Joanna Benarroch

Global Chief Executive

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Joanna Benarroch has been involved in the Jewish community for over 30 years, working with many communal organisations, synagogue bodies, community professionals and individuals and is a qualified accountant.

Joanna joined the Office of the Chief Rabbi in 1997, and worked for Rabbi Sacks for 24 years. As Executive Director, Joanna had responsibility for running a very busy public office with multi-faceted roles, managing a wonderful team and supporting Rabbi Sacks in his day-to-day activities. When Rabbi Sacks stepped down as Chief Rabbi in 2013, Joanna transitioned to jointly run his private office.

Since Rabbi Sacks’ passing in November 2020, Joanna played a key role in establishing the Rabbi Sacks Legacy to perpetuate Rabbi Sacks’ values and teachings.

Joanna is a Trustee of Jewish Futures and Jewish Women’s Aid. She is married with four children and three grandchildren.