substitutes for religion, 132
- idolatry, 233, 282
- I-drive behaviors, 323
- iGen (Twenge), 48–49, 52
- iGen study, 7
- Iger, Bob, 7
- I-It relationship, 57–58, 305
- illusory anonymity, 289
- Imagine (song), 136
- immigrant communities, 61
- immigration, 136–137, 320
- impact economics, 315–317
- In a Different Voice (Gilligan), 265–266
- individual, substituted for the universal, 135
- individualism
- Bellah on, 237
- civility and, 216–217
- Covid-19 lockdown, 324
- human connection and, 30, 32–33
- substitute for morality, 97
- Tocqueville on, 81–82, 261–262
- victimhood and, 200–201
- Industrial Revolution, 132
- Infinite Jest (Wallace), 242, 244
- information technology, 132
- inner-directed individuals, 272–273
- intellectual diversity, 171
- Intellectual Impostures (Sokal & Bricmont), 166
- International Olympic Committee, 45
- internet, problems about, 164, 217, 264
- Internet of all things, 235
- “the interpersonal,” 70–71
- intervention, divine, 291
- intimidation, 52, 174, 185, 215–216
- intolerance, 9, 170
- Irigaray, Lucy, 166
- Irresistible (Alter), 105
- Islam, 245, 268, 270
- The Islamist (Husain), 179
- Italy, Covid-19 lockdown, 323–324
- I-Thou dimension, 57–58, 185, 270, 305
- J. P. Morgan, 87
- Jagger, Mick, 152
- Jefferson, Thomas, 13, 101, 117
- Jewish Association of Business Ethics (JABE), 91–92
- Jewish communities, 138
- Jewish families, 61, 71
- Jewish joke about time and consequences, 141
- Jewishness in Music (Wagner), 177
- Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness, 27
- Jobs, Steve, 53, 94, 246
- John Templeton Foundation, xii
- Johnson, Boris, 24
- Johnson, Dominic, 288, 290
- The Journal of Controversial Ideas, 174
- joy, 113–114
- Judaism, 245, 268, 270, 285
- Judeo-Christian ethic, 204–205, 283
- judgmentalism, 174
- Junger, Sebastian, 29, 33–34
- Jurassic Park (film), 89
- justice
- biblical version of, 221–222
- description of, 209
- requirement of, 182
- retributive, 278
- sense of, 93–94, 97
- as a thin concept, 266
- vigilante, 11, 207–208
- Kabha, Muawiya, 299–300
- Kant, Immanuel, 77–78, 131, 231
- Kass, Leon, 230–231
- Kaufmann, Eric, 292
- Kelly, Sean Dorrance, 242–243, 244
- Kennedy, Anthony, 238
- Kennedy, John F., 277
- Kennedy, Robert F., 215
- Kerr, James, 108
- Keynes, John Maynard, 106, 114
- Khan-Cullors, Patrisse, 184
- Kierkegaard, Søren, 13, 79
- kin selection, 257
- KIND (health food company), 316
- King, Martin Luther Jr., 193, 215, 253
- King, Stephen, 40
- Kook, Abraham, 223
- Korach rebellion, 188, 189–191
- Krause, Neal, 110
- Krishnaism, 268, 269
- Kristal, Yisrael, 195, 197
- Kugelmas, Shachar, 300
- Kuhn, T. S., 166
- La Trahison des Clercs (Benda), 176
- Lacan, Jacques, 75, 166
- Lakish, Resh, 181
- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 133
- language
- creole language, 19
- cultural differences and, 264
- development of, 55
- moralities and, 273–274
- on universities, 175
- The Language Instinct (Pinker), 19
- Laplace’s principle, 144–145, 235
- Lasseter, John, 248
- Latour, Bruno, 166
- laws, morality and, 142–143
- Layard, Richard, 100
- Leach, Edmund, 60–61, 63
- Leach, Penelope, 71
- leadership, 40–41, 86, 98
- Leary, Timothy, 151
- Legacy (Kerr), 108
- Lehman Brothers, 89
- Lennon, John, 136, 151
- The Leviathan (Hobbes), 77
- Levinas, Emanuel, 58
- Lewis, Bernard, 4
- Lewis, C. S., 70
- Lewis, Michael, 108
- liberal democracy, 1–2
- liberal revolution, 13, 16–18
