Future Tense: A Vision for Jews and Judaism in the Global Culture

For Jews and for Judaism the twentieth century brought unprecedented suffering and incredible achievements – but as the new century gets going, their role in the future is up for grabs. Future Tense refutes the arguments for isolationism and self-sufficiency that have proven so tempting down through history, instead making the case that Jews and Judaism must renew their sense of hope and purpose to engage positively with the developing global culture.
- 7 July 2005 terrorist attacks 102
- 614th commandment 59
- Abel 82, 187
- Abimelech, king of the Philistines 81–2, 215, 216
- Abarbanel 160, 230
- Abraham 20, 23–4, 72, 75, 78, 215–16
- and covenant 80, 212, 214
- and God 9, 76, 84–5, 193–4, 195, 200, 250
- and Islam 73
- journey from Mesopotamia 77
- journey from Ur 137
- journey to Israel 141
- and land 132, 237–8
- and Lot 151
- univeralist and particularist 118
- and use of Hashem 217
- Abrahamic covenant 134
- Absalom 188
- Abu Hamza 103
- Adam 82, 186–7, 249–50
- and freedom 242
- and hearing 192
- Adorno, Theodor 207
- adult education 52, 53–4
- Adversos Judeos literature 94
- African-Americans 13–15
- Age of Reason 209
- agunah 204
- Ahab, King 161
- Ahasuerus, King 110–11
- Akiva, Rabbi 212
- Alexander the Great 93
- aliyah 144
- Alkalai, Rabbi Yehudah 143
- All-Party Parliamentary Committee on antisemitism 109
- Almohads 104
- Almoravids 104
- alone, dwelling see dwelling alone
- Alroy and Tancred (Disraeli) 133
- am 36
- Amalekites 140
- ambivalence 56, 58, 60
- America
- and assimilation 58
- and civil society 102
- and covenants 155–7, 168
- and immigrants 58, 62
- and protests against war in Gaza 90
- and universities 210
- see also United States
- American Jews 50–1, 53–4, 58, 59–60, 62, 123
- Amiel, Rabbi Moshe Avigdor 201–2
- Amnon 188
- ananke 242, 244
- al-Andalus 106
- Anderson, Benedict 101
- Anglo-Jewry 52–3
- Anjou 95
- Annan, Kofi 113, 146
- Anouilh, Jean 245
- anthologies of argument 183
- The Antichrist (Nietzsche) 21
- Antigone (Anouilh) 245
- anti-imperialism 81
- anti-Jewish myths 93
- Antiochus IV 141, 224
- anti-racist legislation 16
- antisemitism 5, 6, 16, 18, 47, 69–70, 71–2, 99–111
- attacks, 2009 9, 89, 90
- came and stayed 91
- and criticism 98, 252
- in Europe 143–4, 168
- failure to accept that we are diverse 129
- Islamic 104
- and Israel 1, 132
- as mutating virus 92–8
- name coined by Wilhelm Marr 96
- and new media 256
- and pogroms in Russia 27
- in Russian working classes 124
- and Sartre 58–9
- and Voltaire 207
- anti-Zionism 85, 97–8, 117, 128
- Anwar el-Sadat, President 147
- apartheid 113
- Apion 93
- Aquinas 232
- Arab League, meeting in Khartoum 1967 146
- Arafat, Yasser 147, 149–50
- Arendt, Hannah 110
- arguments 118–19, 183, 193–6, 205
- for the sake of heaven 195–6, 197, 202
- Aristotle 79, 224, 245
- on the Jews 93
- army, Israeli 169
- Arnold, Matthew 9
- arts, Jewish 52
- Ashkenazi Jews/Ashkenazim 34, 37
- Asia 62
- assimilation 1–2, 16, 58, 107, 256
- Assyrians 74, 141
- atheists 209
- Athenians 189
- see also Greeks
- The Audacity of Hope (Obama) 15
- audi alteram partem 195
- Augustine 73, 232
- Auschwitz 88, 109, 110, 144
- survived by laughing 254–5
- television programme from 253
- Australia 53
- Auto-Emancipation (Pinsker) 143 Axelrod, Pavel 124
- Baal prophets 192, 193
- Baal Shem Tov 142
- Babel, Tower of 76–7, 78, 79, 83, 137
- Babylon 62, 239
- Babylonian exile 43
- Babylonians 141
- Babylonian Talmud 177, 183, 187, 190
- Babylonian ziggurats 77
- badad 114–15
- Baghdad 106
- Balaam 114, 115, 256
- Balfour Declaration 132, 144
- Bandar bin Sultan, Prince 146–7
- Barak, Ehud 147
- barbarians 258
- Barber, Benjamin 86, 258
- Bar Kochba 241
- Bar Kochba Rebellion 43, 141, 202
- Basra 106
- battle, losing 261–2, 263
- Beck, Aaron T. 21, 229
- Begnini, Roberto 254
- believing 47
- Bellow, Saul 207
- belonging 47
- Bene Israel 62
- Ben Gurion, David 18, 62, 146, 157–8, 168–9
- and national narrative 171
- on Sephardi Jews 170
- sought to create a national culture 168–9
- Benjamin, Walter 207
- Berber Jews 62
- Berenson, Bernard 207
- Bergen-Belsen 144
- Bergson, Henri 207
- Berlin 53, 58
- Berlin, Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehudah 76–7, 79
- Berlin, Sir Isaiah 229–30, 258
- Beta Israel 62
- Bezalel 220
- Bialik, Hayim Nahman 65
- the Bible 73, 75–6, 171, 211
- and arguments 183
- and badad 114
- and concept of time 234–5
- on covenants 164
- description of Jews 36
- and freedom 242–3
- and godliness outside Abrahamic covenant 82
- and Hakhel 173
- laws precede the land 165
- mistranslations 232–3
- read as a political document 167
- story without an ending 237–40
- sustained protest against empire 78
- and universality and particularity 80
- birth pangs 55
- Birthright 46, 54
- blind fate 242, 249
- blood 106
- Blood Libel 99, 104–5, 128
- Bohemia 58
- bones, valley of 152, 153
