Celebrating Life: Finding Happiness in Unexpected Places

Following the painful loss of his father, Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks began to learn how to celebrate life in a new way. He discovered where happiness lives, often in unexpected places, through family, community, friendship, and responsibilities. He also found it through a renewed relationship with God who speaks to our deepest needs.
10 Downing Street lunch 17–19
- Abel 99
- abortion 113
- Abraham 99, 102, 177
- achievement 115–16, 171–2
- Adam 98, 99
- addiction 185
- advances in society, speed of 171–2
- age of anxiety 1
- age of incorrigibility 183
- aggression 139, 140
- alcohol abuse 172
- Allen, Woody 1, 126
- altruism 61, 139, 140
- American Dearation of Independence 1
- anthropology 59
- anti-Semitism 155
- anxiety 1, 11, 186
- Aristotle 50
- Arnold, Matthew 56
- art 191
- aspiration 182, 183
- assimilation 155
- association, art of 143
- Attenborough, Lord Richard 105–6
- Augeries of Innocence 19
- Auschwitz 43–4, 174–5, 176
- Axelrod, Robert 139
- Baal, meanings 90–1
- Baal prophets 73, 74
- bad news 20–1
- Bayley, John 164
- Bellah, Robert 179
- belonging 54, 131, 145, 146
- Benigni, Roberto 4
- Bentham, Jeremy 50
- Ben Zoma, Rabbi 42, 44
- bereavement 63–4
- Berger, Peter 38
- Berlin, Sir Isaiah 163, 164
- Bet Midrash 76–7
- Bevis Marks Synagogue 166
- the Bible 99–100, 109–10, 115, 154
- and ethics of speech 127
- Hosea, book of 90
- and linear time 177–8
- and memory 117
- and rights 129
- on the Tabernacle 82–3
- Birmingham Six 166
- Blake, William 19
- blasphemy 119
- blessings 18–19, 34
- blood libels 157
- blood pressure 11
- Bohr, Niels 43, 68, 155
- bowling alone 141
- bread, mezonot 18
- Britain on the Couch (James) 14
- Buber, Martin 167
- Burke, Edmund 116
- Cahill, Thomas 177
- Cain 99
- cancer 96–7
- canopy, bridal 145
- capitalism 14–15
- Carter, Stephen L. 124–5
- catastrophe, natural 177
- Catholics 165
- C: Because Cowards get Cancer Too (Diamond) 96–7
- change 57–8, 59, 182–3, 184, 185, 186
- charity 130
- Charles, Prince 159
- chesed 125
- Chesterton, G. K. 101, 190
- childcare 93
- childhood 92, 94
- children 93–4, 99, 100, 102, 104, 114, 172
- and emotional intelligence 95
- escaping from Nazi Europe 105–6
- giving them strength to believe in themselves 161
- of God 103
- and marriage 98
- and parents 63
- and stammering 184–5
- teaching moral wisdom to 120–1
- Christianity 56, 166
- Churchill, Winston 157
- civility 117, 125
- Civility (Carter) 124–5
- civil society 125
- cognitive approaches 30
- cognitive therapy 16
- collective interest 138
- collective wellbeing 143
- common good 139, 143
- communities 135–7, 139–40, 141–3, 144–6, 153, 182
- of faith 53–5, 60–1, 137
- virtual 187
- compassion 115
- competition 54, 55
- complaining 29, 31, 33–4
- concentration camp survivors 175
- confidences 126, 127
- conflict 54, 61, 116, 178–9
- conflict resolution 116, 118
- congregations 142–3
- see also houses of worship
- consciousness 67, 68
- consumption growth 179
- conversation 78
- co-operation 55, 139, 140
- corruption 21
- countercultural force 190, 192
- courage 189
- covenantal relationship 89, 102
- creation 33, 103, 109, 110–11
- creativity 33, 44, 81
- ‘Credo’ columns, The Times 40
- crime 140, 172
- critical intelligence 80
- criticism 30
- Cromwell, Oliver 157
- crudity 119
- Crusades 156
- culture 50, 60
- Dalai Lama 167
- Darwin, Charles 138
- death 96, 97
- debt relief 166
- Demography 10
- depression 2, 3, 11, 14, 30, 172
- desires, instant satisfaction of 172
- Diamond, John 96–7
- difference 117, 118, 154–5, 183
- dignity 58, 60, 180, 183
- discretion 127
- Divine love 149
- Divine Providence 36
- divorce 93, 172
- doctorate 87
- Downing Street lunch 17–19
- drowning, rescue from 8
- drugs 3, 123, 172
- duties 129
- duty-based culture 129, 131
- Ecclesiastes 12, 48
- economics 53, 54, 59, 191