- liberty
- apprenticeship in, 255
- definitions of, 13, 143, 182, 238
- morality and, 256
- religion and, 277
- license, defined, 13
- Lichfield, John, 4
- The Lies that Bind (Appiah), 125
- life, as a story, 245–251
- life expectancy, 102, 109
- life satisfaction, 102, 288
- Lilla, Mark, 125, 137–138
- limited government theory, 120
- Lincoln, Abraham, 317–320
- living standards, 102
- Locke, John, 13, 101, 118, 120
- Logotherapy, 42
- loneliness
- community, loss of, 23
- community, role of, 30–32, 34–35
- health and, 27, 28–29, 33
- memberships, decline in, 28
- relationships, 27–28
- Sardinia village story, 30–31
- social institutions, 24–25
- social networks, 32
- surveys on, 27
- word usage, changes, 23–24
- The Lonely Crowd (Reisman, Glazer, & Denney), 271, 272
- love, 70–71, 273, 281
- Lowles, Nick, 173
- loyalty, 107, 114, 267–268
- Lubetzky, Daniel, 316, 317
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (song), 151
- Lukianoff, Greg, 175–176
- Luks, Allan, 110
- Luther, Martin, 76, 78
- Lyotard, Jean-François, 166
- Lyubomirsky, Sonja, 109, 111, 113
- MacIntyre, Alasdair, 76, 136, 169, 246
- Macron, Emmanuel, 2
- Maimonides, Moses, 186
- Maine, Henry Sumner, 132
- Major, John, 213–214
- male/female moral reasoning differences, 265
- Malinowski, Bronislaw, 54–55
- Mandela, Nelson, 193, 253
- Mandeville, Bernard, 95
- Manning, Jason, 171
- Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 41–42
- Marcuse, Herbert, 135
- market economy
- Carillion, collapse of, 85
- consumerism, 96
- deregulation, 87–90, 92
- Enron, collapse of, 85–86
- financial derivatives, 88
- inequality, 87–88, 90
- moral case for, 94–98
- morality and, 1, 2, 98–99
- trust, 56, 90–91, 98
- 2008 financial crisis, 88–89
- markets (business), state vs., 17–18
- Marlow, Frank, 280
- marriage
- as covenant, 62, 314
- cultural changes, 25–26, 63–64, 72
- data on, 27–28, 64
- family and, 25–26, 63–64, 72
- foundation of free society, 63
- historical context of, 69–70
- Sacks’, 311–312
- Marx, Karl, 125, 134, 165, 228, 238
- Maslow, Abraham, 38
- Mayflower Pact (1620), 283
- McAdams, Dan, 249–250
- McCain, John, 26
- McElroy, Wendy, 172
- McEwan, Ian, 4
- McLaughlin, Shannon, 50
- McLean, Bethany, 85, 86, 88–89
- McMahan, Jeff, 174
- Mead, George Herbert, 236
- Mead, Margaret, 68
- media, fragmentation of, 320
- mediation, as conflict resolution, 265
- Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, 50
- memory, outsourcing of, 14–15
- men, female moral reasoning vs., 265
- Merkel, Angela, 2
- micro-aggression, 170, 171–172
- Miles, Jack, 204–205
- Miliband, Ed, 292
- Mill, John Stuart, 143, 147
- Millennials (1981-1996), 18, 33, 117, 184, 276, 302
- Miller, William Ian, 269
- Milton, John, 282
- Mirandola, Pico della, 75
- mob rule, 208
- “modern serfs,” 8
- modernity, 132
- Money and Morals (JABE publication), 92
- Moneyball (book & film), 108
- monogamy, 69–70
- monotheisms, 245, 281–284
- Montaigne, Michel de, 130–131
- Montefiore, Sir Moses, 307
- Montesquieu, 94–95
- Moore, Suzanne, 173
- Moore, Tom, 324–325
- moral agency, 239
- moral code, 261, 274, 277
- moral community, 192–193, 260
- moral environments, 82
- moral hazard, 92–94
- moral laws and rules, 78, 298
- moral reasoning differences, 265–266
- morality
- definitions of, 204
- description of, 12–16, 81
- family and, 69–72, 278
- focus of, 57–59
- human dignity and, 231–232, 241
- individualism and, 33