- Booker, Christopher 237
- Brandeis, Louis 207
- Brien, Alan 189
- Britain
- antisemitic attacks, 2009 9, 89
- and civil society 102
- brit goral 37
- British Jews 52–3, 62
- British Muslims 8
- Brittany 95
- brit ye’ud 37, 38
- Brown, Gordon 109–10
- Buber, Martin 28
- Bukharan Jews 62
- Bush, George W. 173
- Buss, David 21
- Cahill, Thomas 234
- Cain 73, 82, 187–8, 242
- Cairo Museum 49
- the Caliphate 86
- the call 23–4
- Canada 53
- Canetti, Elias 207
- Caracas 89
- Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan 207
- Carlebach, Shlomo 119
- Cassirer, Ernst 234
- Caucasus 62
- census 67–8
- central Asia 62
- Central Europe 53
- cerebral lesion 210
- Chabad 19
- Chajes, Rabbi Zvi Hisch 160, 161, 162
- change 236
- Chanina, Rabbi 32
- charity-as-justice 252, 257
- Chateaubriand, François-René de 143
- Chavez, Hugo 90
- Chicago 90
- China 72
- Chinese ideogram for crisis 55
- Chmielnicki pogroms 95, 120
- chokhmah 219, 220, 226, 228, 229, 230
- a mitzvah 223
- and truth 221–2
- chokhmah Yevanit 223–4
- choosing life 20–1, 22, 23
- Christian Bibles 232
- Christianity 22, 73, 209, 249
- and antisemitism 72–4, 93–4
- and messiah 241
- Christians 83, 87–8
- Chua, Amy 72
- Chwolson, Professor Daniel 208
- citron 66
- civilisations 63, 68, 69, 259
- civility 181, 182, 204
- civil rights 116
- Civil Rights Movement, US 14
- civil society 164, 166, 169, 174–6
- in America 102, 173
- and covenants 260
- Clermont-Tonnerre, Count Stanislas de 95–6
- Clines, David 237
- Clinton, President Bill 147, 149–50, 156
- Coexist Foundation 109
- cognitive dissonance 66
- Cohen, Rabbi David 190
- collective responsibility 40–5
- command 64, 65
- commonalities 87
- Common Sense (Paine) 166
- Commonwealth Jewry 53
- communism 117, 123–5, 127
- community centres 53
- community of fate 46
- compassion 135, 175
- competition 175
- concentration camps 54
- see also Auschwitz
- Confessions (Augustine) 232
- conflict containment 182, 203
- conflict resolution 204
- Confucian continuity 8
- conquest 81
- Conservative Judaism 27
- conspiracy theories 110
- constitutional monarchy 161
- consumerism 174
- contempt 104
- continuity 65
- Jewish 1–2, 8, 51–5, 64, 70, 119
- contracts 160–1, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167
- American Constitution, 1787 168
- contradiction, law of 197
- contributions to civilisation 68, 69
- conversation 183, 184, 185, 187, 204, 205
- between Cain and Abel 188
- and justice 195
- and listening 189
- and truth 198
- conversion 36, 50, 81, 107, 119, 257
- co-operation
- and covenantal goods 175
- interfaith 109–10
- Cotler, Professor Irwin 113–14
- covenantal goods 175
- covenantal societies 168
- covenants 80, 81, 85, 134, 212, 214
- American 155–7, 168, 172
- and civil society 260
- and contracts 166
- of faith 37, 38, 45, 47
- of fate 37, 45
- and the Flood 79
- and Hakhel 173
- and Moses 162–4
- with Noah 213, 217
- and social contracts 167
- creation 217, 221, 226, 228
- meaning of 243
- and wisdom 220
- creativity 54, 64, 249
- crisis, Chinese ideogram for 55
- criticism 98, 252, 261
- Crusades 34, 54, 94
- cultural centre, Jewish 52
- cultural diversity 111
- culture 63, 64, 65, 224–5
- Judaic political 158
- national 168–9
- curses 40–1, 44, 115
- cyclical time 234, 235, 243
- Daniel Deronda (Eliot) 11–12, 24
- Darwin, Charles 21
- Daube, David 230
- David, King 167
- Dawidowicz, Lucy 59–60
- Day of Atonement 66, 247
- Days of Awe 247
- death instinct 21
- Declaration of Independence, 1776 (America) 168
- Declaration of Independence, 1948 (Israel) 146
- delegitimisation 16, 19, 146
- democracy 249
- Democracy in America (Tocqueville) 166–7, 176–7
- demonic anti-Judaism 95
- Derrida, Jacques 207
- destiny 134–5
- Deuteronomy
- 4:6 75, 220
- 4:8 221
- 4:12 190
- 6:7 64
- 7:7 68
- 10:17–19 84
- 11:10–12 139
- 11:26–7 191
- 17:14 179
- 17:14–15 160
- 28:10 127
- 31:12 173
- 33:4 221
- dhimmi 73, 104
- dialogues 184–5
- Diaspora 2, 3, 16, 35, 43
- and civil society 176
- and covenant of faith 45
- and Israel 46–7
- and outmarriage 50, 118
- rejection of 126
- and schools 181
- and Vital 25–6, 29
- difference 79, 80, 81, 83, 87
- hatred of 111
- and respect 86
- dignity 79, 176, 260
- of difference 80, 81
- of dissent 200
- and justice 195
- diplomacy 182, 204
- disaffiliation 1–2
- Disraeli, Benjamin 133
- dissident voices 198–200
- diversity 79, 129
- divine sovereignty 79
- divorce 204
- ‘Doctor’s Plot’ show trial 125
- Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion against Low Expectations (Harris and Harris) 67
- dream, ‘I have a dream’ speech 14
- Dubnow, Simon 54
- Duran, Rabbi Shimon ben Tzemach 217
- Durkheim, Émile 207
- dwelling alone 17–18, 114–15, 116, 117, 119, 127
- and God 186
- self-fulfilling prophesy 129, 256
- Eastern Europe 53, 58
- Ecclesiastes 198, 219
- economics 175, 249
- edah 36, 164
- education, Jewish 52, 176
- Efron, Noah 203
- egalitarian society 249
