Community of Faith

For the 125th anniversary of the United Synagogue, during his time as Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks wrote a new evaluation of the role of the synagogue in Jewish life today. In it he explores the choices faced by religious leadership in the modern world, and the ways in which the synagogue embodies a living community of faith.
His recent book Faith in the Future, described by The Times as ‘one of the most significant declarations made by a religious leader in this country for many years’, analysed the importance of community, morality and faith in the future of Western societies. Community of Faith applies these themes to the Jewish situation, and suggests ways in which the synagogue can be renewed as a centre of meaning and belonging.
This title is currently out of print.
- Abel 43
- Abraham
- directs his children to keep the way of life of the Lord 92
- and God 94
- Abrahams, Israel 19
- Adath Yisrael 61, 75, 102
- Adler, Dr Nathan Marcus (Chief Rabbi) 23, 25, 26, 81, 83–4, 86, 109
- and community 110, 126
- faced criticism from right and left 123
- and Jews’ College 36
- and kehillah 27–9
- Adler, Hermann 87
- agency 108
- Agudat Yisrael 58–9
- Ahad Ha’am 86
- Alderman, Geoffrey 38
- Alexandria Synagogue 19
- Alliance Israélite Universelle 58
- Altneushul 3–4
- am 50, 51, 60, 77, 87, 96, 120, 148
- and bet knesset 122
- definition 49
- and Kaplan 75
- and Knesset Yisrael 106
- and secession 59
- and the United Synagogue 110, 143
- and Zionism 121
- America 63–77, 114
- separation of church and state 88
- synagogues 101–2
- American Jewry
- and continuity 144
- diffuse 63–4
- and ethnicity 146
- and intermarriage 114
- lack of communal framework 81–2
- Amidah 95, 96
- angels 92
- Anglo-Jewry 24–39, 51, 124–5
- and Adler 83
- communal leadership 78–81
- a community of faith 86, 122
- failings 86
- keeps faith alive in the community 99
- and Montefiore 84–5
- and the United Synagogue 130
- Victorian era 9
- anti-Semitism 7–8, 88
- Asher, Dr Asher 27
- Ashkenazim 23
- Ashkenazi Synagogues, Laws and Regulations 28
- assimilation 76–7, 114–17
- Association of the American Hebrew Congregations 82
- Australia 34–5
- Austria 115
- Austrittsgemeinde 57
- avodah 20, 29, 127–8
- baalei teshuvah 147
- Babylon 15–16, 19
- Babylonian Talmud 103
- Balaam 14, 22
- Bamberger, Rabbi Selig Baer 56–7
- Baron, Salo 16
- Begin, Menachem 45
- belief, loss of 118–19
- belonging 95, 121, 125
- and the United Synagogue 143–4
- Ben Gurion, David 45
- Ben Zoma, Simeon 135
- Berlin, Rabbi Naftali Zvi 137
- bet am 74, 102–3
- Beth Din 34, 138
- bet knesset 19, 74, 121–2, 124
- Bible 91
- bnei ha-ir 103
- Board of Deputies of British Jews 24, 37, 80
- Board of Guardians 28, 34
- Breuer, Isaac 58–9
- Breuer, Mordechai 60, 61, 85
- Britain
- and Orthodoxy 62
- and religious belief 118
- Brodie, Sir Israel 87
- Buber, Martin 93
- burden, of Judaism 116
- Burke, Edmund 68
- Cain 43
- Catholics 118
- Centrist Orthodoxy 80
- chaplaincy for students 34, 138, 142
- The Character of the Jewish Community (Hirsch) 126
- charity 25