- law and, 142–143
- need for, 1
- Plato’s vison of, 43
- religion and, 277–278
- role of, 252
- societal rules, 146–147
- Morality in the Twenty-First Century (BBC series), 198
- Morris, Herbert, 210
- Mounk, Yascha, 117
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 63–64, 164
- Muller, Jan-Werner, 192
- multiculturalism, 136–138, 320
- Murdoch, Iris, 42–43
- Murray, Charles, 65–66
- mysticism, 243
- Namazie, Maryam, 173
- Napoleon, Bonaparte, 132, 145
- narcissism, 39
- National Front, France, 138
- National Health System, Britain, 326
- national identity, 320
- nationalism, 132–133, 134, 139
- NATO, 2
- The Natural (film), 108
- neighborliness, 324
- neo-Darwinians, 229
- Netherlands, multiculturalism in, 137
- Newton, Isaac, 130, 133, 228
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- existentialism, 13, 77
- The Gay Science, 79, 244
- On the Genealogy of Morality, 232–233
- on morality, 234
- postmodernism, 79–80
- on post-truth, 167–168
- on religion, 168
- self-contempt of man, 232
- society and shared morality, 12
- on truth, 166, 180
- Ubermensch philosophy, 80
- weak vs. strong, 165
- Nisbett, Richard, 265
- no-platforming, 9, 173–174
- Norenzayan, Ara, 280, 288, 289, 290
- Northern Rock, 89
- nouns, cultural differences in use of, 265
- Nozick, Robert, 136
- Nun Study, 109
- Obama, Barak, 183–184, 185, 188, 194, 283
- Oberlin College, Ohio, 174
- Oedipus, 204
- Oman, Doug, 110
- On Duties (Cicero), 231
- On Liberty (Mill), 143
- On the Genealogy of Morality (Nietzsche), 232–233
- On the Obsolescence of the Concept of Honour (Berger), 269
- On Tyranny (Snyder), 116
- On Writing (King), 40
- The Once and Future Liberal (Lilla), 125
- O’Neill, Tip, 33
- oppression, 201, 257
- oppressors vs. victims, 179–180
- Oration on the Dignity of Man., 75
- Orwell, George, 139, 162, 182
- other-directed individuals, 272–273
- Our Kids (Putnam), 65
- outsourcing, 14–17, 82, 88, 107, 220
- pagan cultures, 245
- Paradise Lost (Milton), 282
- Paralympic Games, 45
- parents, respect for, 267
- Party for Freedom, Holland, 138
- Pascal, Blaise, 244
- The Passions and the Interests (Hirschman),94
- patriotism, 139–140
- Pavlov, Ivan, 239
- pay-for-success schemes, 315
- Peace-Works, 316
- Pears, David, 236
- Pedat, Rabbi Elazar ben, 181
- person households, 25–26
- personality, moral, 273
- Peterson, Jordan, 9–10, 171, 198–199
- Peterson, Mikhaila, 198–199
- “phatic communion,” 55
- Pickett, Kate, 103
- pidgin English, 19
- Pilsen neighborhood, Chicago, 314–315
- Pinker, Steven, 19, 264
- Pinker, Susan, 30
- Plato, 43, 79, 126, 163
- politics
- changing face of, 3–4
- covenantal, 320–322
- economics vs, 17–18
- greed and, 97–98
- as intrinsically divisive, 255
- in Western liberal democracy, 116–119
- The Politics of Hope (Sacks), 309
- polygamy, 69
- polytheism, 243, 280–281
- pop songs, cultural changes in, 24
- Pope, Alexander, 151
- Popper, Karl, 145–146
- populism, 4–5, 117, 125–126, 188–192, 297, 322
- Post, Stephen, 110
- post-Covid-19 world, 323–324, 327
- postmodern cultures, 245
- postmodernism, 80–81, 165–166, 192, 243
- posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 29
- post-truth
- American presidential election of (2016), 11
- attention, as selective, 165
- Battle of Kadesh (1274 BCE)., 162
- books published titled, 160
- defined, 160
- hermeneutics of suspicion, 165
- Holocaust denial story, 159
- internet and, 164
- morality and, 168