- Egypt 30, 77, 79, 137, 171
- could have offered the Palestinians Gaza 148
- peace agreement with Israel, 1979 146
- and wisdom 220
- Egyptian Jews 62
- Egyptians 83
- Eichmann trial 171
- Einstein, Albert 63, 207
- Elazar, Daniel 52–3, 229
- Elazar ben Pedat, Rabbi 199
- Eleazar 32
- electoral system 170
- Eliade, Mircea 234
- Elijah 161, 192–3
- Eliot, George 11–13, 18, 24, 73, 136, 259
- Elokim 214, 215, 216, 217–18, 219
- emancipation, political 127
- empires 78, 85, 107, 137, 138
- and universalism 81, 133–4
- emunah 18
- endings, stories 237–40
- England
- Jewish expulsion, 1290 95
- see also Britain
- Enlightenment 28, 95, 127
- and Judaism 209
- and universalism 86, 120–1
- entropy 55
- Essenes 31, 37
- Esther, book of 35
- ethics 121
- Ethics of the Fathers 212
- Ethiopia 62
- ethnicity 60–2, 69, 96, 259
- etrog 66
- Europe
- 2009 attacks 89
- antisemitism 94–5, 168
- European anti-Zionism 117
- European emancipation 117
- European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia 98
- European nationalism 127, 143–4
- European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 98
- Evans, Mary Ann 11–13
- see also Eliot, George
- Eve 192, 242, 249–50
- evil 95, 99, 251
- evil speech 185
- exile 30–3
- Exit, Voice and Loyalty (Hirschman) 200
- Exodus 132–3
- 1:17 216
- 3:14 232
- 4:22 217
- 5:1 13–14
- 5:2 216
- 17:10–11 140
- 19:8 163, 164
- 23:9 83
- 24:3 163, 164
- 30:12 67
- 33:19 233
- exodus from Egypt 171
- extra ecclesiam non est salus 81
- Eybeschutz, Jonathan 188
- Ezekiel 38–9, 152, 153
- Ezra 54, 141
- Fackenheim, Emil 17, 59
- factionalism 256
- faith 7, 47–8, 69–70, 252
- antidote to fear 10
- emunah 18
- and freedom 83
- is courage to take a risk 229
- and Israel 251
- as a journey in search of the Promised Land 24
- need to recover 2–3
- faithfulness 234
- family life 227
- fate 29, 30, 37–8, 42, 47, 245, 248, 249
- community of 46
- covenant of 45
- and the Greeks 242, 244
- and the Holocaust 48
- fear 10, 184, 256, 261, 263
- Festinger, Leon 66
- festivals, Jewish 65–6, 228, 247
- Fichte, Johann 96
- fidelity 163
- film festivals 52
- Final Solution 127
- financial crisis, 2008 9
- First Crusade 34, 54
- The First Dissent (Safire) 200
- First Temple 30, 54
- Fisch, Harold 234, 240
- Fishbane, Michael 230
- Fleg, Edmund 58
- the Flood 79, 80
- Forward 25
- four kinds 66
- France 27, 58, 89, 94–5
- and civil society 102
- and religion 177
- Frankfurt 120
- Frankfurter Journal 122
- Frankl, Viktor 207, 229, 254
- Frederick II, Emperor 105, 187
- Freedman, Samuel 203
- freedom 7, 23, 79, 241–4, 249, 254
- and covenants 164
- defend 10
- and faith 83
- and Judaism 250, 258–9
- to serve God 162
- and Sharansky 2–3
- and social contract 161
- free market 200
- Frege, Gottlob 97
- French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen 120
- French Jewry 53
- French Revolution 116
- French Revolutionary assembly 95–6
- Freud, Sigmund 55, 63, 189, 207, 229
- on death instinct 21
- on human behaviour 242
- friends 252
- friendship 174–5
- Frost, Robert 144
- Frumkin, Rabbi Ayre Leib 131
- fundamentalism 81
- the future 240–1, 243, 244, 250
- The Future of the Jews (Vital) 25–6
- Galbraith, J. K. 174
- Gaon, Rav Saadia 34
- Gardner, Howard 229
- Gaza 9, 15, 89, 90
- Egypt could have offered it to Palestinians 148
- and Oslo peace process 146
- Genesis 76, 78, 132
- 2 247
- 2:18 186
- 2:19 185
- 2:23 186
- 3:4 192
- 4:8 187
- 4:12 73
- 9–12 80
- 13:8–9 151
- 18 20
- 18:17–18 194
- 32:26 246
- 39:9 216
- 41:39 215
- and relationships 182
- and two covenants 212
- and use of Hashem and Elokim 219
- and wisdom 220
- genocide 101, 113
- German Jews 53, 58
- Germans, and hatred of Jews not Judaism 123
- Germany 83, 85, 94–5
- and civil society 102
- and ghettoes 120
- and Reform Judaism 122
- get 204
- gevurah 148
- ghettoes 95, 120
- Gideon 159
- Gilson, Étienne 232
- Girard, René 72
- global financial crisis, 2008 9
- globalisation 26
- global technologies 101–2
- Gnosticism 229
- God 22, 75, 212, 231
- and Abraham 9, 76, 193–4, 195, 200, 250
- of all humanity 252
- arguing with 183
- and covenants 80, 162–3, 164
- and Elijah 192–3
- everyone in the image of 78, 79, 81–2, 83
- of everywhere 134
- and Ezekiel 152, 153
- and freedom 162, 242, 249
- and Job 246–7
- and kings 160
- and language 185–6
- loves particulars 84–5
- and Moses 232, 233–4
- and non-zero-sum disagreement 198
- Old and New Testament versions 94
- and otherness 87
- promised a land 132–3
- and Samuel 159
- sovereign of Israel 135
- two names 214–18
- wrestling with 251
- and Zionists 157
- Gombrich, Ernst 207
- Gordon, A. D. 54, 125
- government, and Judaism 162
- Graetz, Heinrich 189–90
- Granada 104
- Greek culture 224
- Greek historians 236
- Greeks 83, 141, 189, 224
- and ananke 242
- and golden age 244
- on the Jews 92–3
- Greek wisdom 223, 224
- Greenspan, Alan 10
- Grossman, David 170
- Groucho Marx 55
