Short Thoughts for Succot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah

26 September 2023
succah at night chag succot hut tabernacle festival sukkah sukkot

Recorded by Rabbi Sacks in 2019, these brief thoughts reveal his ideas on the significance and symbolism of Succot, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.

In which Rabbi Sacks explores the meaning and significance of the temporary homes we eat, and sleep, and reside in, each year on Succot.


Listen carefully as Rabbi Sacks discusses the Four Kinds (the Arba Minim) taken together each Succot, and shows their surprising link to The Beatles.


In which Rabbi Sacks uncovers another layer to the chag of Succot, and its focus on the changing climate.


In which Rabbi Sacks explains the fascinating duality of the festival.


In which Rabbi Sacks finds meaning in the festival of Succot through Kohelet's journey of self-discovery.


In which Rabbi Sacks answers the deepest question of all: what is the point of living?
