Rabbi Sacks Receives Posthumous Honorary Doctorate from Hebrew U

13 June 2022
hebrew university ceremony video screen playing convocation

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem paid tribute to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l on 13th June 2022 – in recognition of his lifelong dedication to the Jewish people – by posthumously conferring on him an honorary doctorate. Rabbi Sacks had served as a visiting professor at the university.

The degree of Doctor of Philosophiae Honoris Causa is conferred annually on a select number of esteemed honourees from around the world. Rabbi Sacks’ brother, Eliot Sacks, accepted the award on his behalf from the Hebrew University’s president, Prof. Asher Cohen, and rector, Prof. Barak Medina.

The honourees were distinguished by academic leadership, creative achievement, or activities of notable benefit to humanity, the State of Israel, or the Jewish people, and also included award-winning film producer Quentin Tarantino, legal scholar Lee Epstein, Israeli artist Sigalit Landau, and other academics and philanthropists.

Lady Elaine Sacks said: “It was both moving and inspiring to be present as the Hebrew University bestowed this honour in memory of my dear husband, acknowledging the impact his legacy continues to make. My family and I were deeply touched by this very meaningful gesture.”

Hebrew University President, Prof. Asher Cohen, said: “Leaders inspire. They show us the way forward and light up the path for those who follow. Our honourees are all driven by a pioneering spirit and a deep sense of mission, whether in the field of academia, business, civic service or philanthropy, and their contributions are boundless.”

A new video, created especially for the ceremony by the Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust, showcased Rabbi Sacks’ life and achievements as a teacher of Torah, a moral voice, and a leader of leaders.

certificate Eliot Sacks accepting award Hebrew Universitys president Professor Asher Cohen Rector Prof Barak Medina honorary doctorate posthumous.
Pictured left to right: HU President Prof. Asher Cohen, Mr. Eliot Sacks, HU Rector Prof. Barak Medina
Eliot Sacks accepting award Hebrew Universitys president Professor Asher Cohen Rector Prof Barak Medina honorary doctorate posthumous.
Photographs by Igor Faberov
Rabbi sacks Hebrew university honorary doctorate