- Guide for the Perplexed (Maimonides) 220
- Gulf War, 1991 148–9, 227
- Haam, Ahad 65
- Hadrianic persecutions 142
- Hakhel 173
- halakkah 65
- Halevi, Judah 142, 214, 225, 230
- Halivni, David Weiss 191
- Haman 35, 110–11
- Hamas 18, 20, 86, 145, 148
- Hanafite school of Islamic jurisprudence 106
- ha-Nagid, Shmuel 230
- Hanan 32
- Hashem 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219
- Hasmonean kings 179
- Hassidei Ashkenaz 54, 183
- Hassidic movement 37, 183, 209
- hate/hatred 72, 87, 88, 99, 104, 108, 188, 189, 254
- and Beck 21
- of difference 111
- exists in the mind of the hater not the hated 106
- inability to accept the other 82
- of Jews not Judaism 123
- Hatikvah 152
- Hazaz, Hayim 125
- hearing 190, 192, 195
- Hebrew Bible see the Bible
- Hebrew language 54, 181–2
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 96, 102, 232
- Heidegger, Martin 97, 232
- Heine, Heinrich 56, 208
- Hellenistic writers 92–3
- Herzl, Theodor 1, 92, 125, 143–4, 168
- met Pope Paul X 71, 73
- thought of as a messiah 241
- Herzog, President Chaim 158
- Hess, Moses 91, 123, 125, 132, 143
- Hezbollah 18, 20, 86, 145, 148
- hierarchical societies 168
- Hilberg, Raoul 96
- Hillel 31, 196, 197, 198, 200
- Himmelfarb, Milton 67
- Hirsch, Rabbi Samson Raphael 79, 210
- Hirschman, A. O. 199–200, 205
- historians, Greek 236
- history, and Marx 21, 242
- A History of the Jews (Johnson) 8
- The History of the Sages of Jerusalem (Frumkin) 131
- Hitler, Adolf 85, 100, 144
- Hobbes, Thomas 160–1, 179, 260
- Holocaust 1, 9, 28, 47, 73, 101, 127, 128
- attempt to downgrade by spelling with lower case ‘h’ 113
- comparing Israel’s war in Gaza to 90
- and Dawidowicz 59–60
- destroyed European emancipation 117
- Eichmann trial 171
- and fate 48
- funding for teachers and pupils to learn about 110
- Schindler’s List 78
- and Schneersohn 19–20
- survivors turned back from Palestine 144–5
- Holocaust Memorial Day 60
- Holy Land 87–8
- holy wars 258
- Holzberg, Gavriel 19
- Holzberg, Rivkah 19
- The Home We Build Together (Sacks) 101–2
- Hong Kong Chinese 8
- hope 246–8, 250, 259, 260
- Israel gateway of 153
- Jewish people a symbol of 10, 13
- Jews should be the voice of 252, 263
- needed to defeat terror 20
- and Obama 15
- and peace 262
- and tragedy 245
- Horace 93
- Horseman without a Horse 105
- Hosea, book of 132, 153
- House of Commons, Jews not allowed there until 1858 116
- human condition 80, 81, 87, 111
- human freedom 79
- humanity 83
- human relationships 175
- human rights 78, 100–1
- human sovereignty 78–9
- Hume, David 224
- humour 254–5
- Hungary 53
- Huntington, Samuel 86
- Husseini, Jamal 149
- Ibn Ezra, Abraham 183
- Ibn Gabirol, Solomon 230
- ideals 260
- identity 16, 64–5, 102, 187
- and covenants 163
- injured 56
- and outward turn 259
- religious 69
- and the state 169
- and univeralism and particularism 117–18
- see also Jewish identity
- ‘I have a dream’ speech 14
- Imagined Communities (Anderson) 101
- Imber, Naftali Herz 152
- immigrants 58, 62
- imperialism 81
- India 62, 72
- the individual 201–2
- influence 174–5, 177, 178
- information technology 101–2
- injured identity 55–6, 56
- intellectuals 207, 208, 209
- interests 163
- interfaith cooperation 109–10
- internalisation, antisemitism 106–8
- Internet 101–2, 103
- intifada 15
- inward turn 259
- Iraq 90
- Iraqi Jews 62
- Isaac, Jules 94
- Isaiah 75–6, 121
- 1:27 172
- 19:23–5 138
- 27:10 114
- 40:4–5 14
- Islam 83, 103–6, 173
- and antisemitism 72, 73
- universal monotheism 74
- Islamic continuity 8
- Islamic countries 74
- Islamophobia 109
- isolationism 114–15, 116, 117, 118
- Israel 8, 21, 28–9, 70, 151–2, 255–6
- accused of racism, apartheid and attempted genocide 113–14
- and anti-Zionism 97–8
- attacks on, by neighbours 145–6
- birth of, failed to dissipate prejudice 127–8
- and Birthright 54
- cannot survive alone 18
- can renew social covenant 179–80
- and civil society 174, 175–6
- criticism of 98
- and deligitimation campaign 15–16, 19
- difficult journey to 141–5
- existence close to a miracle 3
- and faith 251
- gateway of hope 153
- and Gaza 9, 89, 90
- impossible to build an empire 137–8
- and Jewish attachment to 131–3
- and Judaism 46–7
- as kingdom and nation 165
- and mamlachiut 168–70
- many no longer believe in the Jewish identity of state 118
- and monarchy 161–2
- needs to engage with the world 130
- only under Jewish rule was it a self-governing nation 85–6
- and the Palestinians 101, 148–9, 150, 151
- proclaimed 55
- recognised by the Vatican in 1993 71
- and religion 158, 177–8
- and secular Zionism 126
- threatened by larger and stronger powers 139–40
- where Jews are a free, self-governing people 136
- Jacob 246
- Jefferson, Thomas 156
- Jeremiah 31, 246
- Jerusalem 141, 142
- Jerusalem (Mendelssohn) 57–8
- Jerusalem Prize 181
- Jethro 179
- Jewish Book Week 52
- Jewish community centres 53
- Jewish continuity 1–2, 8, 51–5, 64, 70, 119