- Chelm 122
- Chief Rabbinate 24–5, 34, 37, 80–1, 86, 138, 142
- vital force for restraint 82–3
- Christianity 52, 53, 118
- conversion to 115, 116
- Chronicles 105
- Chwolson, Daniel 116
- closed institutions 138
- Cohen, Arthur A. 68, 72
- Cohen, Lionel Louis 26–7
- Cohen, Sir Robert Waley 36, 38
- Commonwealth Jewry 10–11, 34–5, 37, 122, 144
- Communal Orthodoxy 59–60
- communal separatism 137
- community
- built around synagogues 100
- and faith 97
- foundations of 126
- and God 92
- and hevrot 101–2
- inclusive 110
- and Jewish faith 89
- and Maimonides 95
- and the United Synagogue 98, 125–6, 130
- community/communal centres 19, 73–4, 75, 109
- community of faith 45, 46, 48–9, 59, 75, 98
- Anglo-Jewry 86–7, 122
- and halakhah 133
- and the United Synagogue 126, 131
- community of fate 45, 46, 48, 50, 59, 60
- in Egypt 47
- and the Holocaust and anti-Zionism 120
- community Orthodoxy 57, 59
- compassion 29
- congregational autonomy 82
- Conservative Judaism 66, 75
- continuity 114–15, 119–21, 144, 146–7
- conversion 52–3, 115, 116, 137
- conversos 134
- ‘Cousinhood’ 27, 81, 85
- covenants
- bind us to one another 128–9
- Sinai 92, 94, 106–7
- creation 21, 90, 129
- Cromwell, Oliver 23
- Cuddihy, John Murray 7
- cultural pluralism 73
- custom 67
- Daniel, book of 16
- David, King 129
- decorous worship 84
- deism 132
- deputados 24
- derashah 18
- Deuteronomy
- 14: 1 137
- 33: 4 107
- seven-yearly convocation to hear the Torah 18
- Dewey, John 116
- discontinuity, Jewish 114
- dissension 43–4
- division 43–5
- Drachman, Bernard 70
- Dreyfus trial 50
- dry bones, valley of 94
- dualism 95
- Durkheim, Émile 71
- East End Jewry 31–4, 85, 123
- Eastern Europe 113–14
- East European immigrants 31–2, 33–4, 39, 65–6, 101–2
- Ecclesiastes 91
- edah/edot 50, 51, 59, 60, 77, 87, 120, 148
- Adath Yisrael 61, 102
- and bet knesset 122
- and continuity 121
- definition 49
- and Hirsch 75
- and Knesset Yisrael 106
- and Orthodoxy 79
- and prayers 96
- and the United Synagogue 110, 143
- education 32, 117, 127
- and Adler 28–9
- Jewish day schools 34, 36
- Egypt 46–7
- Einstein, Albert, on Judaism 148
- Elazar, Daniel 19
- Elijah 54
- emancipation 7, 50, 78, 81
- German Jews had to fight for 88
- and Hirsch 54
- emunah 6, 94–5, 121, 122, 129
- definition 5
- and humility 133
- and loyalty 98
- realised in life 129
- Endelman, Todd 115
- England, Victorian 8–9, 124
- Epictetus 90
- Esau 43
- Essenes 44
- Ethics of the Fathers (Shimon ha-Tzaddik) 126
- ethnic groups 73, 74
- ethnicity 73, 75, 76–7, 120, 121, 125, 146
- Exodus 43–4
- 6: 7 60
- 25: 8 4
- Ezekiel 15, 18, 94
- Ezra 18
- factionalism 44
- Federation of Synagogues 32, 85, 126, 141
- fellowships 101–2
- First Temple 14, 15, 17–18
- France 50
- Frankel, Zechariah 67–8
- fratricide 43
- Friedlander, David 52
- Gaon, Saadia 46
- Gaon, Vilna 46
- Gemeinde Orthodoxy 57, 80
- gemilut hasadim 20, 29, 128–9
- Genesis 43
- Germany 50, 52–3, 55–8, 59, 61, 62, 78–9
- and emancipation 81
- and Hirsch 137
- immigrants in America 63
- and intermarriage 115
- religion closely related to the state 88