- Nietzsche on, 167–168
- noble lie concept, 162
- Orwell on, 162
- postmodernism, 165–166
- social media and, 5, 164–165
- trust, loss of, 167
- worldview influence on, 167
- poverty, 64, 66, 94
- Power, Marianne, 38
- Predictably Irrational (Ariely), 108
- Prisoners Against Rape, 185
- Prisoner’s Dilemma, 258
- Private Vices, Public Benefits (Mandeville), 95
- Protestant ethic, 283
- psychological effects of social media, 49–52
- psychological oppression, 201
- psychosis rates, 149
- Public Goods Game, 96–97
- Public Order Act (1986), Britain, 173
- public shaming
- on college campuses, 11
- guilt vs. shame culture, 210–212
- hazardous humor, 206–207
- historical context of, 209, 212
- revenge culture, 209–210
- social media and, 184, 207
- vigilante justice, 11, 207–208
- punishment, 290
- Putin, Vladimir, 2
- Putnam, Robert
- on altruism, 288
- American Grace, 34, 287
- on collective responsibility, 65–66
- memberships, decline in, 28
- Our Kids, 65
- social capital and, 23, 286
- societal change, 308–309
- quant (algorithm), 108
- The Quest for a Moral Life (Brooks), 113, 243
- Rabin, Yitzhak, 193, 213, 214
- race, study of, 133
- Radesky, Jenny, 51
- Ragan, Raghura, 9
- Rajan, Raghuram, 314–315, 317
- Rapoport, Anatol, 258
- Rawls, John, 136
- Reaganomics, 87, 305
- reciprocal altruism, 259, 278–279
- reciprocity, 278, 298
- redemption of suffering, 246
- The Redemptive Self (McAdams), 250
- Redner, Harry, 268
- reductivism, 236
- Rees-Mogg, William, 152
- Reformation, Protestant, 76, 78, 130
- Reforming Business for the 21st Century (British Academy), 86
- Reign of Terror (1793–4), French
- Revolution, 121
- Reisman, David, 271, 272
- Reith Lectures (BBC program), 60
- relationships
- family relationships, 67
- Grant Study, 112
- loneliness, 27–28
- sexual, 60–61, 63
- social media, 55, 57–58
- religion
- apprenticeship in liberty, 255
- communication of, 153
- communities and, 259–260
- contribution to society, 284–288
- covenant, 62, 283
- Hayek on, 147
- hearing or listening, 211–212
- historical origins, 279–281
- hold on people, 95
- identity politics and, 130–131
- Jewish families, 61, 71
- Marx on, 134
- monotheism religions, 281–284
- morality and, 278–279
- Nietzsche on, 168
- polytheistic religions, 280–281
- Reformation, 76, 78, 130
- role in community, 31–32, 34
- role of in America and France, 119
- Sabbath, 71, 113–114
- separation of church and state, 254
- views on, 276–277
- See also Hebrew Bible; specific faith traditions
- religious communes, 286
- religious mystical traditions, 243
- Rembrandt, 75
- reptilian brain, 165
- The Republic (Plato), 163
- respect, 267, 268, 271
- responsibility, 298
- résumé virtue, 310
- retribution, 209
- retributive justice, 278
- revenge culture, 209–210
- reverence, 268
- Revolver (Beatles album), 150
- rewards, distribution of, 188
- Ricardo, David, 14
- Richards, Keith, 152
- Ricoeur, Paul, 165
- Rieff, Philip, 39, 200, 245
- Rifkind, Malcolm, 213–214
- The Righteous Mind (Haidt), 267, 285
- rights
- change in focus of, 123
- human rights, 13, 124–125
- individuals, 118–124
- unalienable, 119–120
- Rights Talk (Glendon), 123
- The Rise of Victimhood Culture (Campbell &Manning), 171–172
- risk, outsourcing of, 14, 99
- The Road to Character (Brooks), 310
- The Road to Somewhere (Goodhart), 125, 219
- Rogers, Carl, 38–39
- Ronson, Jon, 206
- Rosen, Michael, 230, 231–232
- Rosenstein, Pinchas, 91–92