- ecosystem 93
- Elijah 73–4
- Emile (Rousseau) 181
- emotion 117
- emotional intelligence 95, 101
- emunah 88–9, 191
- see also faith
- England
- hurricane, 1987 185–6
- and religious toleration 157
- the Enlightenment 179, 180
- environment 179
- equity 116
- Esau 99
- ethics 172–3
- of speech 127
- Eve 98, 99
- evil 21–2
- exploitation 61
- failure 32–4
- fairness 116
- faith 4, 59–61, 62–3, 190–1
- and asking questions 80
- communities of 53–5, 60–1, 137
- and facing the future 89
- and friendship with other faiths 162, 165
- and how we live 12–11
- and life expectancy 10–11
- loss of 56–8
- in the personal 68
- and silence 77
- sustained discipline of meditation on the mirae of being 9
- teaches to us see what exists, not merely what catches our attention 21
- and uncertainty 83, 189
- valuing other 159–60
- see also religion
- faithfulness 92
- families 93–5, 99–100, 106, 181
- breakdown of 21
- celebrating the Sabbath together 23–4
- helping to cure defects 184–5
- and trust 182
- fatherhood 94, 95
- fathers 105
- Jonathan Sacks’s 62–4
- fear 185, 186
- Ferris, Timothy 80–1
- Feuerbach, Ludwig 83
- fidelity 115
- forgiveness 63–4, 139
- Frankl, Viktor 43–4
- freedom 44, 111, 115, 178
- the art of association 143
- and religion 57, 72
- French Revolution 181
- friends, and strangers 144, 146, 167
- friendship 54, 114, 161, 162, 165
- Fukuyama, Francis 1, 153
- fundamentalist 80
- funerals 50–1
- the future 87–8, 116, 118, 188
- and faith 89
- and God 189
- and moral principles 182
- games theory 138
- Genesis 91, 99, 100, 109
- The Gifts of the Jew (Cahill) 177
- giving 55
- global communication 172, 187
- glue 32
- God 70, 157–8
- always with us 89, 189
- and asking questions 79, 81
- and Cardinal Hume 167
- covenantal relationship with 89, 102
- and creation 110–11
- and critical intelligence 80
- and Elijah 73–4
- and his children 103
- and Hosea 90
- image of 59, 60, 72, 100, 117, 125, 129, 155
- is a person 102, 148–9, 192
- and listening 74–5, 76
- lives on earth 154
- loss of 56
- and marriage 91
- objective reality of the personal 191
- as parent 104, 162
- in the personal 68, 69
- and silence 78
- speaking to 61
- and Succot 189
- voice of 64
- and wars 153
- and where he lives 82, 83, 84
- good news 20, 22
- file of 30–1
- gossip 126–7
- government 53, 57
- grace 180
- grace before meals 17–19
- grapes 19
- The Great Disruption (Fukuyama) 1
- The Guide for the Perplexed (Maimonides) 33
- Guildford Four 166
- Halevi, Judah 102
- happiness 3–4, 98
- definitions 50
- elusiveness of 1–2, 12
- from marriage and houses of worship 11
- needs tranquility 25
- and the personal 192
- and sharing 49
- and values 51–2
- Hassidism 82, 83
- having it all 47, 123
- Hawking, Stephen 103
- Hayyim of Sens, Rabbi 156
- headlines, see life as 41
- health 10–11
- Hebrew Bible see the Bible
- Heller, Joseph 178
- hermeneutic of suspicion 61
- Herzog, Chaim 17
- Heschel, A. J. 82
- Holocaust 4, 165, 175, 179
- honesty 115
- honour 127
- hope 22, 71, 173, 180
- and Holocaust survivors 175
- and time 177, 178
- Hosea, book of 90–1, 92
- houses of worship 10–11, 53–4, 144–6
- hubris 71
- The Human Body 67
- humanity 110, 117
- human nature 3
- human rights 129
- Hume, Cardinal 165–7
- Hume, David 117, 182
- humility 165
- humour 38, 39
- hurricane, Southeast England, 1987 185–6
- ‘I,’ use of 48, 61
- ideals 63, 64
- identity 153
- Ignatieff, Michael 163
- immortality 64
- immune systems 11
- impartiality 116
- impersonal theories 60–1
- impersonal world 191, 192
- incivility 119, 140
- incorrigibility, age of 183
- indiscretion 126
- industry 116
- Inge, Dean 136
- insecurity 95, 189
- institutions, need to value 164
- intelligence
- critical 80
- emotional 95, 101
- Isaac 99
- Isaiah 83, 103
- Ish 91
- Ishmael 99
- Islam 56
- Israeli Cabinet 18
- Israel Museum 148
- Italy 7–8
- Jacob 99
- James, Oliver 14
- Jewish Sabbath 23–4
- Jews