- Glazer, Nathan 97, 121
- God
- and Abraham 94
- belief in 118
- communicates through words in the Torah 132
- creating a space for 21–2, 129
- lives in the human heart 4
- in the midst of the community 92
- in public places 91
- goi 46
- goi kadosh 48
- Goldberg, Philip 38
- golem 3
- Graetz, Heinrich 61
- Great Synagogue 25, 26, 80–1
- Habakkuk 129
- hadarim 32
- Hafetz Hayyim 137
- Haganah 45
- Haggadah 46, 47
- halakhah 67, 129, 133
- Halevi, Judah 128
- Hambro Synagogue 26
- Hampstead Synagogue 123
- haredim 146
- Hart, Rabbi Aaron 25
- hasidah 138
- Hasidic groups 114, 147
- haverim 107
- Hebrew Bible 91
- Hebrew classes 32
- Heine, Heinrich 14
- Herberg, Will 75–6, 118
- heresy 96
- Hertford, Robert Trevors 6
- Hertz, Rabbi Joseph H. 35, 37, 70, 86, 87, 131–2
- Hertzberg, Arthur 64, 83, 120
- Herz, Solomon 32
- Herzl, Theodor 113
- Herzog, President Chaim 144
- hesed 128
- hevrot 101–2
- Hildesheimer, Rabbi Esriel 58, 79
- Hillel 134, 135
- hilonim 146
- Himmelfarb, Milton 97
- Hirsch, Samson Raphael 52, 53–5, 56–8, 79, 85, 87
- chose edah 75, 102
- and community 126
- on Reform Judaism 137
- on the Torah 127
- Hirschell, Chief Rabbi Solomon 80–1
- history, as evolution 132
- History of the Jews (Johnson) 118–19
- Horovitz, Rabbi Marcus 57
- Hosea 94
- hospitality 93
- hospital visits 138
- humility 133
- Hungary 57
- Hutner, Rabbi Isaac 79
- Huxley, Aldous 90
- identity 46, 48–9, 51, 59, 148
- immigration, Jewish 31–2, 33–4, 39, 63, 115
- inclusive community 134, 143
- inclusive Orthodoxy 109–10, 144
- inclusivism 134–5
- Independent Orthodoxy 61
- Inge, Dean 90
- institutions, and Judaism 5–6
- intermarriage 52–3, 76, 114, 115, 117
- Irgun 45
- Isaac 43
- Isaiah 21, 128, 129
- Ismael 43
- Israel 114, 145–6
- origins of the people of 46–8
- and the United Synagogue 135–6
- War of Independence 45
- Israelites 43, 44
- Israelitische Religionsgesellschaft 55, 61
- Jacob 43
- Jeremiah 104–5, 136
- Jerusalem 3, 16, 17
- Jewish belief, loss of 118–19
- Jewish Board of Guardians 26, 34
- Jewish Care 26
- Jewish Center, Manhattan 74
- Jewish Chronicle 27, 32, 54, 83
- Jewish community centres 19, 73–4, 75, 109
- Jewish continuity 114–15, 119–21, 144, 146–7
- Jewish day schools 34, 35, 36, 115
- Jewish discontinuity 114
- Jewish education 117
- see also Jewish day schools
- Jewish identity 46, 48–9, 51, 59, 148
- Jewish law 129
- Jewish Theological Seminary of America 65, 76
- Jewish Working Men’s Club 33
- Jewish worship 20, 29, 84, 127–8, 129
- Jews’ College 28, 36
- Johnson, Paul 118–19
- Joseph 43
- Joseph, Rabbi Jacob 82
- Josephus 44
- Judaism
- a collective endeavour 93
- declines the solitary 91–2
- religion of life 129–30
- Judaism as a Civilization (Kaplan) 116
- Judges, book of 44
- Kallen, Horace 73
- Kaplan, Mordecai 69–70, 71–5, 76, 102, 116
- and ethnicity 121
- kashrut 82
- kavanah 127
- kedushah 93
- kehillah 5, 6, 28, 29, 30, 102
- American Jewry failed to lay the foundations of 63, 82
- and United Synagogue 34, 138
- Kehillah Kedoshah Knesset Yisrael 103
- kiddush Hashem 136
- kindness, and redemption 129