- Ross, Loretta, 184–185
- Roth, Philip, 266
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 118, 120–121, 291
- Rowling, J. K., 246, 249
- Rubber Soul (Beatles album), 150
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 89
- A Runaway World (Leach), 60
- Rushdie, Salman, 4
- Russell, Bertrand, 60, 201
- Russian Internet Research Agency, 161
- Sabbath, 71, 113–114
- Sacco, Justine, 206–207
- Sacker, Dan, 23
- Sacks, Jonathan, 245, 279–280, 309, 311–312
- sacrifice, 229, 257, 291
- Sadat, Anwar, 213
- safe space
- antisemitism, 176–178
- cognitive-behavioral therapy, 180
- concept of, 172–173
- no-platforming, 173–174
- rape culture debate, 172
- truth, loss of, 180–182
- universities, values of the market and the state, 175
- university education, 169–171
- victims vs. oppressors, 179–180
- Safire, William, 193
- Samuels, Maurice, 263–264, 266
- Sandel, Michael, 56, 136, 221
- Santayana, George, 178, 323, 328
- Sardinia village story, 30–31
- Sartre, Jean-Paul, 81
- Schaar, John, 319
- Schama, Simon, 4
- Schiller, Friedrich, 131
- Schopenhauer, Arthur, 84
- Scott, C. P., 164
- Second Great Awakening, 308
- The Second Mountain (Brooks), 113, 243
- second-order desires, 237
- second-order evaluations, 43
- secular communes, 286
- secularization, 276
- Sedlacek, Tomas, 114
- Seldon, Sir Anthony, 173
- self-fulfillment, 32
- Self-Help (Smiles), 37
- self-consciousness, 236–237
- self-esteem, 38–39
- self-gratification, 100
- self-help, limits of
- The Best of Men (film), 44–45
- books on, 37–38
- healing, power of, 39–40
- help from others, 36–37
- leadership, 40–41
- self-esteem, 38–39
- transformation, 40–42
- Selfie (Storrs), 37–38
- self-interest, 95, 259, 313
- selflessness, 253
- self-sacrifice, 229, 257
- self-transcendence, 42
- sexual relationship, 60–61, 63
- Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Beatles album), 150–151
- Shakespearean tragedy, 204–205
- shame, 272–273
- Shame and Necessity (Williams), 80, 211
- shame culture, 210–212
- See also public shaming
- Shammai (Jewish scholar), 186–187, 191
- Shapiro, Adam, 173
- sharing, 17–18
- Shaw, George Bernard, 92, 250, 301
- Sheff, David and Nic, 148
- Shelley, Percy, 131, 136
- Shils, Edward, 220
- Shimon, Rabbi, 222
- shiva, custom of, 39
- Shulevitz, Judith, 172
- Siedentop, Larry, 75
- Simpatico, 316–317
- Singer, Peter, 174
- single-parent families, 64, 66, 305
- Skidelsky, Edward and Robert, 106
- The Smartest Guys in the Room (McLean & Elkind), 85
- smartphones, 272
- Smiles, Samuel, 37
- Smith, Adam
- Balliol College Oxford, 170
- moral philosophy, 95–96
- morality, definition of, 43
- outsourcing, 14
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 13, 95, 297
- violence, 94
- The Wealth of Nations, 91, 95, 258, 313
- world perspective, 237
- Sniderman, Paul, 137
- Snowdon, David, 109
- Snyder, Timothy, 116
- So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed (Ronson), 206
- social animals, 239
- social capital, 23, 286
- social contract, 108–109, 119–121, 321
- social freedom, 281–283
- Social Impact Bonds, 315
- social institutions, 24–25
- social isolation, 28
- social media
- accuracy of, 164
- anxiety and, 273
- business use of, 56, 105
- communication, 52–55
- confirmation bias, 164–165
- cyber-bullying, 208
- education and, 56
- emergence and spread of, 47–48
- five features of, 218
- friendship, 55–56
- health effects, 49–52