- and difference 154–5
- reconciliation and friendship with Catholics 165
- and Succot 188–9
- Job, book of 79
- jokes 38, 39
- Joseph 43
- joy 3
- Judaism
- communal faith 136
- encourages asking questions 80
- and ethics of speech 127
- and holy words 191
- religion of questions 79
- talkative faith 77
- and tzedakah 130
- worships God in particularistic way 154
- justice 116, 130, 166
- justified criticism 30
- Kant, Immanuel 59, 117
- Kierkegaard, Søren 82
- Kindertransport 105
- kindness, acts of 125
- King, Martin Luther 167
- knowledge, acquisition 57
- known, need to be 147–9
- Kohelet 47, 48
- Landor, Walter Savage 136
- language, use of 191
- Larkin, Philip 166–7
- laughter 38, 39
- lawbreaking 21
- see also crime
- Lawson, Nigella 96–7
- learning 40, 54
- learning animals 60
- Levasseur, Thérèse 181
- Levi Yitzhak, Rabbi 23, 25
- Lewis, C. S, 3, 38–9
- Lewis, Martyn 20
- life, sanctity of 166
- life expectancy 10–11, 137
- Life is Beautiful 4
- limits, understanding 60
- linear time 177, 179–80
- listening 74–5, 76, 77–8
- living well, living long 12
- Locke, John 157
- loneliness 61, 92, 191, 192
- loss 63–4
- love 54, 55, 92, 95, 98, 115, 162
- Divine 149
- and faith 89
- and families 95, 100, 106
- and impersonal theories 61
- and loyalty 91
- and marriage 164
- and pain 101
- between parents and children 63, 104
- loyalty 91, 123
- Lubavitcher Rebbe 47–8
- Maccabi youth clubs’ sports competition 35–6
- Maimonides, Moses 33, 136
- Major, John 17, 18, 19
- males, and parenthood 94–5
- Malinowski, Bronislaw 77–8
- the market 2, 53, 55, 59, 182
- marriage 21, 87, 88, 92, 94–5
- and Baal 90, 91
- and covenantal relationship 89
- destabilizing 93
- and happiness 11
- and love 164
- one of the most majestic achievements of civilization 97–8
- Maslow, Abraham 147
- Mead, Margaret 94
- meaning-seeking animals 58
- memory 117, 173
- Mendel, Rabbi Menahem 82
- mezonot bread 18
- Mizner, Wilson 80
- moderation 116
- monotheism 70, 153
- Montefiore, Sir Moses 48–9
- moral bearings 172
- moral capital 181–2
- Moral Evasion (Selbourne) 119
- moral influence 54
- morality 52, 92, 112, 113–14, 117–18, 120
- moral judgements 119
- moral principles 64, 182
- moral relativism 166
- moral strength 123
- moral wisdom 120, 121
- Moses 33–4, 102, 177–8
- motherhood 94, 95
- mothers 103
- Mother Teresa of Calcutta 76
- Murdoch, Iris 164
- mysterium tremendum 89
- myths 70, 100, 177
- National Health Interview Survey 10
- natural catastrophe 177
- nature 3, 60, 110, 111, 185–6
- negative reciprocity 139
- neighbourliness 124–5
- nemesis 71
- news reporting 20–1, 22
- Nietzsche, Friedrich 56
- ‘No,’ the hardest word 122–3
- noise 77
- Norwich blood libel 157
- nothingness 89
- obscenity 119
- opposite, doing 42–4
- optimism 175, 180
- order 111
- Otto, Rudolph 89
- Paestum 7–8
- pain 101
- parchment, First Temple 148
- parenthood 93, 94, 98, 161
- parents 63, 100, 102–4, 114, 162
- the past 116, 118, 188
- Pauli, Wofgang 43
- peace 149, 167
- persecution, religious 156–7
- persistence 116, 118
- the personal 68, 69, 71, 191–2
- perspective, sense of 41
- phatic communion 78
- photography 32–3
- place of worship 137
- see also houses of worship
- Plato 154
- Plotinus 136
- politics 53, 54, 57, 59, 182, 191
- ‘Post-It’ pad 32
- postmodernity 179
- power 54, 55, 57, 59, 91, 92
- conflicts of 61
- of words 127–8
- prayers
- and good news 22
- and houses of worship 54
- phatic communion 78
- of thanksgiving 15–16, 21
- prejudice 179
- priestly blessings 148
- Prime Minister, John Major 17, 18, 19
- Prisoner’s Dilemma 138–40
- progress 179, 180
- Proverbs, book of 127
- providence 36
- Psalms 148–9, 166
- 19 77
- purpose, dignity of 60
- Putnam, Robert 141
- quality time 93
- questions, asking 79, 80, 81
- Rabi, Isidore 79
- Rabin, Yitzhak 43
- Rapoport, Anatole 139
- Rashi 80
- rationality 180
- Rav Kook 42
- reason 117, 179
- Rebecca 99
- reciprocal altruism 139