- Knesset Yisrael 12, 61, 106, 107, 108, 122
- and the United Synagogue 10, 13, 39, 103–4, 109, 110, 123–4, 130, 144
- Kohelet 91
- Kohut, Alexander 65
- Kook, Rabbi Abraham 134, 137
- Kosmin, Professor Barry 120–1
- Kotler, Rabbi Aaron 79
- Kugel, James 21
- Landor, Walter Savage 90
- Landsmannschaften principles 19, 101
- law, and Judaism 93–4, 129–30
- Law of Secession (Germany) 56
- Laws and Regulations for Ashkenazi Synagogues 28
- Leeser, Rabbi Isaac 82
- Levites 18
- Leviticus 22: 32 107
- Liberal Synagogue 32
- Liberles, Robert 62
- Liebman, Charles 75, 76–7
- life, choosing 129–30
- Loewe, Rabbi Judah 3
- London Committee of Deputies of British Jews 24
- see also Board of Deputies of British Jews
- loyalty 98–9
- Luther, Martin 119
- Lyon, Rabbi Hart 36
- Machzikei Hadath 32, 86, 102, 123, 137
- Maharal 3
- Maimonides, Moses 48, 57–8, 128
- on community 95
- on conversion 134, 136–7
- on truth 135
- Mainz, Rabbi Moses 56
- Margolis, Rabbi Moses 70
- Marr, Wilhelm 7
- marranos 23, 63, 101, 134
- Mendelsohn, Moses 53
- Mendes, H. Pereira 65
- Micah 129
- minhag 67
- Minhag America 83
- minyan 108
- mishkan 20
- Mizrachi 59
- Modern Orthodoxy 80, 109, 110
- Montagu, Samuel 34
- Montefiore, Sir Moses 8–9, 25, 84–5
- Morais, Rabbi Sabato 65
- Moses 129, 139
- and the angels 92
- and choosing life 129
- mourning 93
- Naomi 49
- Nasser, Gamal Abdul 141
- nation 46–8
- National Jewish Population Survey, 1990 114
- nation state 7
- nature 132
- Nehemiah 18
- neighbourliness 73
- Netinah le-Ger (Adler) 28
- Newman, Aubrey 34
- The New Paths 87
- New Synagogue 26
- 'New Treaty' 26
- New York Jewry 34
- Nietzsche, Friedrich 119
- The Nineteen Letters (Hirsch) 54, 85
- O’Brian, Conor Cruise 141
- Odessa 113
- One People? (Sacks) 134, 144
- open institutions 138–9
- Orthodox Jews, and continuity 146–7
- Orthodoxy 11–12, 50, 56–7, 59–61, 78–9, 147
- American 70, 82
- British 62
- and Hirsch 54
- inclusive 109–10, 144
- minority in Germany and America 88
- outreach 147
- parnassim 83
- the particular 17
- Passover 46
- peoplehood 80, 87, 110
- see also am
- perushim 107
- Pharisees 44, 109
- Philo 18
- Pinhas 54
- 'Pittsburgh Platform' 65
- Plato 129
- Plotinus 90
- pogroms 8, 50, 113
- Popper, Sir Karl 67
- Porush, Dr Israel 35
- The Poverty of Historicism (Popper) 67
- Prague 3–4
- prayers 17–18, 95–6, 127–8
- prison visits 138
- prophets 146
- Protestant-Catholic-Jew (Herberg) 75–6
- Protestants 118
- race 8
- Radical Assimilation in English Jewish History (Endelman) 115
- Rashi 43, 48, 137
- Reconstructionalism 74, 75
- redemption 129
- Reform Judaism 50, 57–8, 78, 84
- in America 65, 88, 101
- in Germany 53, 55–6, 88, 137
- Regulations, 1847 83
- Reines, Rabbi Isaac 59
- religion, and the state 88
- religious returnees 147
- Renan, Ernest 16
- revelation 129, 132
- role-models 85
- Roth, Cecil 32, 84
- Rothschild, Baron (Lord) Nathaniel 8–9, 34
- Russia 8, 50, 115
- Ruth 49
- sacrifice 17–18
- Sadducees 44, 95, 109
- sanctuary, portable place of worship 20, 21
- Sartre, Jean-Paul 116
- Schechter, Solomon 36, 66–7, 68, 74
- Schiff, Rabbi David Tevele 25