- Jewish Continuity (organisation) 52, 64
- Jewish Contribution to Civilization (Roth) 210
- Jewish cultural centre 52
- Jewish festivals 65–6, 228, 247
- Jewish identity 2, 36, 52, 58, 59–60, 117, 118
- and divisions within 29
- fragmented 27–8
- hidden by intellectuals 208
- wear it with pride 108
- Jewish question 27
- ‘On the Jewish Question’ (Marx) 123
- Jewish schools 52, 53, 181
- Jewish self-hatred 108
- Jewish socialism 124
- Jewish society 159
- The Jewish State (Herzl) 143–4
- Jewish story 18
- Jews
- and Aristotle 93
- choosing not to continue the Jewish story 1–2
- and civil society 102
- description of, in the Bible 36
- and destiny 134–5
- face formidable problems 8
- forced to leave Arab states 149
- and George Eliot 11–13
- and Germans 123
- and hope 10, 245, 252, 263
- and individualism 201–2
- loss of in Diaspora 16
- and nation state 116–17
- need to engage with the world not turn inward 130
- need to recover a sense of purpose 4
- need to recover faith 2–3
- and Nietzsche 21–2
- only in Israel a free, self-governing people 136
- and otherness 83
- people of memory 171
- survived in exile because they were a society before they were a state 167
- and the will to live 260
- wrestling with God 251
- Jews and Power (Wisse) 184
- Jew versus Jew (Freedman) 203
- Jihad 258
- Job, book of 82, 198, 200, 246–7
- on wisdom 219, 220
- Jocasta 244
- John of Gischala 32
- Johnson, Lyndon Baines 156
- Johnson, Paul 8, 209
- Jonah 74
- Jordan 148, 149
- peace agreement with Israel, 1994 146
- Joseph 30, 132, 188, 216
- and Pharoah 82, 215, 220
- Joseph ben Gurion 32
- Josephus 31, 32–3
- Joshua, book of 31, 239
- Judaism 35, 36, 67, 86, 256–7
- code of a self-governing society 135–6
- and commonalities and differences 87
- and conversation 183
- and dignity of dissent 200
- and education 176
- faith in the future tense 252
- and freedom 258–9
- and Freud 55
- and hope 246, 259
- and injured identity 56
- and Israel 46–7, 178
- is the voice of the other 83
- and liberal democracy 179
- and limited government 162
- and listening 191
- lost many intellectuals 209
- and messiah 240–1
- never given rise to an empire or desire for one 106–7
- new civic 180
- and Nietzsche 22
- not for Jews alone 7, 231
- particularistic monotheism 74
- protest against empires 85
- and relationships 182
- religion of freedom 241, 250
- religion of future tense 244
- religion of holy words 185–6
- renounced 208
- represents truth as story 237
- social legislation of 247–8
- and society 227–8
- united Jews 37
- universal and particularistic 212–13, 214
- voice of Not Yet 249
- Judaism as a Civilisation (Kaplan) 55–6
- Der Judenfrage 27
- Judeo-Arabic 34
- Judeo-Christian ethic 22
- Judeo-Esfahani 34
- Judeo-Marathi 34
- Judeophobia 94, 96
- Judeo-Shirazi 34
- Judeo-Slavic 34
- Judeo-Yazdi 34
- judges 159, 239
- Judges, book of 31
- justice 135, 172, 173, 175, 205
- and God 194–5
- Kafka, Franz 207
- Kalisher, Rabbi Zvi Hirsch 143
- Kant, Immanuel 86, 96, 99
- on ethics 121
- Kaplan, Mordecai 55–6, 63, 65
- Karaites 37
- Kass, Leon 229
- Katyusha attacks 148
- Kennedy, John F. 258
- Kennedy, Robert F. 182
- Kermode, Frank 237
- Khazars 62
- Kiddush hachayim 253, 255
- Kiddush Hashem 255
- killing by accident 189
- King, Martin Luther 13–15, 18, 24, 259
- kingdom, and Israel 165
- King James Bible 232
- kings 159–60, 161, 179
- Kings, book of 192–3
- Klatzkin, Jacob 125
- Knesset 172
- knowledge 219–24, 226
- koach 148
- Koestler, Arthur 45–6, 56, 62
- Kolleck, Teddy 227
- Kook, Chief Rabbi Abraham HaCohen 161–2, 210
- Korach 196
- kosher restaurants 53
- Kuhn, T. H. 207
- Kurdish Jews 62
- Kuwait 148–9
- Laban 82
- Ladino 34, 61
- Laius 244
- Lamentations, book of 114
- land, promise of 132, 237–9
- language 185–6, 187, 204, 213, 243
- laughing 255
- Lavater, Kaspar 56
- law of contradiction 197
- Lebanon 15, 148
- Lebanon War 1982 28–9
- legitimation, hate 99
- Leibowitz, Yeshayahu 179
- Lenin, Vladimir 124
- Lessing, Gotthold 56
- The Letter to Yemen (Maimonides) 241
- Levinas, Emanuel 243
- Levi-Strauss, Claude 207
- Leviticus 99, 219
- 13:46 114
- 19:33–4 84
- 26:36–7 40–1
- Lewis, Bernard 7, 104
- liberal democracy 7–8, 179
- liberalism 249
- Liberal Judaism 27, 65
- liberty 161, 162, 258–9
- see also freedom
- Libyan Jews 62
- Lichtenstein, Aharon 176, 230
- life
- choosing 20–1, 22, 23
- sanctification of 253, 255–6
- sanctity of 260
- Life is Beautiful 254
- Limmus 52
- Lincoln, Abraham 172
- listening 183–4, 189, 190–1, 193, 204–5
- listening cure 189
- Lithuania 62
- logotherapy 254
- London
- 7 July 2005 terrorist attacks 102
- antisemitic attacks, 2009 89
- loneliness 115
- The Lonely Man of Faith (Soloveitchik) 17, 115
- Los Angeles 90
- losing battle 261–2, 263
- Lost Ten Tribes 31, 51
- Lot 151
- love 174–5, 246–7, 254
- and difference 83
- and God 87, 135
- the stranger 85, 87
- love your neighbour 99
- loving-kindness 135, 175