- iconic figures in development of, 53–54
- manipulative use of, 5, 11, 160–161, 216
- as mode of engagement, 184
- as other-directive, 272
- as political forum, 184
- positive aspects, 48
- relationships, 55, 57–58
- shaming, 184
- truth and, 298
- social networks, 32
- social responsibility, 327
- social solidarity, 326
- socialism, 147
- societal freedom, 1–5
- society
- civility and, 220
- decent society, 202
- defined, 12
- free society, 147
- over state (government), 139
- shared values and, 142–143
- Socrates, 126, 163, 179, 223
- Socratic dialogue, 56
- Sokal, Alan, 166
- solitary confinement, 26
- Solon (Athenian statesman), 126
- Somewheres vs. Anywheres, 219–220
- songs, cultural changes in, 24
- Sorkin, Aaron, 108
- Sosis, Richard, 286
- Spanish Flu pandemic (1918-1920), 325
- Spencer, Herbert, 134
- Spiegel, Evan, 53
- Spinoza, Baruch, 105, 228, 238
- The Spirit Level (Wilkinson & Picket), 103
- spiritual crisis, 240
- sports, 107–108, 129
- St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572), 130
- Stalin, Joseph, 90, 135
- state (government)
- active citizenship and, 126
- growth of, 303–305
- markets vs., 17–18
- rights of individuals, 123–124
- separation of church from, 254
- society over, 139
- Steinbeck, John, 241
- Stoicism, 268, 269
- Stories We Live By (McAdams), 250
- Storr, Will, 37, 38, 39
- Strangers in their Own Land (Hochschild), 125
- strong evaluations, 237
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn), 166
- subprime mortgages, 88–90
- suffering, redemption of, 246, 250
- Suicide (Durkheim), 82
- suicide rates, 6, 7, 17, 49, 83, 242
- Sunstein, Cass, 218, 312
- superego, 237
- suspicion, hermeneutics of, 165
- Sybil (Disraeli), 309
- Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 89
- Talmon, J. L., 121
- Tatchell, Peter, 10, 173
- Taylor, Charles, 32, 136, 237
- Team of Rivals (Goodwin), 214
- technological innovation, 94, 104–105, 117, 132
- See also social media
- technological revolution, 13
- TED, xii–xiii
- teenagers, 60–61, 63, 102
- Tell Your Children (Berenson), 149
- Terence (195–159 BCE), 130, 137
- Teresa, Mother, 253
- Tesich, Steve, 160
- Thanksgiving Proclamation (1863), 318
- Thatcher, Margaret, 40–41
- Thatcherism, 87, 305
- The Social Contract (Rousseau), 291
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith), 13, 95, 297
- thick/thin descriptions, 266–271, 273
- The Third Pillar (Rajan), 9, 314
- This Land of Strangers (Hall), 83
- Thomson, Alice, 149
- Thucydides, 17
- time, 141, 142, 144
- See also consequences
- The Times They Are a-Changin’ (song), 135
- Tit-for-Tat, 258
- Tocqueville, Alexis de
- America’s separation of church and state, 254
- “art of association,” 122, 288
- associations, formation of, 255–256
- Democracy in America, 255
- individualism, 81–82
- on marriage, 63
- moral code, 261
- morality, role of, 252
- oppression, 257
- religion, role of, 95, 277
- “self-interest rightly understood,” 95, 259
- tolerance, 137
- Tom Brown’s School Days (Samuels), 263
- Tonnies, Ferdinand, 132
- “too big to fail” bailout, 90
- “totalitarian democracy,” 121
- Toy Story (film), 248
- tradition-directed individuals, 271–272
- tragedy, 204–205
- transformation, 40–42
- “transvaluation of values,” 79
- The Treason of the Intellectuals (Benda), 176
- Tribe (Junger), 29
- The Triumph of the Therapeutic (Rieff), 39
- Triumphs of Experience (Vaillant), 111
- Trobriand Islands study, 54–55
- Trump, Donald, 216