- schismatics 96
- Schneersohn, Rabbi Menachem Mendel 79
- schools 34, 35, 36, 115
- secession 57, 58, 137
- secessionist Orthodoxy 57, 59
- Second Temple 14–15, 105, 108–9
- sectarian religious organisations 60–1
- secularisation, in Israel 145
- secularism 132
- secular Judaism 120, 133
- seder 46, 49
- Sefardim 23, 63
- Segal, Rabbi Joshua 82
- Shearith Israel 101
- shechitah 85–6
- Shekhinah 4
- shelihut 108
- sheva berakhot 93
- Shimon bar Yohai, Rabbi 104–5
- Shimon ha-Tzaddik 126
- Shir Hamaalot 135
- shteibel 142
- siddur 95
- Sinai, Mount 92, 94, 106–7
- Six Day War 142
- social welfare 20
- see also welfare
- Society for the Advancement of Judaism 74
- solitude 90, 91
- Solomon 21
- Soloveitchik, Rabbi Joseph 20, 79, 108, 134
- Spanish and Portuguese congregation 24, 25
- Spanish expulsion, 1492 23
- state, and religion 88
- Steffens, Lincoln 70–1
- Stern, Professor M. 16
- stigma, and Jewishness 116
- stork 138
- strangers 128
- structural assimilation 76–7
- study 18, 20, 126–7, 129
- Sukkot 107
- synagogues 6–7, 15–16, 101, 107–8
- belonging becomes believing 121
- as communal centres 19
- and community groups 125–6
- co-operation between 25–6
- Divine presence in 100
- home of emunah 129
- and Jerusalem in exile 17
- pray towards Jerusalem 16
- and welfare 128–9
- see also United Synagogue
- takkanot hakehal 67
- Talmud
- and bet am 74
- and commands to Israel 129
- Targum Onkelos 28
- tefillah 128
- tefillin 105
- Temples 14–15, 17–18, 105, 108–9
- The Times 85
- tinok shenishba 58
- Titus 21
- Tocqueville, Alexis de 6
- tolerance 135
- Torah 14, 20, 29, 77
- central place in synagogue service 126–7
- code of great ideals 6
- and creation 90
- and derashah 18–19
- and God 132–3
- on Israelites becoming a nation 46–8
- and study 129
- Torah im derekh eretz 61
- Torah min hashamayim 87, 131
- Toynbee, Arnold J. 119
- tradition 37, 68, 69
- transformationalism 76
- truth 129, 135
- tsibbur 103
- United States 63–77, 115
- and Orthodoxy 79
- and religious belief 118
- United Synagogue 22, 29–30, 122, 125, 131–9, 140–1, 149
- and am and edah 110
- cares about the total community 142–3
- and community of faith 126
- established 14 July 1870 23, 27
- and halakhah 133–4
- and kehillah 34, 138
- Kehillah Kedoshah Knesset Yisrael 103
- and Knesset Yisrael 10, 13, 39, 109, 123–4, 144
- not all members orthodox 97–9
- and openness 139
- power to inspire 130
- and Shir Hamaalot 135
- United Synagogue of America 66
- the universal 17
- university chaplaincy 34, 138, 142
- Victorian Anglo-Jewry 8–9, 33, 84, 124
- Vidrowitz, Rabbi Hayim 82
- War of Independence 45
- Warsaw ghetto uprising 44–5
- weddings 93
- Weizmann, Chaim 86
- welfare 20, 25, 26, 29, 35, 128–9
- Board of Guardians 28, 34
- West End Jewish community 31, 32
- Western Wall 3
- West London Synagogue 25, 84
- Williams, Bill 83
- Will We Have Jewish Grandchildren? (Sacks) 115
- Wise, Isaac Mayer 82–3, 101
- worship 20, 29, 84, 127–8, 129
- yeshivah 114, 115, 147
- Young Israel 70
- Zangwill, Israel 36–7
- Zechariah 149
- Zinkin, Yaakov 32
- Zionism 50, 58–9, 114, 121