- loyalty 163, 200, 205
- Lubavitch Hassidim 19
- lulav 66
- Luther, Martin 95
- Luxemburg, Rosa 124
- MacIntyre, Alasdair 203
- Mahler, Gustav 207
- Maimon, Judah Leib 157
- Maimonides, Moses 34, 47, 188, 227, 228, 230, 240
- on chokhmah 220
- influenced by Islamic thought 106
- on kings 160
- on messiahs 150, 241
- Mipi hashemua 190
- on the sage 229
- on science 223
- thirteen principles 65, 217
- on truth 221
- went to Israel in 1165 142
- Maine, France 95
- Maine, Sir Henry Summer 21
- mamlachiut 169–70, 174
- Manetho 93
- the market 174, 200
- Marr, Andrew 11, 60, 61–2, 237
- Marr, Wilhelm 96
- marranos 208–9
- marriage 1–2, 16, 50, 53, 58
- martyrdom 255
- Marx, Karl 63, 123–4, 207
- on history 21, 242
- and messianic idea 241
- mashber 55
- Maslow, Abraham 229
- The Matzo of Zion (Tlas) 105
- Mayflower Compact, 1620 155
- May Laws, 1882 27, 131
- McWorld 258
- media 101, 103, 256
- medicine 248, 249
- Medina massacre 104
- Meir, Golda 146
- Melchizedek, king of Shalem 81
- memory 171
- Mendelssohn, Moses 56–8
- Menocal, Maria Rosa 106
- Merneptah stele 49
- Mesha stele 49–50
- Mesopotamia 77
- messiah 240–1
- messianic age 150
- messianic universalism 121–6
- Micah 78, 137
- Middle East 61, 106
- see also Israel
- Midrash 54, 183
- Mikraot Gedolot 183
- Milton John 229
- minorities 252
- Mipi hashemua 190
- Mishnah 32, 54
- Misinai, Tsvi 62
- The Missing Peace (Ross) 147
- Mitnagdim 37
- mitzvah 64, 223
- Moab 49–50
- moderates 31, 32
- ‘The Modern Hep! Hep! Hep!’ (Eliot) 12–13
- modern orthodoxy 2
- moira 244
- monarchy 159–60, 161–2, 179, 239
- moral solipsism 184
- Mordecai 37–8
- Morganbesser, Sidney 56
- Moscow 53
- Moses 41–2, 75, 82, 127, 236, 238, 250
- on choosing life 20
- and covenants 162–3, 164
- and God 232, 233–4
- on Israel 139
- on Jewish population 68
- journey from Egypt 77, 137
- journey to Israel 141
- on kings 160
- and Korach 196
- on listening 190–1
- and Martin Luther King 14
- may not enter the Promised Land 239
- and spies 115
- and the stick 5–6
- summoned to lead Isralites to the Promised Land 132–3
- univeralist and particularist 118
- on wisdom 220
- Moses and Monotheism (Freud) 55
- multiculturalism 86, 102
- Mumbai terror attacks 19
- murder 20, 82, 188–9
- music festivals 52
- Muslim Brotherhood 148
- Muslims 8, 83, 88, 103–6
- Mussar movement 183
- myrtle leaves 66
- mystics 37
- mythical time 234–5
- myths, anti-Jewish 93
- Nachmanides 136, 142, 183
- Napoleon 143
- Nasser, Abdul 145, 146
- Nathan the Wise (Lessing) 56
- nation 35–6, 44, 165
- and religion 37, 38
- national culture 168–9
- national identity 102
- nationalism 5, 127, 143–4, 257
- National Jewish Population Survey, 1990 50
- national narrative 171–3
- nationhood, Jewish 47–8
- nation state 26–7, 101, 102, 116–17
- and antisemitism 168
- nature 22, 23
- Nazis 255
- Nehemiah 54, 141
- neo-Darwinians 242
- new media 256
- newspaper 101
- New Testament 73, 94, 99
- Newton, Isaac 225–6
- New Year festival 247
- New York 90
- New York Times 172
- NGOs 114, 126
- Nietzsche, Friedrich 21–2, 97, 234, 257
- Nissenbaum, Yitzhak 255
- Noah 80, 85, 212, 213, 217
- Nobel Prize 207
- nomocracy 135
- non-orthodox Jews 259
- non-zero-sum disagreement 198
- non-zero-sum games 175
- North Africa 61
- North European Jewry 34
- Numbers
- 16:41 196
- 23:9 17
- Obama, Barack 15, 155, 156–7, 172
- obedience 191
- O’Connell, Daniel 133
- Oedipus 244
- Old Testament 94
- see also the Bible
- One People? (Sacks) 29
- Ong, Walter J. 101
- Oral Law 205
- organic societies 168
- Organisation of the Islamic Conference 151
- The Origins of Totalitarianism (Arendt) 110
- The Ornament of the World (Menocal) 106
- orthodoxy 29, 66, 259
- modern 2
- segregationist 119, 129–30
- Orwell, George 257
- Oslo peace process 18, 146–7, 148, 171
- the other 88, 99, 111, 258
- otherness 82–3, 87, 185–203
- Ottoman Empire 74
- outmarriage 1–2, 16, 58, 118, 256
- American-Jewish 50–1, 53
- the outsider 86, 99
- outward turn 259
- Oz, Amos 97, 181
- Paine, Thomas 15, 165–6, 167
- pains 184
- Palestine 144, 145
- Palestinian cause 114
- Palestinians 62, 101, 126, 147, 148–50, 151
- palm branch 66
- Paris 89
- the particular 80, 257
- particularism 117–18, 134, 209, 212–14
- and Judaism 226
- and use of Hashem 217
- particularistic monotheism 74
- particularists 117, 128, 259
- particularity 76, 84, 258
- partition 145, 146
- Passover/Pesach 30, 65–6, 247, 259
- patriotism 257
- Paul X, Pope 71, 73
- peace 87–8, 150, 151, 179, 262
- peace process, Middle East 15, 18, 146–8
- Peel Commission 146
- Pentateuch 44
- Pentecost 65–6, 247
- peoplehood 25, 29, 38
- Peres, Shimon 147, 150
- persecution 74
- Petach Tikva 132
- Phalangists 148
- Pharisees 31, 37
- Pharoah 82, 215, 220, 238
- Philo 135
- philosophy 237
- Pinsker, Judah Leib 91, 143
- ‘Pittsburgh Platform’ 123
- Pizarro 134
- Plato 79–80, 212, 224
- on time 234
- PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organisation) 126, 145
- Plumb, J. H. 234, 236
- pogroms 27, 95, 124, 131
- Poland 34, 53, 62
- Polish dress 61
- political culture 158
- political society 166
- politics
- arena of competition 175
- and the Bible 167
- and conformity 202
- and covenants 163–4
- and religion 177
- and voice 200
- popes 71, 73, 105
- Popper, Karl 207
- population, Jews 67
- Portugal 61
- Portuguese Jews 34, 58, 142
- postmodernism 196, 207
- post-Zionism 171
- poverty 249, 262–3
- power 162, 175, 177, 178, 257, 258
- and contracts 163
- and the state 174
- predictability 234
- presidential inaugurals, American 173
- private affluence 174
- Promise and Fulfilment (Koestler) 45–6
- Promised Land 24, 132–3, 239
- prophets 158, 162, 167, 236
- and agents of hope 246
- and arguments 183
- proportional representation 170
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 99, 104, 105–6, 110, 128
- Proust, Marcel 207
- Proverbs, book of 219, 220
- Psalms
- 23 2
- 104:24 220
- 122:5 172–3
- 137:5–6 141
- 146 175–6
- 147:19–20 221
- pseudo-sciences 100
- psychotherapy 254
- public poverty 174
- Puritans 155–6, 249
- purpose, sense of 4, 16
- al-Qaeda 20, 86
- rabbinical seminary 53
- rabbinic Judaism 37
- rabbinic literature 183
- Rabin, Yitzhak 147–8
- race 96, 100
- racial antisemitism 96, 100, 102, 107
- racism 113, 126, 146
- rain 139
- rainbow 79
- Raphael, Frederic 56
- Rashbam 183
- Rashi 34, 183, 220
- rationalists 37
- Reaganomics 174
- Real Jews (Efron) 203
- rebellions 141–2, 202
- Reconstructionist Judaism 27, 65
- redemption 226
- Rees-Mogg, William 208
- Reform Judaism 27, 29, 122–3
- Rehoboam 31
- relationships
- and covenantal goods 175
- and covenants 163
- and Judaism 182
- and language 187
- religion 36, 37, 117
- and antisemitism 99
- divisive force within Israel 158
- and nationhood 38, 48
- and schools 181
- and the state 176–8
- religious identity 65, 69
- religious Jews 261
- see also orthodoxy
- religious laws 34–5
- religious political parties 178
- religious Zionism 2, 259
- The Republic (Plato) 79–80
- Resh Lakish, Rabbi 198–9, 200
- respect 86, 176
- responsibility 40–5, 65, 180
- restaurants 53
- revelation 217, 218, 221, 226, 228
- revolutionaries 248
- righteousness 135, 175
- risk 228–9
- ritual laws 248
- Romans 32, 43, 62, 83
- Rome 141, 225
- Rome and Jerusalem (Hess) 123, 132, 143
- Rosenzweig, Franz 184, 217
- Ross, Dennis 147
- Roth, Cecil 210
- Rothschild, Dorothy de 172, 173
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 35, 102
- Rubinstein, Amnon 125
- rule the world 106–7
- Russia 27, 62, 108, 124–5, 131
- Russian communism 117
- Russian music 61
- Russian working classes 124
- Ruth 36
- ‘Sabbath of Consolation’ 14
- Sachs, Jeffrey 230
- Sacks, Louis David 68–9, 91
- sacrifice 67
- Sadducees 31, 37
- Safed 54, 142
- Safire, William 200
- Salanter, Rabbi Israel 183
- Samuel 161, 162, 165
- 8:5, 20 179
- 8:11–18 159–60
- sanctification of life 253, 255–6
- sanctity of life 79, 260
- Sandel, Michael 229
- Sanhredin 78
- sanity 254–5
- Sarah 23, 75, 80, 215, 237
- Sartre, Jean-Paul 58–9
- satellite television 101, 103
- Saul, King 160
- Scandinavia 50–1
- Schaar, John 172
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph 232
- Schindler’s List 78
- Schmitt, Carl 21
- Schneersohn, Rabbi Menachem Mendel 19–20, 228–9, 241
- Schoenberg, Arnold 207
- schools 60, 109–10, 178, 181
- Jewish day 52, 53
- Schopenhauer, Arthur 97
- Schumpeter, Joseph 258
- science 99–100, 222–3, 225, 228, 249
- is universal 121
- truth as system 237
- scientism 228
- Second Temple 39, 43, 54
- secular Jewish schools 181
- secular Jews 259
- secular nationalism 5
- secular nationality 45
- secular society 120
- secular Zionism 117, 125–6
- seeing 190, 192
- segregation 118
- segregationist orthodoxy 119, 129–30
- self-fulfilling prophesy 115–16, 129, 256
- self-hatred, Jewish 108
- Seligman, Martin 229
- Seneca 93
- Sephardi Jews 61, 169–70
- Sephardim 37
- ‘The Sermon’ (Hazaz) 125
- Shabbetai Zvi 37, 120, 241
- Shaftesbury, Lord 73, 138
- Shammai 31, 196, 197, 200
- Sharansky, Natan 2–3, 10
- sharing 175
- Shas party 170
- Al-Shatat 105
- Shavuot 65–6, 247
- shelilat hagolah 126
- Shema 64
- Shimon bar Yohai, Rabbi 39–40, 44–5
- Shoa 28, 253
- Shoa u-Gevurah 171
- sicarii 31–2
- Sifra 41
- sight, metaphor of 190, 192
- silence 188, 189
- Simon, Paul 16
- Simon bar Giora 32
- Simon ben Gamliel 32
- Sinai, Mount 162–3
- Six Day War 145, 146
- slavery 30, 249
- slaves 6, 30
- social cohesion 202
- social contract 160–1, 162, 165, 167, 179
- social covenant 165, 167, 179, 180
- social Darwinism 100
- socialism 124
- social virtues 135
- societal beatitude 176
- society 159, 165–7, 170, 227
- and covenant 168
- and Judaism 178
- Socrates dialogues 184
- solipsism 184
- solitude 17–18, 186, 247
- Solomon, King 31
- Soloveitchik, Rabbi Joseph 17, 37, 38, 115, 210
- South Africa 53
- South African Jews 62