- trust
- in business, 56, 90–91, 98
- in government, 117
- loss of, 5, 18, 167
- moral communities and, 260
- Prisoner’s Dilemma and, 258
- reciprocity and, 278
- restoration of, 298
- between strangers, 279
- truth and, 163
- truth, 80, 166, 180–182, 187, 222–223
- See also post-truth
- Turing, Alan, 55
- Turkle, Sherry, 49, 53, 83
- Turner, Janice, 185
- Twenge, Jean, 7, 18, 39, 48–49, 52, 302
- 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (Harari), 245
- The Two Nations (Disraeli), 309
- tyranny, 256
- Ubermensch (Nietzsche philosophy), 80
- Ultimatum Game, 96
- unalienable rights, 119–120
- “unconditional positive regard,” 39
- unintended consequences, 145, 147–148, 156
- United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), 124, 230, 232
- universal, substituted from the individual, 135
- universalism, 133
- universalizability principle, 131
- universe, earth and, 227–228
- university students, 273
- unmet expectations, 125
- “unselfing,” 42–43, 46
- utilitarianism, 145
- utopian politics, 121
- Vaillant, George, 111–112
- Vance, J. D., 125
- verbs, cultural differences in use of, 265
- victimhood
- Abraham’s story (Torah), 196, 197
- defining yourself as, 198–199
- future-looking attitudes, 199–200
- group identity, 201–202
- Holocaust survivors, 195–197, 202–203
- individualism, 200–201
- Judeo- Christian ethic, 204–205
- politicization of, 200–202
- tragic cultures, 204–205
- victims vs. oppressors, 179–180
- vigilante justice, 11, 207–208
- “the village effect,” 30–31
- violence, 270
- Violence and the Sacred (Girard), 209
- Virilio, Paul, 166
- virtues, 268, 310
- virtuous people, 13
- vocation, ambition vs., 42
- volonté générale (general will), 120
- Voltaire, 227, 276, 288
- Wagner, Richard, 177
- Wall Street (film), 97
- Wallace, Alfred Russell, 133
- Wallace, David Foster, 242, 243
- Walzer, Michael, 136, 202, 266
- war, 130, 217
- Washington, George, 13, 277
- watched people, 288–291
- “We” to “I”
- anomie and, 82–84
- cultural climate change, 11
- how the perspective changed, 75–78
- individualism, 81–82
- philosophical theories linked to, 79–81
- relationships, 57–58
- self-esteem vs. self-interest, 1
- self-help and, 43
- social institutions and, 24–25
- Tocqueville on, 81
- word usage changes, 23–24
- See also “I” to “We”
- The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 91, 95, 258, 313
- Weber, Max, 283
- Weinstein, Harvey, 207
- Weinstock, Arnold, 86–87
- WEIRD cultures, 267, 268
- welfare state, Britain, 326
- Wells, H. G., 301
- What Is Populism? (Muller), 192
- white supremacists, United States, 138
- Whitelaw, William, 40
- Who Breaks a Butterfly on a Wheel? (Pope), 151–152
- Why Good Things Happen to Good People (Post), 110
- Wilkinson, Richard, 103
- “will of all,” 120
- Willer, Robb, 155
- Williams, Bernard, 80, 169, 211, 241
- Williams, Rowman, 292
- Wilson, David Sloan, 285
- Wilson, James Q., 63, 308
- Wink, Paul, 110
- Winthrop, John, 283
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 19
- “wokeness,” 183–184, 188, 192
- Wolf, Susan, 242
- women, 265, 304
- Wonder Boys (film), 274–275
- word usage, changes in, 14, 18, 23–24
- Wordsworth, William, 327
- working hours, 106
- The World After Covid-19 (Carney), 327
- World War II, 325–326
- Wozniak, Steve, 247, 248
yellow jacket (Gilets jaunes), 4
Yochanan, Rabbi, 181
- Zadig (Voltaire), 227
- Zhong, Chenbo, 289
- Zuckerberg, Mark, 53–54