- reciprocity 129, 139
- recognition 147–9
- reconciliation 165, 167
- reflection, pauses for 40–1
- relationships 91–2, 97
- and God 72, 191
- and pain 101
- and trust 61
- relativism 166, 182
- religion 15, 153, 155, 162, 190
- and change 183
- and community 143
- and conflict 178–9
- the engine of civility 125
- and freedom 72
- and humour 38
- and life expectancy 10–11
- loss of 56–8
- and persecution 156–7
- and the personal 191–2
- and spirituality 164
- see also faith
- religious services 10–11
- resilience 184
- respect 55
- rest, making time for 24–5
- retaliation 139
- right and wrong, capacity to distinguish between 119
- righteousness 84
- rights 113, 129, 130
- rights-based culture 129
- risk 189
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 181, 183
- Rowntree Foundation 105
- rule of law 116
- Russell, Bertrand 73
- Sabbath 23–4, 144
- Sacks, Louis David 62–4
- Sadat, Anwar 43
- Salanter, Rabbi Yisrael 183
- sanctuary, portable place of worship 109, 110
- Sarah 99
- schools 172
- science 57, 59, 67, 70, 72, 103, 172–3
- and Bohr 68
- and the Enlightenment 179, 180
- is impersonal 191
- and lateral thinking 43
- and nature 2–3
- Scotland 35–6
- secularization 57
- Seder service 79
- Selbourne, David 119, 121
- self-consciousness 67–8
- self-control 116
- self-interest 61, 138, 139, 140
- selflessness 140
- self-righteousness 84
- seminary, rabbinical 79
- see also yeshivah
- serotonin 14
- sex 91, 92, 93, 98
- sharing 49, 54
- shtetl 40
- silence 77, 78, 128
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis 36
- single parenthood 93, 94
- social animals 60, 137
- social contract 130
- The Social Contract (Rousseau) 181
- society, laws of 110–11
- sociobiology 59, 138
- solitude 136, 191
- Solomon, King 83
- the soul 67
- speech 78, 127
- spirituality 164, 172
- stability 95
- stammering 184–5
- the state 2, 53, 55, 59
- Stirling 35–6
- strangers 117, 144, 167
- strength 98, 123, 176
- stress 24
- stress-related illness 11
- striving 64
- suicide 2, 172
- Succot 188–9
- surveys on happiness 2
- Swift, Jonathan 41
- Switzerland 7
- synagogues 144–6
- see also houses of worship
- Tabernacle 83
- Tabernacles (Succot) 188–9
- teachers 172
- technology 171, 179, 184, 187
- the Temple 83
- Teresa of Calcutta, Mother 76
- thankgiving prayers 15–16, 21
- therapeutic groups 141, 142
- third domain 55
- third way 2
- ‘Thought for the Day’ 40
- time 177, 178, 179–80
- ‘The Time of Our Joy’ 189
- The Times, ‘Credo’ columns 40
- Tit-for Tat 139
- togetherness 115
- see also belonging
- tolerance 57, 117, 157–8
- Tolstoy, Leo 98
- Torah 37–8, 109–10
- tragedy 43–4, 71
- tranquility, and happiness 25
- transcendence 58, 67
- transition 184
- tributes at funerals 50–1
- trust 61, 95, 104, 115, 120, 128, 139
- and co-operation 140
- and duty-based culture 129
- and families 182
- lack of 92, 127, 142
- and relationships 191
- Twerski, Abraham 79
- tzedakah 130
- unburdening 136–7
- uncertainty 83, 89, 184, 188, 189
- the unexpected, doing 44
- United States 172
- universe, creation of 109, 110
- universities 57
- unjustified criticism 30
- valued, sense of being 11, 59, 147–9
- values 51, 159–60, 186, 191, 192
- violence 172
- virtual communities 187
- virtues 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 127
- vision, need for 191
- voluntary organizations 141, 142
- vulnerability 83, 98
- Wall Street Journal 2
- wars 153, 178–9
- wealth 47, 53, 54
- wedding 145
- wellbeing 143
- The Whole Shebang (Ferris) 80–1
- Wiesel, Elie 77
- Wilson, James Q. 101
- Winston, Lord Robert 67
- wisdom 120, 121
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig 9, 44
- words, and power 127–8
- Wordsworth, William 77, 106
- work 23, 24
- worship, houses of 10–11, 53–4, 137, 144–6
- worth, sense of 148
- Wuthnow, Robert 142
- yeshivah 76–7, 78, 79
- York blood libel 157
- zero sum games 54
- Zusya of Hanipol 30