- sovereignty 78–9, 161–2, 180
- Spain 54, 61, 74, 95
- Spanish Jews 34, 58, 95, 142
- speaking cure 189
- speech 189
- spies, sent by Moses 115, 228–9, 238
- Spinoza, Baruch 63, 119, 121, 208–9
- on Israel 133
- thought all events determined by natural necessity 242
- spirit, people of 38
- spiritual crisis 18, 19
- Stalin, Joseph 124–5
- Stalinist purges 128
- the state 169–70, 174, 178, 179
- and society 165–7
- and Zionism 168, 180
- state-religious schools 178
- state-secular schools 178
- statism 169–70
- Steiner, George 28
- ‘Sticker Song’ 170
- the stranger 82, 85, 86, 176
- and love 83–4, 87
- welcoming 20
- strength 68, 148
- stress 227
- students 109
- suffering 29, 40
- suicide bombings 15, 18, 148
- sukkah 66
- Succot 65–6, 247
- supersessionist theories 73
- Supreme Court, Israel 172–3
- Sur le Question Juif (Sartre) 58–9
- survivors 54, 144–5, 253–5
- synagogues 39, 53, 142, 171
- attacks on 89
- Syrians 148
- Tabernacles 65–6, 247
- tact 181, 182, 204
- Taglit-Birthright 54
- Talmon, J. L. 120
- Talmud 54, 115, 183
- Taoist continuity 8
- Targum 185
- technology 249
- television 101, 103, 253
- Temanim 62
- Temple, Hamburg 122
- Temple, Jerusalem, destruction of 30, 54, 141
- terror 18, 19, 20, 148
- terrorism 102, 145–6
- terrorist groups 15
- Thatcherism 174
- The Theme of the Pentateuch (Clines) 237
- theocracy 135
- theology 184
- Theophrastus 93
- Third Reich 85
- thirteen principles 65, 217
- Thomas of Monmouth 104
- ‘Three Nos’ 146
- tikkun 19, 66
- tikkun olam 257
- Tillich, Paul 253
- time 234–5, 243, 249
- Titus 32
- Tlas, Mustapha 105
- Tocqueville, Alexis de 166–7, 176–7
- tolerance 103, 104, 254
- Torah
- and chokhmah 219, 221, 228, 229, 230
- commands us to ‘love the stranger’ 83–4
- on listening 191
- the universal to the particular 80, 211–12, 226
- Tosafists 34, 183
- totalitarianism 77, 79, 81
- Toulouse 89
- tradition 203
- tragedy 244–6, 247, 249
- transactions costs 163
- transformation 236
- transubstantiation 106
- tribalism 82, 85, 86
- Trieste 58
- Trotsky, Leon 124
- Troutbeck, Sir John 149
- Trumpeldor, Joseph 171
- truth 197, 198, 199, 237
- and argument 196
- and chokhmah and Torah 221
- Turkic people 62
- ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’ (Berlin) 258
- the two state solution 88, 146
- tzedakah 252, 257
- tzitzit 248
- Ukraine 142
- ultra-zealots 32
- Umayyads 106
- uncertainty 10
- understatement 182, 204
- Union of Jewish Students 109
- the unique 86–7
- United Nations
- resolution equating Zionism with racism 113, 126, 146
- vote for partition in 1947 145, 146
- United Nations Conference against Racism, 2001 100–1, 113
- United States
- and civil society 173
- has Judaic political culture 158
- and Jewish unity 29
- and national narrative 171–2
- and religion 176–7
- see also America
- the universal 80, 257
- universalism 76, 82, 86–7, 117–18, 213, 258
- and empires 81, 133–4
- and the Enlightenment 120–1, 209
- and Judaism 212, 214, 226
- messianic 121–6
- and use of Elokim 217
- universalists 117, 128, 259
- universality 80, 211, 252
- universal monotheism 74
- universities, and Jewish students 210–11
- utopians 248
- Vatican 71
- Veblen, Thorstein 208
- Venezuela 89
- Vespasian 32
- victimhood 3
- victims 3, 4, 29
- victory 196
- Vienna 58
- Vilna Gaon 142
- violence 188, 189, 205
- Viorst, Milton 203
- virtues 135, 229
- virus 92–8
- vision, need for 4
- visual arts 189
- Vital, David 25–6, 29
- Voegelin, Eric 234
- voice 200, 203–4, 205
- Volozhyn yeshiva 209–10
- Voltaire 207
- voluntary self-help 174
- the vulnerable 259
- Walzer, Michael 229
- Wannsee Conference 127
- wars, against Israel 145, 146
- Warsaw ghetto uprising 126, 255
- Washington 90
- water supply 139
- wealth 174, 175
- Weitzman, Chaim 172
- West, Rebecca 90
- What Shall I Do with This People (Viorst) 203
- Whitehead, Alfred North 212
- Why I am a Jew (Fleg) 58
- Wiesel, Elie 11
- willow leaves 66
- will to life 22, 257, 258, 259, 260
- will to power 21, 22, 257, 259, 260
- Will We Have Jewish Grandchildren? (Sacks) 51
- Winston, Robert 229
- Winthrop, John 155–6
- wisdom 219–20, 226–7, 228, 230, 261
- Wisse, Ruth 63–4, 65, 91, 184
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig 2, 207
- Wordsworth, William 120
- working classes 124
- the world, understanding of 228
- xenophobia 93
- Yeats, Y. B. 258
- Yemen 62
- Yerushalmi, Yosef Hayim 171, 234
- Yerushalmi Talmud 183
- yeshiva 118, 209, 210–11
- Yevanic 34
- Yiddish 34
- Yiddish literature 63
- Yochanan, Rabbi 198–9, 200
- Yom Kippur 66, 228
- Yom Kippur War 145
- Yovel, Yirmiyahu 208
- zealots 31–2
- Zechariah 76, 121, 140
- zero-sum games 151, 175
- Ziedan, Dr Youssef 106
- Zionism 124, 158–9, 177, 180
- and Balfour Declaration 144
- history of 168
- and racism 113, 126, 146
- religious 2, 259
- secular 117, 125–6
- Zionist plots 97
- Zionists 143, 157–8, 177
- Zipporah 82
- Zornberg, Aviva 230
- Zunz, Leopold 54